January 2009 Dr. V: OK Mr. Jones, your pug Dudley needs a dental cleaning. Unfortunately, at 28 pounds he's a pretty severe anesthetic risk. We have a little time to wait, so how about we work on his weight and plan to do the dental in a few months? Mr. Jones: Oh absolutely! Give me that r/d card, I'm on it! Dr. V: I'm so happy to hear that you are on board! We'll see you for Dudley's weight check in a month. February 2009 Dr. V: Did Dudley miss his weight check ... Read more »
The importance of accoutrements
Seeing as how 80% of the entering class at most vet schools is female, I think a sidenote to talk about mascara in a pet blog is OK. And if you're a guy who likes mascara aka Adam Lambert, that is OK too. We do not judge here. Vets are many things, but "fashion forward" does not immediately come to mind. Sure there are some of us who are well dressed, but as a vet school entrance requirement, not so much. I would say it was maybe 50/50 in my class as to how many people wore makeup at all. We ... Read more »
I put all the names in a hat from my Inaugural Blog Post contest, and the winner is: msubugvet! Drop me a line at drv@pawcurious.com with your information and I will get that gift certificate out to you! ... Read more »
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Well, at least to the Americans. Everyone else enjoy your weekend. :) The Independence Day holiday is one of the busiest times for animal control officers and emergency clinics. More dogs get out of their yards on this day than on any other day of the year, for obvious reasons. Panicked dogs thinking they are under attack can do the most unbelievable things in their state of duress- destroy couches, jump 7 foot fences in a single bound, bust through sliding glass doors (for real!), then, all ... Read more »
For K
(K, I hope you don't mind me talking about you here- if so please let me know and I will remove this right away.) My heart is breaking for my friend today. She has a wonderful cat Bailey, whom she adores and spoils and overall just loves to pieces. Bailey has been having a rough go of it lately- what started as an upper respiratory infection turned into a frightening series of seizures. After a myriad of vet visits, referrals, clueless receptionists and a neurologist visit, K and her husband ... Read more »
And we are live!
Woo hoo! I am so excited to have my fancy schmancy awesome new website live! My website designer is probably excited too since this means I am done pestering and asking questions that make it apparent how very little I know about web development. In honor of this exciting occasion, how about a prize? Comment below with: 1. A story about your pet 2. The coolest feature of this new design or 3. A good joke (We can always use good jokes.) I'll toss all the names in a hat and let the ... Read more »
Stay Tuned!
Jon and Kate got you down? Need some good news to look forward to? I've got you covered. Stay tuned to pawcurious- I've been working with the fabulous Joelle at Moxie Design Studios, and the New and Vastly Improved site will be up and running shortly! I can't wait. It looks fan-tastic. Comments are disabled while the entries are being migrated to the new server, though my e-mail will still work if you have a pressing need to contact me, which I imagine you won't. If you need something else ... Read more »
Ah, continuing education
Like most (all?) medical professionals in our state, veterinarians have a continuing education requirement. I'm not against it at all. It's actually pretty staggering how much changes in the field from year to year. I've been out of school less than 10 years and I already feel like a grumpy old geezer when I go to these things- "Whaddya mean you're not supposed to use steroids for trauma? In MYYYYY day, we slugged those guys with 2 bottles of solu delt! And they LIKED it!" (needs to be said in a ... Read more »
Things Dogs Like
I've been wanting to take Emmett to dog beach in the worst way, but life keeps getting in the way. Emmett gets Very Excited at dog beach. The first time I took him was not two weeks after I brought Mulan home; I didn't know her too well so I was focused on her while we were there. Emmett went nuts. He was having the time of his life. So much so, in fact, that he followed his new doggie friend out of the beach, down the sidewalk and onto a busy road. The whole time I am running after, dragging ... Read more »
Pets CAN fly the friendly skies! (or, Woo hoo for real!)
How funny that I just posted last week about Southwest's new "pet friendly" policy, and one of the comments was to the effect of how nice it would be to have an airline where all the pets were welcome in the cabin. Ask, and ye shall receive! Voila- Pet Airways! Their prices seem pretty inexpensive to me (in the mid $100 range each way), especially considering the alternatives. Flying a pet in cargo certainly isn't cheap, nor is hiring someone to drive your pet if you cannot yourself. It ... Read more »