Some people take their kids to church on Sundays. Others take them to monster truck rallies. Me, I take my kids to as many animal related things as I can find.
Sure, we try to fit in some culture here and there, and should they express an interest in attending a sporting event I’m sure we my husband will be happy to take them. But for now while they are young and subject to my whims, we do what I want, so we went to the San Diego Pet Expo this weekend.
It was a fun place for the animal loving public to come together and meet local vendors, see pets up for adoption, and listen to presentations from local animal celebrities. The event was low-key and unpretentious, reflecting the local culture pretty well, I’d say.
Our first stop was the dock diving competition, which my kids and the crowd found just as enthralling as I did the first time I saw it at AKC Eukanuba.
Steely concentration is the name of the game.
This dog was grinning from ear to ear from take off to landing. I love the joyfulness!
Her jump may have only been one foot, but what she lacks in extension she makes up for in gumption.
There were tons of rescue organizations there as well. I do hope they found some homes for these guys. There were THREE Golden rescues there, and all things considered I showed remarkable restraint. There was even a local sanctuary hospice (and I think I still have their card, Lisa! I told them about you!)
In contrast, I felt really sad seeing the raggedy local animal control display next to those of the better funded organizations. They could really use a media makeover. I wonder if anyone’s ever attempted it.
Just a random pretty Rottie with a soulful stare:
Chopper, one of several local animal celebrities in the crowd:
He rode that Harley around the entire grounds and didn’t move a muscle. This is a Boston terrier we’re talking about. I was seriously impressed.
Speaking of celebrities, we also got to see our friend Ricochet, Surf Dog extraordinaire. The poor dog was dead tired but she still gamely sat for pictures with every enthusiastic visitor, grown ups and kids alike.
Little chichi catching a ride at the chihuahua rescue booth:
This hat peddling crew killed me. I can’t tell if the sign was meant to be ironic or not.
Although the expo was heavily slanted towards the dogs, there was a good showing of other beasties about. Look! It’s Zazu!
How gorgeous is he? I love the inquisitive gaze.
The fact that so many people took part of their day to come out just to hang out and see animal stuff was very heartening. We actually randomly ran into one of my son’s preschool classmates in the lemonade line, which gives me hope for humanity. A good time was had by all (except Brody and Koa, who had to stay at home.)
Wow, I’m jealous. That looks like lots of fun.
We were able to take 4 month old Honey to a pet expo in Rochester, NY that was a pale shadow of the San Diego expo. But it was a great socialization event. She did great with all the other dogs and wasn’t fazed by the crowds. And she met her first Irish Wolfhound. I’d have no idea how to introduce her to such a big dog if not for that event.
Wow, thanks for thinking of me, Dr V!!! I’d love to have their info. It’s funny, when I first came up with this idea I couldn’t find anyone else who was doing it, and now I have heard about two or three organizations. It would be awesome if they would be willing to spend some time answering questions.
Thanks for sharing the experience of this event — it looks like a blast. Maybe we’ll have one around here sometime…
What a fun day! It would be awesome if there was something like that around here. One of the reasons I miss living in a bigger city. I love watching the dock dogs on television. Their enthusiasm is breath-taking.
How cool you got to meet some real celebrities as well. I hope the event helped many pets find their ideal homes.
That looks awesome. My one dog would have loved jumping after the toy into the water, though I don’t think he could have gotten as much air as that pit.
OMG the hat peddlers! Hilarous. If the sign was serious, I’m dying laughing over here.
Maybe you should attempt to give a makeover to the local animal control booth for next time. Make it one of your projects. I can try to help from afar.
So glad you went and reported back. Sadly I couldnt make either day due to commitments and I was bummed about it. 2 rescues I volunteer for were there and I finally wanted to meet Ricochet. Looks like a good ole time for the family. I am looking forward to the big Pet Expo in OC coming up. Last year was a ball.
I am so jealous – it looks so fun! Loved the hat peddlers… best sign ever. I also really enjoyed the dock diving photos!
I love the dock diving dogs! That is so much fun to watch on TV, and I hope to see it in person someday.
Sounds like so much fun! Plus, I LOVE Chopper the bike dog (being a Boston Terrier lover, it’s practically required). 🙂