I know, I know. Two weekend blog posts. I’m going to run out of stuff to say this week.
I’ve decided to try something out and see how it goes. On Sundays I’d like to take the time to recognize a company, group, or person who is doing something good for animals. It can be something small, something large, or even just something cool that I thought everyone else might like to hear about too. We spend so much time hearing on the news terrible things about chained up neglected dogs and people putting kittens on the grill and other stories so horrible that if I continue to think about them I’ll lock myself in the closet and cry all day, so instead I’d like to send a little goodwill out into the universe in the hopes that others are cheered by the good work that you all do.
Because I’m lazy, I’m also fine with having this spot be a guest post, if you want to toot your own horn or that of someone else tootable. Feel free to e-mail me through the blog at drv@pawcurious.com if you want to submit a story or a link featuring someone doing good. I have no prizes to award other than the thrill of being recognized here, but feel free to lie and tell people I’m Marty Becker if that makes it more exciting.
With that, my very first Inaugural Sunday Shout Out goes to the people at The Honest Kitchen, one of my favorite pet food companies (and local too!) to recognize their efforts to help pets impacted by the massive Southern California wildfires this past month:
Recently, a batch of The Honest Kitchen’s all natural, fresh food was made using white potatoes in place of the recipe’s sweet potatoes – the first such formulation error in our company’s seven year history. Because of this mistake we will of course be unable to supply it to our customers. Rather than destroy the food, we will donate quantities to select Southern California shelters and animal rescue organizations helping to care for pets who have been displaced by the wildfires that have been blazing in the region.
We will cover the cost for all shipping associated with transporting the food from our manufacture facility to organizations that can use it. Any 401c(3) animal rescue organizations in regions affected by the wildfires interested in receiving the food are invited to contact The Honest Kitchen directly…
So instead of trashing a batch of perfectly good food, they have agreed not only to donate it, but to cover the costs of shipping (which are always pretty significant.) There are many rescues in the affected region struggling to make ends meet right now, so the company hopes to get the word out through as many venues as possible. If you know any rescues in the region who could use this, please pass it on!
Although they only asked me to spread the word about this time-sensitive program, I wanted to also point out that they give a substantial amount to many charities, so kudos to Honest Kitchen for all their great work. The site and blog are worth a look- it’s good stuff all around. Brody agrees. 🙂
hear hear for Honest Kitchen!
That is awesome! Kudos to Honest Kitchen. And I love this new Sunday shout-out program. There are so many people and organizations working tirelessly to help furry friends. Thank you! xoxo
That is awesome! I actually just ordered a whole slew of their samples yesterday because of all the good things that I hear about the company. Hopefully Benjen will love their food!
The Honest Kitchen also donates to 2dogs2000miles.org for the two Great Pyrs that are on the walk! Speaking of 2dogs2000miles.org, they just had a Canine Cancer Caucus in Washington D.C. on Friday, and they had over 100 people from 7 states and their canine pals walk 2.5 miles show up, then had 2 speakers talk about Canine Cancer! I wish I could have been there, but did not have the time to take off of work. The Honest Kitchen made me think of them and I just thought you might be interested in looking them up and possibly writing about Luke and his two great dogs Hudson and Murphy and their long journey walking from Austin, TX to Boston, MA to raise awareness of Canine Cancer. 🙂
Oh, and after clicking on the charities link at Honest Kitchen, I see that 2dogs2000miles is listed. Yay! 🙂