Southwest Airlines is allowing pets on board!* Finally!
*-must fit under your seat
-no more than 5 per flight
-cannot go in cargo
-counts as your carryon
-$75 per pet
-cats and small dogs only
In other words, this is great news for….uh, Paris Hilton. And cat owners who want to take Fluffy to Vegas for the weekend. Oh well. It’s a step in the right direction.
It is a good step, but I still wonder if something counts as your carry on and must fit under the seat, why the fee is so high. For $150 roundtrip, that could be a full seat (I tried that route once and they said ”nice try, you still have to pay the pet fee”).
Hmmm….what if I dress Cookie up as a little girl? I wonder if that would fly (ha ha pun intended). I’m waiting for the day they realize they could make a ton of money if they just set up a kennel area in the very back of the plane (NOT CARGO) and charged so much for the pets.
Or maybe a trade off. You got a screaming kid? We’re putting the kid in the cargo and the well behaved dog gets to take their place in their seat.