On Saturday, I’m boarding a plane yet again and jetting off- strangely enough- right back to Orlando, the last place I went on a trip. The last quarter of 2012 was a blur, and then I had a break the last few weeks. If you consider moving and unpacking a break, that is (it’s about as restful as sleeping on a bed of nails, for reference.)

I’m not exactly ramping up again, not quite. It’s just a wee side trip to the North American Veterinary Conference to man the World Vets booth, one of the perks of going on trips and not embarrassing the organization over a multiple month period. I’m a voluntevangelist. A purveyor of the World Vets experience.
As you know, World Vets launched the veterinary textbook drive last year, and to date they have a good 50 or so books sent in, which is excellent.
I want more. I KNOW all you vets out there have at least 20 apiece collecting dust in your library, or your garage, or a storage unit. You have one or two or three you still use on occasion and then you rely on VIN for everything else. So send them in! Our colleagues in Central and South America have nothing except the notes they managed to take down in school. That old Fossum could- would, I guarantee it- save lives.
Or do you still need them? Dr. Roark and I investigated the topic last month, with the gracious help of Dr. Chris Hoolihan and his staff at Pacific Beach Veterinary Clinic.
It’s not too late! Never too late to lose a few unwanted pounds! So send those books in- your colleagues will thank you. And if you’re not a vet, tell them about the drive next time you’re in- I bet they have at least one or two books World Vets could really use.
Anyone going to NAVC? Give me a shout! I’d love to meet up.
50 seems a small number. I hope they come in in droves 🙂
Me too!
Have sent the link to this post along to my favorite vets here in town (they get LOTS of business from me and I love them). Since I’m going through the great purge of 2013 and just finished cleaning out a plethora of books to donate to a local training facility library I figured they could do the same!
Thank you Sherry!
Awesome video – this actually works for almost anyone with too many books and several places they could go to do some REAL good. Since I wasn’t focused enough to even APPLY to Vet School, I think I’ll go through my books this weekend and send some of them, along with half my closet (can’t EVER wear that again!) to my local thrift shop. They tell me less really is more!
I love that!
As a tip… if you are sending books, send them MEDIA MAIL. If you send via the Post Office, it is significantly cheaper than first class mail… but it must be ONLY books.
EXCELLENT reminder. Thank you.