Receptionist: Hello, how may I help you?
Caller: My chihuahua ate half a Hershey’s Kiss! Does she need to be seen?
Receptionist: Just that one half? You’re sure?
Caller: Yes, just that one.
Receptionist: Let me talk to the doctor. Hang on…………..OK, let me go over what she said-
Caller (interrupting): I meant to tell you, it’s one of those GIANT ones. Does that make a difference?
Receptionist: Why yes, it does.
What is scary is that it is even a question!
Remember everything you’ve ever been told about how size doesn’t matter? Forget it: SIZE MATTERS. Logic is fun!
Or as my toxicology professor says: The dose makes the poison… That call sounds like something we’d get at the emergency clinic hehe…
wow…. wow……thats scary …