Westminster was so much fun. I can’t wait to go home and sort through all the pictures. For my first time there, it was an eventful experience.
One, there was drama. There’s always drama at these shows to begin with, it seems, but this year was extra dramatic. I know lots of you already know about the controversy about Westminster breaking ties with Pedigree, and all I can say for now is that I am going to do all I can to get a better understanding about what happened and report back to you, because I think it’s a worthy topic to discuss.
But there was other drama too. I actually like the Pekingese who won, but there were plenty of disgruntled people muttering around me about how they liked the Irish Setter or the Dalmatian or what have you. I’m not vested in that world so to me, so I just sit back and enjoy seeing the many beautiful dogs. Who won or did not win is not that important to me. I met Maverick, who some of you have already heard about- he went from being a rescue dog on Craigslist to showing at Westminster and Eukanuba. AMAZING story and I can’t wait to share him with you all.
But aside from that, I took a breather to do the one thing I really wanted to see in New York aside from the show itself, and that was the World Trade Center memorial. It was very moving, and jarring and surreal to be there.
It’s late, and I have to be up early to jet back home, so forgive me this abbreviated post. I promise to write lots more later. In the meantime, how was your Valentine’s Day? Anyone have anything fun they did with the pups or something else exciting to share? I’m already in the doghouse for missing this holiday at home so I have to plan something good in the next six hours. π
I had a wonderful valentines day. I was given something warm and thoughtful and from within. It was my cats urine. I had to collect it and rush it off to the vet office for testing. But at least I got the sample!
I tried to spot you in the crowd at Westminster! I was so bummed that the Golden didn’t win Best in Group, and then no one I really liked won the Working Group either (and I was REALLY tired) that I didn’t watch the rest of the show. Poor sport of me, I know! Can’t wait to see your photos and hear more about your experiences, though!
BTW, I went to Ground Zero the last time I was in NY, about five years ago. Obviously they didn’t have any of the memorial finished at that point, but you surely couldn’t miss that this was hallowed ground.
Maybe they need a Most Popular category that the general public can vote on π Hope there’s an extra special V-day suprise for you when you get home!
i go to the akc in raleigh, 2/yr which is how i met my min. schnauzer breeder, brenda brown in lake worth, fl. i have 2 of her dogs….yes, it is a circus and i am not a fan of showing. i showed horses along the east coast and mid west…and it is worse than showing dogs now….the more you promote the animal, more you advertise, better and more popular handler you have, the dog wins, even if it is not the best. i have seen dogs win that were over the height limit, or other things such as the gate, conformation, not right….that being said, i envy you. i am glad that you had a great time. i am very interested in the dog from craigslist that showed….new york can be scary, you just have to have your wits abt you and use good common sense….i was not as lucky as you in my trips to ny….got a cab driver that would not let me out of his cab. i just threw some money at him and took off at the next stop…..and there were other stories….my sister lives there and loves it, but she is a different breed….if you know anyone interested in very nice, nice miniature schnauzer, my breeder has beautiful ones. she only breeds abt 1/yr…but my girls which i do not show, are just beauty queens….she is very, very particular who she sells her dogs too as most reputable breeders are….