When I was in college, I worked for a very prestigious urologist. I think most of you remember that. The Viagra researcher from Beverly Hills. Anyway, he had a beautiful office in Santa Monica, a home in Beverly Hills, and as a pre-eminent ED expert he was flown to male sexual dysfunction conferences all over the world, you know, Bora Bora, Fiji, Reykjacik, where he would stand flanked by, and I'm not joking, two enormous blue pillars and talk about how Viagra would change the world. (Well, he ... Read more »
Alexis Bellino, no, no
I don't watch any of the Real Housewives shows. I've seen bits and pieces here and there, but my vapid-limit seems pretty easily reached these days so I don't make it a regular occurrence. I try not to be too snarky. I give them credit for having nice hair, for one. I wouldn't want to do what they do, because if I'm being totally honest I like what I get to do about a bajillion times better than sitting around throwing evil side-eyes on camera for a living, so it's good. So when I look at the ... Read more »
Snakes on a patio
As regular readers will know, I've been on a hiking kick lately. I can't tell you how much fun Brody and I have had exploring the region together, despite my persistent and uneasy fears about mountain lions that my friend who has spent months researching said lions has done nothing to dissuade. Her only input was, "get an airhorn," and, "you're not running, are you? Because then you look like prey." No matter, it's worth it. Better to go out in a flame of glory and be eaten by a cougar than ... Read more »
Pie eatin’, dog and kid abandoning mom here
I opened Facebook on Mother's Day morning, shortly after my chubby fingered kiddos brought me (and Brody) toast and eggs in bed, and saw this oft-repeated quote: "A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie." And I sighed. I really don't like that quote. It's like what we talked about on Friday all over again. Hey, unless you're cutting off your limbs and giving away all your pie and raising free range ... Read more »
It’s a hard knock life
I have Annie on the brain. My daughter's community theater debut is in four days, and between now and the end of the month, this will be all I have going on. Annieannieannieannie. They worked their little keisters off on it, though, and it's spectacular, so I am very proud. When the casting call went out for Sandy, they were looking for three things: scruffy terrierlike mutt takes direction well mellow And of course, Brody is none of those things, so he was out, but they did find ... Read more »
Have a Happy Mother’s Day- and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise
A few days ago, my friend Dorian at Catster pointed out a rather mean-spirited post over at Huffington Post entitled, "Pet Parents are NOT Moms." I am trying to give the author the benefit of the doubt here; maybe she intended it to be sort of tongue in cheek. She starts by pointing out all the sometimes over the top things we do in the name of love- and I get that, been there, bought the membership card- but the overall tone of the post just skewed off left and went straight to mean. And that ... Read more »
Koala Rescue
If I could go back and do it all again, I'd try to be a National Geographic correspondent. I just can't get enough of their work- I'm quite certain this magazine is the reason I studied biology and primates. Today, I'm fortunate enough to have an excerpt and some amazing photographs about a koala story that I hope you find as fascinating as I do. (Look at the avatar on the Be the Change section of the site if you want to know how much I love them.) I had always assumed koalas were in pretty ... Read more »
Baking With Brody: Power Bars for Pups
Have you ever tried Gu when you're out exercising? It's like trying to swallow phlegm: pasty, sticky stuff that seals your esophagus shut with something that is supposed to be good for you. I don't care for it (obviously.) I think Brody feels the same way about biscuits. They're fine for home, but if you're out working up a sweat/pant/whatever, a dried out dessicated crunchy thing may not be the most appetizing choice. He doesn't care for them. So I decided it was my goal for Be Kind to ... Read more »
Why this recall is not 2007 all over again
As you're all probably aware, Diamond Pet Foods is in the midst of a fairly large scale recall due to potential Salmonella contamination. As of this weekend, the recall had expanded from three brands to fourteen, encompassing 16 states.The Diamond Recall page lists all the Diamond brands, as well as the production codes being recalled: Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul Country Value Diamond Diamond Naturals Premium Edge Professional 4Health Taste of the ... Read more »
Where the Wild Pups Are
RIP Maurice Sendak, a true visionary. Where the Wild Pups Are The night Brode wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another His mother called him "Wild Thing!" and Brody said "I'll eat you up!" so he was sent to bed without eating anything. That very night in Brody's yard a forest grew, and grew until the ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around And he sailed off through night and day and in and out of weeks and almost over a year, ... Read more »