Every now and then I get a sample of food for the dogs to try. As I've said before, I rotate through multiple brands, and if I've written about a specific food on the blog, it's one I've given to the dogs at some point. I don't mind trying new brands- my local pet store just started carrying some new brands this week, and I bought a couple to try out. I'm not averse to new foods, as long as giving the label a good once over doesn't give me reason to feel otherwise. I look for several things: ... Read more »
We Love Pet Products: Caroline and the Barnacle
You all know Caroline Golon, right? She runs the amazing rescue site Romeo the Cat and the wonderful cat resource site The Happy Litterbox and the pet PR site HighPaw and she was one of the co-founder of BlogPaws and she's a great mom to her adorable kiddos and a bunch of other things that, taken in total, make me realize how inadequate my contributions to society have been. Anyway, I make it a goal to surround myself with incredible people like her because I always learn a ton from them- ... Read more »
Starstruck at Global, or, why you should wear Anthropologie as much as possible
I've got plenty to tell you about all the great stuff I got to see at Global Pet Expo last week. I enjoyed it immensely. But before I get to the products and the pictures and the video (oh, the video is awesome) I'm going to tell you about all the celebrity spotting I got to do. Admittedly, celebrities in the pet industry are a little different than celebrities on, say, the red carpet, but to me they are much more interesting. And there were plenty to be found at this show. On Wednesday, I ... Read more »
Healthy Goo Giveaway!
One of the leading complaints that brings a pet into the vet is allergies. It is a complicated problem, and like all complicated problems, there are no easy answers. Some pets need special food, others respond to antihistamines, and some need very strong immune suppressants just to make it through the day. Watching a pet lick and chew themselves raw is so sad and frustrating. All you want to do is help them get rid of that horrible, painful persistent itch. So you go to the vet, and lo ... Read more »
My dog, the practical jokester
I am sure Brody has a sense of humor. I can sense it in the twinkle in his eye, the way he waits until his chew toys are nice and soggy before dumping them in my lap. When I'm in a deep sleep, sometimes he rests his chin on the side of the mattress and stares at me silently, breathing doggy breath two inches from my face before I wake with a scream. He's full of 'em. Last night, with my husband far away, I flicked on the TiVO and watched the latest episode of the Walking Dead. Now, I keep ... Read more »
A restful weekend
Normally I take the weekends as a time to unwind, refresh my brain, and get ready for the next week. Usually this is a doable thing. But, sometimes things get kind of nutty, and in those times there's not much to be done except deal with it and let all the other things you're supposed to do- like blog- fall by the wayside. My husband left on Friday for a weeklong business trip overseas. It happens, that's part of his job description. But it certainly provides for certain, shall we say, ... Read more »
Unforgettable: The story of Maverick
When you think of a champion show dog, the kind who eventually makes his way to the upper echelons of Westminster, a certain life arc comes to mind. A pampered pooch, born with much pomp and circumstance, raised lovingly by a person ready to groom them from day one for a life in the spotlight. A dog who knows little of pain and neglect, attended to like a celebrity from the get-go. And for the most part, you'd be right. Then again, Maverick isn't like most dogs. Sure, he started life with ... Read more »
And a merry Wordless Wednesday to my fellow grammar fanciers: ... Read more »
Sidetracked by grammar
I had this whole long serious post about the topic of owner relinquishments and why they were always a nightmare to deal with, but I got sidetracked from my mission when every single media outlet I could find that was talking about the case in question used, in some form or another, the word "euthanization." I've been seeing it in headlines in print and on the web with increasing frequency the last couple of years and it always makes my irises spasm with pain. Euthanasia, to euthanize: those ... Read more »
A whale of a tale
I haven't been whale watching since I was a kid. It seems counter-intuitive, seeing as how I live right along the path of the gray while migration, and I have a marine biology background, but I guess it's one of those things I keep meaning to do but never get around to. Just like people who live in Las Vegas never go to the strip, or those in LA stay away from Universal Studios, you tend to avoid the touristy stuff in the area in which you live. So when a friend of mine asked if anyone was ... Read more »