Oh no! It’s midnight.
Good God, what was I thinking?
So much more to go.
In the depths of the night, I resort to haiku.
I need more coffee
If I am to have a shot
At staying awake.
I have a bag of treats from Biscuits By Lambchop for the first comment in haiku. (If you donated. 🙂 )
About Biscuits by Lambchop:
Biscuits by Lambchop hand-craft sensible treats for the sensitive dog. A healthy treat for most any dog but formulated with special dietary needs in mind. They are free of gluten, eggs, dairy, animal proteins, corn, rice, soy, nuts and preservatives, the most common sources of canine food allergies, but are also nutritious and delicious!
With all natural ingredients, a unique blend of organic bean flours, fresh fruits and local greenmarket additions, your dogs will be begging you not to eat them yourselves! Proudly made with love in the USA.
late hour it is
but be careful you do not
turn into pumpkin
I tried 🙂
I think it’s just you and me here, Wade. I would have given it to you even without he haiku. 😀 All yours! Send me your mailing info and I’ll get it out to you in a bit. 🙂
Glad to keep you company! However I don’t think those lovely bikkies will stand an airmail trip to Australia so I’ll pass my prize on to Brody if i can?
Would you like a bead from Dr. Janet instead? Or a calming collar from calmingcollars.com?
Thanks for the thought but I don’t have a doggie to give them to 🙁 If you’d like to give something though, a high-res picture of Brody that I can use as a desktop background would be awesome.
I just feel like I owe ya something for keeping me awake at this ungodly hour (1 am here.) I’d be happy to send you a Brody pic. Shoot me an e-mail and I’ll work on that after I get some sleep. 😀
Okay I emailed my email, you get some sleep and I’ll go have dinner (7pm Saturday here)
Sorry! I’m here, but playing Dragon Age:Origins too. I’m hopelessly addicted to this game.
In the Deep Roads now
Trying to gain Dwarf allies
Mountains are scary
Oh wow, mad props for nerd cred! OK, the prize is yours!
Woo, nerds unite! Chewy thanks you. 😉
(non entry. I just like haikus!)
Brody is so cute
I could dognap him tonight
While you are blogging
My dog smells like pee
And is laying on my feet
While I read this blog
Those totally cracked me up. My dog kind of smells like pee tonight too.