I closed nominations, and I’m working on getting everything categorized now. When I’m done, I’m going to assemble a top-notch panel of experts (read: suckers willing to volunteer) to help me narrow the nominees down to finalists in each category.
Then once I figure out the appropriate WordPress plugin everyone gets to vote.
I have no prizes other than bragging rights, but I will say you guys nominated some fantastic blogs I’ve never seen before, which is reward enough for me. 🙂
I’m always up for volunteering!
shoot! i just found you today. i have a fantastic blog i would have nominated, very cute and clever. http://kalyxcornucopia.blogspot.com/ oh well, next year!
lol, re-reading what i wrote, it sounds like i’m full of myself and my fantastic blog. i mean i KNOW OF a fantastic blog! it’s not MINE. mine is kind of lame, lol!!!