I think you all know I love service dogs. I think they are the heroes of the animal world, those inherent givers who by virtue of their temperaments have demonstrated they possess not only the ability, but the willingness to spend their lives in selfless service of another.
This is Bradyn. Isn’t he adorable?
Bradyn has severe uncontrolled epilepsy. His parents are trying to get him a service dog so that they might be able to sleep through the night without fearing if they drift off too deeply, they might miss a seizure and the need to perform CPR.
If you’re a parent, you know the feeling of never sleeping quite deeply enough- your ears so finely attuned to the smallest whine or grunt that you dart awake and run to your baby, just to make sure they are well. But for most people, that goes away with time. I can’t imagine going to sleep with that fear every single night.
Bradyn’s family is working with 4 Paws For Ability to get him his dog. Their responsibility in order to receive a dog is to raise $13,000 of the $22,000 it costs to raise such a dog. I pictured these tired parents, getting a night of rest for the first time in 4 years, while their child sleeps with his hand on a soft Brody-head, and I knew I wanted to help.
I am looking for advertisers who would be interested in an ad on this site- a 160 x 600 over where the Zazzle widget sits now (that’s all old stuff anyway, I need to come up with some new things!) It is not a paid spot, but a gift in thanks for a donation to the 501 c nonprofit 4 Paws For Ability towards Bradyn’s goal. If you’re a company interested in this or some other sponsorship for the same end, drop me a line at drv@pawcurious.com.
Hey there Dr. V – This is Bradyn’s mom. Thank you so much for for helping! We really appreciate your help!
What a cute little boy! I love Service Dogs also and I sure want to help this precious child get his. Thanks for spreading the word!!