To summarize:
Mulan had renal disease, oral melanoma, and severe allergies.
Emmett got lymphoma- the most chemotherapy sensitive cancer- that resisted aggressive chemotherapy.
Ariel got, well, who the hell knows. I am still baffled.
My cats are a little more subtle; they don’t like those big, dramatic, fatal diseases but they do like to make it known that they have issues too.
Apollo has IBD and food allergies.
And now Calypso has feline oral resorptive lesions. I discovered this while doing a routine dental (which is also how Mulan’s melanoma was discovered.) I was pretty horrified to have missed that, to be honest, since she had to my knowledge exhibited no obvious signs of problems- but I also don’t spend a lot of time examining her outside of her scheduled trips to work with me. She isn’t the kind of cat for which that is, shall we say, conducive.
As one may note in the linked article, oral radiographs really are essential to evaluate the tooth roots in these kitties. Some well equipped veterinary hospitals have these; mine does not, necessitating a trip to the local veterinary dentist. Yes, there are veterinary dentists. And oncologists, surgeons, internal medicine specialists, dermatologists, you name it.
On the day of our consultation, I also had to take Emmett to the specialist for a chemotherapy injection at a different specialty hospital. So Emmett came along for the trip to the dentist, who I’m sure was wondering why this weird person felt it necessary to bring a dog along for her cat’s trip to the dentist. Though that would be a little less bewildering than the oncologist who would wonder what sane person would shove an angry cat in a carrier to take to a dog’s chemo appointment for no apparent reason.
I was very concerned about that as I sat in the lobby, balancing a cat carrier on my lap and a dog leash in my one free hand. I felt I had to explain it so they wouldn’t think I was insane. I heard myself, as if from a distance, talking about Emmett’s chemo and Callie’s teeth and a little voice in my head whispered, “You’ve become one of those people.” The ones who wear wool sweater vests with silver cat pins and tell the lobby their life story and the life stories of each of their pets. But what choice did I have? (But I don’t dress like that.)
So today was Calypso’s scheduled surgery. I arrive, more nervous than normal because the Evil Spectre of Kevin has me convinced he has it out for my pets. Then the receptionist: “How’s that cute Golden of yours?”
Guess she missed the explanation in the lobby last time.
Me: “He died.”
That ended that pleasant banter.
Anyway, Calypso got her radiographs, had the offending roots drilled out, and did just fine, thank goodness. She is now pleasantly swaying to the after effects of her pain meds in my living room, alternately rubbing me for pets, remembering what I just did to her, then hissing and running away.
Dr. V, I’m so glad to hear Calypso is doing well. Kevin needs to go mess with some other family and leave your babies alone.
Reading your blog is truly one of my favorite things to do online. I love your writing style. Thanks for sharing the highs and lows of your day with us.
I think it’s Kevin that is keeping you on your toes. Although he made sure that all your pets got the best caretaker that’s for sure. I’m glad Calypso is doing well and I hope she stays that way. And also forgets what “you” did to her.
Thank you for the lol’s. I too often feel the need to explain my life be/c I think people will think I am “one of those people.” (I used to do foster care for cats and ended up keeping quite a few cats that were “unadoptable” – skittish and hid under the beds so that nobody ever got to see them. As a result, I have 12 cats. And 2 guinea pigs – but that’s a whole ‘nother story.) I work VERY hard to maintain a normal life and a relatively clean house – in addition to keeping my kids happy, healthy, and well-loved. I have alot of friends and family and I socialize a great deal. But every time I buy cat food or litter, someone says, “so how many cats do you have?” And I feel the compulsion to explain… So again, thank you for the feeling of camaraderie.
holey moley! i’m glad to hear Calypso is doing well and that she is nice and swayey. hopefully she’ll be feeling like her regular self soon…or not? 😉 hope you guys had a relaxing weekend otherwise.
Kevin needs to cut it out. Seriously. Any sneeze, vomiting incident, any glance the wrong way and I get weepy thinking Kevin’s going to get extra greedy. I’m glad Calypso is okay!