I usually spend this time of year making up wishlists for dogs and cats, and with a new kitten in the house, there’s plenty she could be interested in finding under the tree (though for her, the tree itself is present enough). But then I saw a few things that I just had to stick on my Amazon Wishlist, and because I thought they were awesome I thought some of you out there might find them awesome too. If you want to get that special vet in your life something that blows the lid off a “I love dogs” keychain, here you go.
For the Glamourpuss: The Feline Hermes Scarf
OK, I don’t actually know any veterinarians who can afford a $600 scarf, or if they could would spend it on that as opposed to, say, one of those nifty electronic stethoscopes, but nonetheless it is beautiful and so I will put it here. Because you never know, lottery wins happen.
Not that I would bring this anywhere near a vet clinic filled with claws and anal glands, but it would make a heck of a statement as a surgery cap, wouldn’t it?
For the Shoe Fiend: Give your feet a bone
I’ve made no secret of it that I love fancy shoes. Do I get to wear them very much? Well, no, I actually wear Keens 99% of the time. Perhaps it is for this very reason that I so covet designer shoes, because they are as practical to my profession as, say, a Hermes surgical cap. But look, these Charlotte Olympias have BONES on them. BONES!
Charlotte Olympia Skeleton shoes, $785 at Net a Porter.
OK, I realize these are the veterinary equivalent of the Victoria’s Secret 10 million dollar bra, so let’s bring this on down to reality and share a couple of things mere mortals might actually buy:
For the Christmas Nut: Veterinarian Nutcracker
Come on. COME ON. I need this like the desert needs the rain.
I’m sure I could find a coach and a painter to foist the other two in the set off on. $44.97 at World Market.
For the Art Lover: The Most Adorable Sculpture Ever
It really is. Anthropologie, I just can’t quit you. Wire sculpture here:
Art not your thing? How about the perfect coffee table book?
Old dogs ARE the best dogs.
For the Person Who Can’t Resist Nativity Sets: Dachshund Nativity
I don’t care that dog nativity sets routinely round out top ten lists of worst nativity sets ever, I would put this out on my mantel every year with absolute glee. And given this Etsy lady’s shop is backordered, I don’t think I am the only one.
Custom breed nativity set, $106 on Etsy. I can request a Golden nativity set? Why do I never figure this stuff out until late December?
For the Vet with the Huge Tree in the Lobby: The Ornament that Says it all
Or maybe this one:
For anyone, anytime: The Freebie
The holidays are rough, tensions are high, tempers are low. When the vet or the tech comes out to meet you in the lobby covered in scratches, fur, and the apologetic cup of Nosorb indicating that, in fact, she was unable to obtain that urine sample after all, consider the wise words of Shel Silverstein and hug it out:
While I don’t advocate tackling your vet to the ground for a kissing and rolling match- it doesn’t generally go over well, so leave that part to the dog- a hug can sometimes be the best gift of all.
That nativity set! LOVE!
must. have. nativity.
I’m all over the wire cat sculpture and I don’t even own a cat! Great list, Dr. V!