Check out what I have decided is the greatest advancement in pet carrier manufacturing since the faux Louis Vuitton totes: the SleepyPod!
I saw this while surfing around at Krazy for Pets (way too much internet spending going on here) and immediately decided that it was amazing. Maybe it’s the futuristic shape that reminds me of a little Jetsons spaceship. Maybe it’s the fact that you can secure it to a seatbelt and the manufacturer has used crash tests to ensure its safety. Maybe it’s the fact that you can slip a little heater in it to make it extra cozy. Nah, it’s the Jetsons spaceship resemblance.
I would totally make spaceship noises while I was carrying my cat around.
That isn’t the only appealing thing, though. I love that the little top zips entirely off, turning it into a cat bed. As a vet, I have ulterior motives here. We have people leave their pets in the hospital in carriers all the time, and while I agree that they benefit from having a safe hiding spot, trying to extract them from said carrier can present more difficulties than prying a zebra leg from a hungry lion. It often involves shaking, splayed paws, prying rusted stripped screws off of old carriers, and occasional cursing. How much easier this would make my life.
Upon further reflection I also think it reminds me of a soup pot. Which I also like.
It’s a little too big to fit underseat on a plane, though the mini size might work. For those who tote their cats and teeny dogs around a ton, especially back and forth to MY office, I think it’s a great idea. I’m not sure I can convince my husband to let me spend the bucks for one (for research purposes, of course) but I would love to get my hands on one to see if it’s as easy to use as it looks.
*After posting this blog, the lovely folks at Krazy for Pets have offered two coupon codes for us:
– 10%off Sleepypod: N725X5ZLP3769
– 5% off anything else in the store: HKXZTWXEL
And this is good through the end of the year! Sweet!
Unfortunately, and embarrassingly, only 2 of the 4 could even fit in it this. I mean, a third could but we’d be stretching that “under 15 pounds” thing to the max. Let us know your verdict if you ever see it. For now, we’ll use the carrier with the removable front and top doors. I suspect that has caused less cursing in vets offices across the land 😉
There is no way any cat I’ve owned would ever use a bed that has taken them to the vet’s office. They have all been ambivalent about pet beds in general – they prefer places that people would like to use.
Might be nice for the tiny dogs, though? Or cats that are less jaded?
Kim- those are good too as long as the carriers aren’t so old that the clips break off when you try to undo them. :/
wikith- Is there such a thing as an unjaded cat? lol. I’m trying to figure out if it would be easier or harder to get a po’d cat into one of those pods.
I’m thinking a po’d cat would be harder. With a regular carrier (I have one that opens from the top), you cram them in – trying to avoid fully deployed claws – and then slam the door shut as fast as you can. Trying to do zippers around fully deployed claws? I don’t see it happening… But you’re right, it looks very cool. :o)
My cat would love the warming feature, though.