I want to do a gift guide! Gift guides sound like so much fun! I’ve never done one before but I figure featuring a variety of items from stocking stuffers to ridiculously extravagant would be a blast.
As it stands Brody is still eating out of an old metal dish my boss gave to me from her backyard (I can’t bring myself to let him use Emmett’s old bowl, am I a freak or what?) and sleeping in his crate. He’s worked his rear off being the face of this blog the last half of the year so I think he deserves something nice from Santa. And Apollo too for putting up with him.
I’ll accept submissions for pet gift ideas for one week at drv@pawcurious.com. Please note: the submissions should be for products, not retailer websites, though if you are a retailer and have a favorite item to submit I would be happy to link you as a source to obtain the item if it makes the guide. I’m also happy to host any giveaways for readers.
Send your favorite cool pet product ideas in- I’m always interested in products that are eco-friendly and/or benefit rescue!- and I’ll be trolling the net as well. I promise, no stuffed excrement toys.
stuffed excrement toys? that has to be the grossest thing ever.
There are a lot of things I’ve been drooling over to buy little Prudie. I really want to get her a dog tag from MakeYourDogSmile on Etsy. Especially this one http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=34665506 because she really is my best friend. And the tags are the coolest things ever.
I actually bought a tag from that seller a bit ago. It’s gorgeous. 🙂