The excitement here is really something. Today is the first official day of the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, though the prep has been going on all week.
Earlier, I watched the Bostons take the Breeders’ Stakes preliminaries; the finals will be this afternoon.
Aren’t these dogs amazing? They just sit calmly and wait amidst all the cacophony.
Tonight is the World Challenge, where people and dogs from 42 countries will be here to compete in a special World Challenge event. It’s a huge deal and super exciting to watch, kind of like the Dog Show Olympics. If you want to catch the live streaming, it’s here: Eukanuba Live Stream. It’s actually live all weekend. Look for me ringside during the evening shows! I’ll be on Facebook and Twitter during both.
Anyone in particular you are rooting for? You all know where my heart is.
Someone should interview the dogs to find out what they really think of all the chaos 😉
just in case you needed more boston convincing material