I had a request for a post detailing items one should maintain in a pet first aid kit. That’s a great question. Your regular old band aids are probably not going to cut it if you have a furry bichon, right?
Fortunately for me, because I haven’t thought about the topic all that much, Dr. Janet has already created a thorough and excellent article on the topic of emergency first aid kits at AboutVetMed.com, and what one should maintain in them. Here’s an excerpt:
A pet first aid kit is the first step in being prepared should an animal emergency happen. It is also a hard question to answer because I don’t think there is a “one-size-fits-all” answer.
While there are many pre-made kits that may be purchased for pets (view/compare prices), building your own kit, or adding to a pre-made one, may be the best way to have a kit customized for your pet’s lifestyle and needs.
She goes on to give a checklist of such items one might not immediately think of such as benadryl, muzzles, and Telfa pads.
My personal favorite thing on that list: Phone number list! When you are panicking, you’re not going to remember anything (I speak from experience.) Having your vet’s number- and that of the local ER- right on top of your kit will save you a lot of running around should you be in that kind of situation.
PRIZE ALERT: First person to comment with number 16 on the list of emergency kit items wins an awesome adorable bead! Spotted dog and red bone already spoken for.
Are the gloves #16?
Love your blog, it’s the first thing I read every day. I would like to contribute but do I need Flash Player? Mine is not installed properly. Is there another way?
Sorry Lisa, just catching up with the moderation queue. 🙂
Here is the regular link:
and when you get a chance e-mail me your choice of the remaining beads!
Thanks, the regular link worked and I donated. They are a great cause and I’m glad you’re doing this.
This post was my last activity before going to bed (Hawaii time) and it was a nice surprise to see this this morning when I got up.
On a somewhat related note (to my original comment), your dog food video is not showing up on my computer and it must be because my Flash Player is out… all the more reason I have got to get it fixed! (That plus I am missing out on all the cute puppy/kitten/sloth/panda/bunny/hamster/ferret/loris videos on the internet.)
Number 16 is plastic or latex exam gloves!
I can thank Akira for waking me upstate 5am chasing one of the cats around the bedroom…lol. I do keep our vet and the ER vet’s phone number in my cell phone contact list. Good post though, will definitely have to get some items and put a kit together.
Akira really wanted you to win a bead. 🙂
I had a comment ahead of you awaiting moderation but I’ll give you both a prize- I’ll just let her pick first. 😀 E-mail me your first and second choices from the remaining beads when you get a chance!
Done! Thank you! 🙂
Upstate should be “up at”. Silly being half asleep and using the phone to post!
Oh, really good information. Thank you for this. We have tsunami kits here for our emergency thing, but I didn’t have anything for the pets.