Having suffered the humiliation of being stuffed into a fleece suit for the entertainment of the masses, Brody’s first thought was apparently, “Wild Thing? Seriously? You have NO IDEA, lady. I’ll show you wild thing.”
The end of daylight savings has its disadvantages. Namely, when a dog goes outside for his evening ablutions, one can no longer observe his activities. Generally speaking our yard is pretty safe. He can’t squeeze between the bars on the fence, the plants are dog-safe, and the bees are hibernating.
So when Brody ran inside in the dim evening light, it took me a full minute to realize what I was seeing.
It is a mark of my mindset that before securing him on a leash to avert muddy disaster, I grabbed the camera.
How in the world did he manage to find a mud puddle? It’s 90 degrees out, in a desert climate. We are in the midst of a water crisis and the sprinklers are only on 7 minutes three days a week. I mean REALLY.
But find it he did, and boy did he indulge. I know the focus and lighting are not the best here- we were in a bit of a panic, and if you can make out his paws I’m sure you can imagine why. His whole lower half looked like that.
I made a feeble attempt to remove the pounds of dirt with a dry shampoo, but the mud just laughed, and the dry shampoo cried and said it wasn’t a miracle worker and refused to come out of the bottle.
I’d like to give Brody the benefit of the doubt and say he saw me putting on my weekly face mask and was just trying to emulate me, but that’s a bit of a stretch even for me.
Too funny! I have a couple of pics of my Oscar like that — and he’s a white and buff Great Pyr/Golden Retriever mix puppy, so the mud REALLY shows up!
Oh man. I can’t even imagine. LOL!
yay mud!!!
Lest you forget, Brody is a Golden Retriever. You know they have an instinctive love of water! He was just looking for a place to splash around, and dirt got in the way. 🙂 Too cute, but I’m glad it happened at your house and not mine.
He’s a total water fiend! I keep trying to catch what he does in our pool because it’s so insane.
A dog’s gotta do what a dog’s gotta do…
My husband had to fight with Akira last night, to pick her up and put her in the bathtub to rinse her off, because she came in from digging her random holes in the back yard and totally covered in mud all of the way up her legs and over her snout. Yay for mud covered fur!
He’s even more adorable when he’s covered in mud! And you can’t stay mad at him because those eyes, oh those eyes they put a spell on you!
he looks like he’s saying, “sorry mom…but not really…I Love You…sorry…”
🙂 Such a CUTIE!
I can just imagine the fun he had getting that way…
I must have the only dog in the world who hates water. She doesn’t want to go out when it’s raining, and she struggles like it’s the end of the world when it’s bath time. I have to take my clothes off so I don’t ruin them when it’s time for Chewy’s bath. She hops out of the tub… she’s almost too heavy for me to lift now too. I think I’m just gonna pay people to bathe her, seems like a better plan.
I can see Brody is just a barrel of laughs! So insanely cute!
Brody is my pup Pru’s role model.
Ahh now that is sooo much cuter than if he got skunked…
Totally agree with you, Elizabeth. A little mud (or a lot – heh) is way better than stinky skunk spray that seems to “reappear” every time it rains. :-p
Yes it is the gift that keeps on giving.. :-0
Very, very true.
Is this perhaps where the saying…. ‘mucky pup’ comes from!! Such a messy delight!