OK. I’m doing it. This is nerve wracking. I have no idea how I’m going to stay coherent for 24 hours straight! But it’s for the animals, it’s all for the animals, right?
So here’s the deal:
I chose a local shelter to fundraise for, the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA. Starting Friday at 6 pm, I will make one post an hour until Saturday at 5 pm, when I’ll curse, collapse in exhaustion, and try to get myself together for the conference I need to go to on Sunday afternoon. Sacrifice, people. It’s what it’s all about.
I will post about anything that enters my mind, though I am officially open to suggestions for topics starting now- never too early to plan! I have already had requests for Brody pics, which will be forthcoming in direct proportion to the number of donations I get. I doubt I will have time to organize a Pet Doctor Barbie post, though you never know. Maybe we will have guest appearances. Maybe I will just pretend to have guest appearances towards the end when I am delirious.
I will also have PRIZES! Dr. Janet Crosby has pledged a selection of her amazing lampwork beads. I’ve also had a pledge from Biscuits By Lambchop, I Love Dogs.com, and Calming Collars.com. I’m super excited!
Ya gotta play to win! I’m getting something set up now and you will see it so often on Saturday you’ll be begging for Jerry Lewis to come around and talk to me about subtlety, but that’s OK. Donations will be accepted through Network For Good. I’ll take anything. Dimes, pennies, bucks. Brody and I will be at your service (within reason- don’t get any weird ideas!).
Awesome! This is a fantastic cause and I really hope it ends up being a success. I’ll be supporting you!
I really would like to know more about how you decided on becoming a vet. I read your posts–the accidental veterinarian– but there is more to the story that I would like to hear! And I love Brody and all, but Apollo is more of a mystery to me. More pics of your gorgeous cat please!!
Can definitely do the first part. I will try my best on the Apollo pics- he is so hard to photograph!
I 2nd the suggestion for more Apollo pics. I’d also like more pics of the vet office goings-on.
I will try my very best on the Apollo thing. He is really hard to photograph! But I’ll try!
Can’t wait! Thanks, Dr. V!
This is such a neat idea in the sounds-like-torture kind of neat way. Major props to you for doing this, and I will definitely be donating!
Hope you figure out a way to mainline caffeine before the weekend ๐
I’m thinking of doing part of it from a coffee shop so I have direct service. lol.
I am soooo excited. Go Dr. V! I am cheering you on (while making bead stuff).
Go Dr. V! I’ll be cheering you on from Baltimore!
Here’s a suggestion for a post: new pet owners. What should they do when they get a new pet (cat or dog in particular)? How should you start out with a new pet and/or vet? Are there some things you wish you could tell people to do that they generally miss? (I’m planning on adopting a dog in the next year or two, and while I’ve grown up with dogs, this will be my first time as an owner. Exciting! Scary!)
that is exciting! I love it!
another post suggestion: superstitions found in the veterinary field. Things like naming your dog or cat Lucky, not saying “wow, it’s a slow day!”
Good Luck!
so true. Sooo true.
Animals who have gone to Kevin — and maybe how you have seen people able to come to peace with it? I still cry about the fact that Kevin took my Bailey from from me on July 4 after 12 1/2 years together… I think especially I am still heartbroken because no one has been able to tell me what happened. I’m guessing this type of post would have to be pretty early in the process, as it could get REALLY maudlin at 4 am! Matter of fact, I’ll contribute even more $$ if you’ll dedicate it to my Bailey…
Done! You want to email me a pic? I have a great post idea.
I will definitely send a pic! Thank you so much! (I’ll tell you a little about her too, in the email.)
Hi Dr V — I just sent you an email through the “Contact” area of the site, but I couldn’t figure out how to attach a photo of my girl… I have a couple ready to send your way!!!
Lisa, I’m so sorry for your loss.
The ASPCA had an article on a pet emergency kit but neglected to say what the things should be used for. Maybe some things you would have in the kit and why?
Would love to see a ‘First Aid’ tips or the such – i.e. what to do when the puppy inhales something roundish and starts coughing, or what symptoms to look for in case an e-vat visit is imminent…
I’d be willing to help Dr. V put together a “when to call the ER vet” post, seeing as how I’m an ER vet and all. Ask and ye shall receive ๐
Some tips on how I manage the overnights:
-Get plenty of sleep beforehand (I know this is harder when you have little kiddos about)
-Use caffeine, but use it wisely. I find if I drink too much of the stuff, all is does is make me pee and can sometimes make me more sleepy.
-Movies! Watching fun movies you love helps to stay awake, but stay away from drawn-out dramas or sleepy romances. Action movies and comidies are best.
-Graze responsibly. I tend to eat to help me stay awake on overnights, but avoid eating too much at once or heavy foods that make you sleepy.
-Random internet site abuse. I go to sites like Fark, Youtube, Facebook (if you use–I don’t), Flash game sites, etc for things to keep your brain turned on. Mindless flash games are great for this.
use this info as you will. It all seems to help me ๐
I did ONE overnight at my ER job. And I said never again. LOL. It didn’t help I was 5 months pregnant at the time. I don’t how how you guys do it.
