The Grand Prize will be announced at 5pm PST- in one hour. The tally is at $2080, but you’ve got one more hour to mess it up for whoever’s about to win the $100 GC.
5 cans of soda: $5
Small Brody accident because I was being horrible and didn’t let him out in time: 5 minutes of cleaning and one $20 pillow.
Cheese for the dog food: $0.05
Raising two thousand dollars for shelter pets when I was expecting to raise two hundred and seeing the best people in the world come out to support? Absolutely positively 100%:
Huge ((hugs)) to Vanesha, who is mourning the one year anniversary of a very hard loss and is still here to support me today. This is what I’m talking about, Best People in the World.
wow that made me cry. Wasn’t expecting that at all. Thank you Dr V, that means a lot xx
I really appreciate you being here and your generosity. Thank you.
Dr. V, still checking from iPhone and can’t see totals but if u are within 50 of my total of 2250 at the end I am good for another donation to get there.
Thank you Tonya! I will keep an eye out.
And not to win the prize…just for the glory of being right and to get to that amount!!!
Oh ho ho, I think I was sneaky. But then there’s 7 minutes left…