A person walks up to our receptionist and asks how much a parvo vaccine is.
The receptionist answers.
The person makes a moue of distaste, her lips puffing out. “I’m not planning on vaccinating anyway,” she tells the receptionist, who can only stand in bafflement as to why someone would drive up, park, and walk in the door to make this announcement. “I know it’s a racket you vet people do to make money. The vaccine gives the dog parvo, then you charge an arm and a leg to treat it.” She pauses for dramatic effect. “The person at the feed store told me so.” She crosses her arms and leans back in giddy anticipation of the reaction to this deep dark secret being revealed.
The receptionist stands silently, trying to formulate an answer. I should note for the purposes of this story that I am standing next to her at the time, in civvies, so the client has no idea who I am. She looks at me for signs of solidarity and, finding none, continues to stare challengingly at the receptionist.
Who finally manages, “Aren’t you going to vaccinate at all?” The woman shakes her head. “I just need some Advantage.” The receptionist looks to me for guidance. I take in this person, standing there in all her indignant glory, and run a quick algorithm in my head that has been perfected over the years- Chance of Changing Mind versus Time Wasted versus Mental Energy Expended on Pointless Debate. The scale rattles in my head and settles on: Proceed to Lunch Hour.
“Let me know how that works out for you,” I tell her politely, then go out for Subway. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I’ve learned to ascertain when it’s just not worth it. I do feel sorry for her dog, though.
wikith says
I could stand to calculate that equation more accurately. It leads to more peace of mind.
Lisa says
You’re absolutely right-you could have talked ’til you were blue in the face about why the parvo series of vaccines is necessary if you want your dog to live but it wouldn’t have done a lick of good. Since you were without your white coat, you should have asked what feed store the woman was shopping at-you want to go there too! Then I’d send multiple reports of parvo pups who died because they weren’t vaccinated properly.
Dr. V says
I’ve been to the store on recon once already, in search of a “miracle” product called ParvAid. It was enlightening.
Megumi says
How sad for her dog – but I’m glad you didn’t spend more energy trying to convince someone who obviously had no idea what she was talking about and wasn’t about to have an open mind. I need to do a better job with this equation as well, would lead to less hair pulling on my part.
Kim says
See, this is why you are a better person than I. I would’ve told her to get advantage at the pet feed store since they feel they are qualified to dispense such wise advice. Oh, they don’t sell it? They probably shouldn’t give advice away for free either 😉
Dr. V says
If it’s the store I think it is, they do sell Advantage. With a box written in Portugese.
Chile says
So who will she blame if her dog gets parvo?
Another reason there should be a license requirement to have a pet.
Dr. V says
Blame the vet who obviously sneaked it in when she wasn’t looking. 😉
Sara says
just like the retards who dont vaccinate their kids.
Dr. V says
(Wee cringe at the r word) I think generally speaking, people’s intentions are good, but the logic is off.
jacki says
Someone I respect oftens says “Don’t go the extra mile for someone going the in the opposite direction.”
Dr. V says
That is a *fantastic* quote. 🙂
msubugvet says
ah the things i need to learn (from the best) before i get out in the real world 🙂
Janet Tobiassen Crosby DVM says
Love your algorithm, Dr V!
This is sage too: “Don’t go the extra mile for someone going the in the opposite direction.”
Dr. V says
I was thinking of doing a cross-stitch of the algorithm to put in the lobby, then thought better of it. 🙂
AboutVetMed says
I explained the algorithm today to my engineer dh. *laugh*
Now… a cross-stitch of the algorithm would be crafty-geeky at the same time. Maybe for the staff lunch area? 😉
kimchi says
you are a better person than I, Dr. V… I would have done what Kim said.
That’s why I’m glad you’re the vet and I’m not! 🙂
Dr. V says
It wouldn’t be the wrong thing to say, I’m just sick of wasting my energy. 🙂