For those of you who are new to the blog, let me ‘splain a little pawcurious history:
Last year as I was floating about on the internet, I happened upon Romeo the Cat’s website and his staff’s posting urging us to do something in honor of Animal Shelter Appreciation week, my first foray into Be the Change.
I thought about it. I had one week to plan. I had no real well upon which to draw. All I know how to do is write (well, and spay and stuff but I figured that wasn’t a great fundraiser.) I remembered seeing a LiveJournal friend who participated in a 24 hour blogathon a couple years prior, in order to raise funds for a cause important to her.
Well, I figured, I can do that. And so I did. You can see all 24 posts here. No one else wanted to do it with me (not that I blame them), but I figured hey, maybe someone will come and hang out even though it’s the weekend and maybe I will raise a couple hundred bucks.
I even off-handedly offered to eat some dog food on camera for money. Then Anthony Holloway over at K9 cuisine took me up on it and sent me a sampler box (one vegetarian, one seafood stew, and one unagi and seaweed. Ha ha). And it all took off from there. Note: do not offer to eat anything gross on camera unless you mean it, because someone, somewhere, will pay you to do it. Should have remembered that lesson from How to Eat Fried Worms.
It was a party, I tell you. SO MUCH FUN. We had a kickoff chat, giveaways, sad stories, guest posts, a windup chat, and just an overall blast with all these people I had really got to bond with. We raised $2250, which was then matched by a generous benefactor who likes to remain anonymous (but I posted about him already)- making it $4500 raised, in one day.
Anyway- that is how it began, and it was so fun I’m doing it all again!
Mark your calendars: Saturday, November 13th, starting at 11 am PST!
My goal is to make it epic.
Details below the cut:
Last year’s blogathon was done in support of my local SPCA. I decided to do something a little different this year, something keeping in the spirit of celebrating the human-animal bond but in a totally different manner.
I posted about this once before, briefly, but I was very touched by Bradyn’s story as a young child with epilepsy. His family is working to raise $13,000 for a service dog- a challenging placement task for such a young guy.
Maybe it’s because he is so close in age to my own son, maybe it’s a desire to help bring to him the comfort I know my own pets bring to my family; whatever it is, I felt the need to help, so the 2010 Blogathon will benefit the fundraising for his service dog.
Here’s a bunch of ways you can participate aside from the obvious (and I’ll need it- it’s all pointless without you guys helping along!)
- Two’s company: If you want to do a blogathon alongside me, AWESOME! I would love to make it a group effort. I’m not making it a requirement that you support the same beneficiary as me. BZTAT has already stepped up to do a paint-a-thon at the same time. Three’s not a crowd, it’s a posse.
- Sponsors: If you have a product you’d like to provide for a giveaway (the traffic during the blogathon was fantastic last year), or if you are a company who’d like to have a sponsorship opportunity, please contact me ahead of time through the contact form. I think I’ve already demonstrated I’m not above a little abject humiliation in support of a good cause. If you know of companies who might be interested, pass my name along!
- Comments! The moral support of having people come on and participate in the dialogues is beyond estimation. It was my favorite part of the whole process last time. Even if you don’t have a cent to spare- been there!- PLEASE come and play. I don’t have the access to track third party donations even if I wanted to- it’s not a requirement to take part in the fun. 🙂
- Guest posts: Got something to say but not sure you can handle 24 posts in one day? I am thrilled to have guest posters on board. One, it breaks the monotony of hearing me blab on for a solid day, and two, it gives me the chance to take a shower, eat, make more coffee, etc.
- Post requests: I’ll take them. For a small donation, of course.
Just sent an email about donating a couple of Calming Collars for the Blogathon. Can’t wait!
E-mailing as well! I got some handmade toys up my sleeve that I would love to donate! This is going to be so much fun. I loved the blogathon last year.
I’m not creative, nor do I have a business to promote, but I’ll be along for the ride for sure! I remember how much fun it was last year. So exciting to check as often as possible and see the donations adding up. I think you’ve chosen a great cause to support this time as well!
I had planned on joining you, but I just picked up a few Sunday training classes. I would be happy to guest blog if you need a respite.-Nancy
Fantastic, truly inspiring. I am currently thinking of ways I can help but at the very least I will be there to cheer you on!
Woo hoo! Can’t wait — it was so much fun to follow along and comment last year! I do definitely have a post request, so I’ll send you an email about it. You rock, Dr. V!
I’ll be there to follow along and comment. I’d be happy to do a guest post too.
I’m in of course, as always! I’m thinking instead of simply randomly giving away treats, there be a scavenger hunt in maybe 4 different States, or an online scavenger hunt (so everyone can play) with clues at different sites, or maybe 2 of each? Yeah, I think I like that better, 2 of each. (Maybe more, depending on how crazy busy I am with holiday orders).
What do you think about that? Step up the game!
I like the online scavenger hunt- or maybe one that people anywhere could do? I’ll drop you an e-mail later this week.
Okay, will think about it.
It was in last year’s blogathon that I won a Biscuits by Lambchop sampler. That’s when the dogs’ obsession with bananas began and the reason I can’t bake banana bread without some major overreaction from them 😉
One post suggestion (a selfish one at that, although I know you’re an unfortunate member of the same club) – animal cancer research. Maybe it is a spotlight on a particular organization doing good work, or strides in the field, or just how cancer SUCKS, or anything, but I know too many people who have lost a beloved dog, cat or other pet to cancer.
My company has JUST started a matching funds thing — can I donate directly to the charity so that I can get the funds matched, but still have it count toward your total? (Sorry to complicate things…)
How to eat FRIEND worms? Worms are your friends and you want to eat them? What?
Lol! Thanks!
The Paws and Effect Gang and I will be glad to step in as guest bloggers if you’d like. I did a Blogathon once, but I honestly can’t stay awake for 24 hours anymore because it literally wrecks my health. But … let me know and I’ll be glad to do one or more guest posts on anything you’d like me (us) to write about!
IN! lol…I was thinking the same thing about the 24-hr stint. Dr. V – kudos to you!! CindyLu here in the Midwest, will figure out details. Full support for you!
I’m in Dr. V – I will blog every hour for 24 hours with you. Figured I better tell you as soon as I decided so I can’t say, “Wow, that was a crazy thought” and back out. Ha! Should be fun 🙂