You know this scene from Up. Unless you were living under a rock back in 2009, you found yourself blindsided when you settled into the movie theater expecting some animated shenanigans, only to have your heart ripped, still beating, from your ribcage, stomped on, wrung out, and rubbed in wasabi for good measure before being unceremoniously deposited in your lap to absorb all your tears. All in the first five minutes. I'm sure there were one or two people out there who didn't sob like a ... Read more »
Scientific progress goes boink: viruses, renal failure, and you
A thin, dehydrated cat presents to the clinic with the complaint of malaise, inappetence, and weight loss. I tent his skin and watch as I let go, the gummy flap at the nape of his neck sitting still instead of snapping smartly back in place. His breath has the sour smell a vet might describe as "uremic", common in cats with renal failure as the kidneys are overwhelmed with their job of filtering waste from the blood. Bloodwork confirms what we suspect: this older cat is in kidney failure, and ... Read more »
You’ve had a bad day
This post is rated PG-13 for talk about the randy elderly, human brains, and jellyfish. Read at your own risk. I've had plenty of bad days at the vet clinic. Like, the kind where you go home, collapse on the couch and hold a pillow over your face while you wonder why you ever thought this line of work was worth the effort you sunk into it. It has highs and lows, more so than lots of other jobs, but that is what makes it interesting, I suppose. But don't worry, I won't be starting your day ... Read more »
Stop lion to me
When I was in college, a friend of mine decided to get a rabbit. She brought it home, purchased all the necessary bunny-equipment, and then about one week in realized she was living with Bunnicula. Far from being the sweet and docile cat-substitute she was hoping for, this bunny was a real demon. It chewed up the carpet. Every time she picked it up, it pooped all over her. When she opened the cage, it would hiss. No, really, it hissed. This was not a nice bunny. I've never met a rabbit who ... Read more »
A few of my favorite things, part 2
Before we head off into the ale-spattered sunset that is St. Patrick's Day weekend, I wanted to share the second half of my very, most favorite things I saw at Global Pet Expo. There was much and more there that I loved to pieces, but I wanted to focus on some of the more unusual products, since it's the unexpected surprises that often delight me the most. Arte House Vintage Prints You all know how much I love art, right? And I'm really picky about the aesthetics of what I put on my walls. ... Read more »
You’re a pain
Count me in as one of the lucky members of the migraine club. Now, I have it a lot better than many- mine hit infrequently, and usually last a day or less. I know for many it is so debilitating that they lose several days when one occurs, lost in a blinding sea of pain and nausea. I had one that bad in my adult life, when I was in New England for a family event. I had forgotten how bad they could be, unaware that something in the swampy Massachusetts air was a trigger. My father- he's the one ... Read more »
Product Review: Kurgo Wander Pack
As you may recall, I spent a good portion of last week curled up in a ball in my bedroom, drowning my sorrows with cough syrup and muddling through a bizarre sequence of subsequent side effects that gave my malarone experience a run for the money. Note to self: I am, apparently, highly sensitive to all medications. That is what I get for trying the Tim Taylor "MOAR POWER" approach to pharmaceuticals and gulping down an extra strength extended release tablet of guafensin and dextromethorphan ... Read more »
Betty White Rocks the Petco Foundation Hope Gala
There are lots of reasons I love living in San Diego. I could go on about it for days- the weather, the pet friendly atmosphere, the tacos... but today, I'm particularly grateful that I live in the same town as the Petco headquarters. For the second year, I was fortunate enough to be extended an invitation to the Petco Foundation Hope Gala. At this weekend's fourth annual gala, the recipient of the Petco Foundation HOPE Award, which celebrates the spirit of hope through a life dedicated to ... Read more »
Global Pet Expo: A few of my favorite things, part 1
I stayed at Global for two out of its three day run, figuring hey, that would be plenty of time to plumb its depths. Yes, well, not so much. It took at least ten minutes just to walk from one side to the other; we're talking 2,452 booths here. And me (yet again) without a good pair of flats. But at least I did bring a fairly decent pair of heels; the stilettos never made it out of the suitcase, sadly. With that many products to check out, I know for a fact I missed more than a few, which of ... Read more »
Not much of a post today, I'm afraid. I've spent the last week trundling my youngest back and forth to Urgent Cares, doctor's offices, and emergency rooms (twice in one day! hooray!) as we dealt with an ever-snowballing cascade of viruses, secondary infections, and tertiary allergic reactions to the medications sent to treat the secondary infections. It was a mess. My husband ended up with pneumonia, on the eve of another overseas business trip. And I fought it off as long as I could, ... Read more »