Thank you so much for your offer to help! That would be seriously great.
Ooh, how about how to do the heimlich maneuver on a dog, since my bf just hung Sue upside and shook him a little, and hoped it would come out. I was not home at the time, or else I woudl have killed him for doing that!
I would suggest an article on the health issues inherent with venerable felines (“geriatricats”) – e.g, kidney disease, high blood pressure, potential loss of vision and what, possibly, can be done about it, etc. I would specifically mention behaviours that can be a tip that something is going on – you know how to reach me if you want specifics on that, though I’m sure you know them already. ๐
Excellent idea. Thank you!
I know you’ve done posts in the past about what to look for in dog foods, and I think one about poisonous things to keep away from dogs, maybe you could re-post these kinds of lists and/or think of some new helpful tip lists. How to keep dogs cool in summer, maybe some recommendations of toys for major chewers (pit bull owner here!) , some suggestions for healthy snacks/treats for dogs that aren’t loaded with calories.
Also, I’d like advice on what to tell people that come into your house about how they should act around your dog to keep them calm without sounding rude. We have two large dogs and they are well behaved, but some guests come into our house and without meaning to will kind of goad them into jumping up/getting excited by the guest acting excited, talking baby talk, etc. Or else the guests will sit on the couch, the dogs will be sitting on the floor next to them being very good and then the person will talk to the dogs or touch them, making the dogs excited again!
Great ideas!
Lisa, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are not alone.
To Dr V:
What a wonderful idea and great cause. All of my pets are rescues, and I’m so happy a shelter will benefit from your 24-hour blogging!
Some of these have already been mentioned:
* As Lisa mentioned, how to cope with the loss of a pet. (I think this is one area that is difficult to be prepared for — having a great vet helps but certainly it still hurts.)
* When to call Vet ER (I’d add: Symptoms where you *MUST* call/go to vet ER)
* How being a dog parent is different from being a cat parent. (I’ve been a cat person all my life but adopting a dog has been on my “bucket list”. I recently adopted a beautiful toy poodle (“Jack”) and am finding it fascinating how the pet ownership experience is different. (Example: I get out of bed more quickly, knowing that Jack probably needs to go out!)
Great ideas! Thank you!
I’d like a post on your opinion on cats with FIV. I’m going to be adopting someone new in the new year and I’m curious as to the ramifications of adopting an FIV+ cat (life expectancy, additional cost, overall quality of life). I know a lot of people skip over these cats in the shelters.. what’s your opinion?
That is a super idea and it ties in so well with the shelter theme! Thank you! I will definitely do that.
I would really like to see a blog about what you do when you’re NOT being a vet. What do you do with your family? Stuff like that.
Blogging about upper respiratory disease since this is a shelter thing would be cool. Canine flu and the vax would also be cool! You rock girl! Go get ’em!
You are just chock full of ideas woman! And then the filet mignon thing…what can I put you down for? A buck a minute? ๐
Along the lines of the shelter theme, maybe do something on the benefits of adopting an older pet (as opposed to puppies and kittens). I know it’s something we’ve all heard before, but those puppies and kittens are just so darn cute that we are drawn to them. The trainer at my local shelter calls the older ones “plug and play” pets. Lots of them have already been through the struggles of housebreaking, basic training, etc. Lots of them never get a second chance to become part of a family.
sooooo true. Great idea. Love the name plug and play!
โplug and playโ pets – I like that, Tonya! So true, tue. Yeah, good topic Dr V.
Also liked what VetLovingPetsHB said – “I would really like to see a blog about what you do when youโre NOT being a vet. What do you do with your family? Stuff like that.”
I have to wonder a little though… Brody + filet mignon and you + dog food. Hmmm! lol
I know, right? Geez louise.
I’m definitely going to be watching your blogathon! (I’ll make sure to put in my donation beforehand) Can’t wait to see all the great posts that come forth! ๐
Please consider writing about AniMeals! We have a blog as well . . . http://www.animeals.wordpress.com
Chica, you so rock to try that k9cuisine diet. Did you say you wanted me to do some kind of taste test with several diets? Are you looking more for which comparable diet by different companies tastes best or which of the many prescription diets is better or what? Pretty sure I couldn’t finish every can in that picture plus the two I missed, but I can bring Splish & Joe for leftovers. You’re the blogger, so just let me know. I’m on Eastern time if that matters. Are you going to eat yours over time or all at once? Friday or Saturday? If that Ustream thing works, we probably want to be on at different times so people don’t have to switch back & forth. Tweet me or FB me or whatever. Maybe I’ll try the doggy toothpaste when we’re done…IF people donate. ROFL
Ugh, so many details to work out! E-mail me? drv@pawcurious.com.
My friend from the shelter is in for the chat.
That is so wonderful! I hope you have some conversation starters. :/ I stink at chat.