When I was speaking at BlogPaws I looked out into the group and saw some people looking back, others taking notes, and a third group tapping away at keyboards. In the olden days (you must read this in a geezer voice) that would be a major insult, but I assumed after watching people all morning that the typists were giving real-time updates on Twitter which is actually highly complimentary.
Of course, you never know if they are speaking well or poorly of you until you get a chance to check yourself, but as I was walking out of the room someone who had been at a different session said to me, “Oh yeah, the consensus is that it went great!”
“How can you have heard that?” I said. “I just finished talking 10 seconds ago.”
She just laughed at me. Welcome to the new world order.
And you know, everyone is always excited and motivated after a big feel good moment like this conference, but the real challenge is keeping that up after you go home and put on your pajamas. That is why I keep pestering you guys. I figure enough of you will stick around until I get back to posting Brody pictures to make it worth it.
I will admit that throwing down the gauntlet in a room of unsuspecting conference attendees who were expecting a nice quiet afternoon session was a bit of a calculated risk. There’s nothing worse than standing in front of a crowd and yelling with all the enthusiasm one can muster, “WHO’s WITH ME? YAAAAAHHHHH!” and getting nothing but blank stares and cricket chirps in response (we call this the Howard Dean effect). Thank God for Lynn’s video! How can you not be amped by anything from the Glee soundtrack?
I watched Twitter anxiously as everyone traveled home. You all got some much needed sleep. Things were quiet. I waited.
The chatter started, bit by bit. And then it started to grow. You all have been plotting. I’ve gotten e-mails and tweets from sponsors wanting to donate, questions from bloggers taking on giveaways for the first time, and the thing that has me most intrigued-
“I have something big planned. You’ll just have to wait to find out what it is.”
This from several of you trouble makers. TELL ME DANGIT! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!
I have a feeling you all are going to keep me busy on Friday! I love it!
I will leave you with my favorite quote from the Blog Paws video:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”….Margaret Meade
Hey! What’s going on? I want to help!!
Well, my BIG thing is going to take time to figure out and pull together, but I may start writing about it on Be the Change blog post day (Friday). Either way, I’ll install the donation widget to help the greater cause.
All the buzzing is exciting
Love the “Be the Change” theme. I am so into supporting my local animal shelter and local humane society. If everyone would do a little, that would sure turn into a whole lot. Sounds like a good blog topic for Friday!
Getting so excited about all the “Change-Being” that is going on!
Oh I have so many ideas. I love being surrounded (whether it be virtual or not) by such inspiring and motivated people; especially you Dr. V! Pru and I have been plotting ceaselessly as well as I and my Etsy business partner.
I love that Margaret Meade quote! It’s been my inspiration and on my blog for ages
Can’t wait to see how well Friday goes!