1. The Hounds for Haiti auction is completed and the final tally once every auction is paid for will be
Which is totally amazing. Thank you so much for all the generous donors and the fantastic people who bid on everything. Many of you did both.
FWIW I will never, ever do this again, so I’m glad it was a success on this one and only occasion. Between the hidden “deductions” and Paypal’s weird policies and everything being held in escrow for 3 weeks and being investigated by eBay for “security” purposes, let’s just say my headache was not solely caused by this cold I have. But that is OK because the end result was a good thing.
2. I am planning on opening up the Brodies next week- I have four judges and scores to tally to announce the finalists, then I have to figure out how to actually let people vote. I should have it figured out this weekend, but that’s what I said when I took on the Hounds for Haiti thing and that turned out to be an epic time sucker so I’m not making any promises.
3. We have a new microphone. It is very intimidating-looking. The kids have already recorded themselves singing 15 variations of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and using GarageBand to make them overlap in harmony, but the real purpose was so I could do an occasional podcast-type post.
I couldn’t decide what to talk about so I just started talking about dog food label reading, which as you know is my favorite topic, but also as you know is something I subsequently talk about all the time. So I put that aside and decided I should do something a little more fun at least for my very first podcast.
After being inspired by Jimmy Kimmel’s pummeling of Leno on his 10@10, I decided I would do something similar. Why I should see such a roast and decide “Gee that looks like fun” is beyond my comprehension as Leno’s reaction could best be described as “horrified and really uncomfortable”; I can only hope those who ask questions are a little less malevolent-minded. On the plus side, I can just ignore bad questions anyway since this isn’t going to be live.
So go ahead, ask me something. I’ll pick some questions, maybe 3, maybe 10, who knows- and record the answers just as soon as this ROTTEN STINKIN COLD goes away and I get my voice back.
Ashley says
I’m probably going to comment again with a comment (I may or may not be a tad inebriated and thus horrible at this quick thinking thing) but I wanted to say, YAY for the auction!! I’m so glad we raised so much!! I also can’t wait to make the winning bidder their hoodie.
Chile says
WOOHOO!!!!!! Thank you for all your hard work, Jess!!
Tassia says
Speaking of the Late Night fiasco… What did you think of it? I was really disgusted with the way NBC handled things, and Leno pretending he didn’t know what was going on made me want to punch him in his gargantuan chin.
Conan’s last show was classy and touching, and I was in tears a few times during it. I can’t wait to see where he goes next, I’m hoping whatever network it is doesn’t slap him with so many restrictions and just let’s him run free. He’s funniest when he’s not hampered by NBC executives telling him to tame his content down for the Tonight Show.
Also, awesome job on the auction. I can only imagine the amount of hard work and headaches that went into it, you’re my hero. I really love that Bandanna of the Month thing, I’m totally going to buy another one for our puppy when he gets here. Feels good to donate to charity, I’d already given generously to the human side of it, but animals shouldn’t be forgotten.
Annette Frey says
Going back to a previous recent post, how about educating the public about the nutrition education that veterinarians get in school. Remember, this was the 100 point deal breaker in your quick quiz, lol! I think that would make a good podcast. Just my opinion of course!
YAY on the auction total but boo it was such a drain on you!
Dr. V says
It wasn’t terrible or anything, I just really underestimated how time consuming it all would be! But the worst part was figuring out halfway in- Oh? You want to avoid Paypal fees? You need to do it THIS way – and Oh? You want to avoid Mission Fish fees? Did I mention it was 20%? etc
Lisa W says
Thanks again for the auction! Just had my session with Nadine and it was awesome.
My idea for the podcast: careers with animals outside of the DVM/vet tech arena. I’ve been in corporate training for 16 years and am currently enrolled in a Graduate Certificate in Animal Studies program with the Humane Society. No idea what I’ll do with it yet, just know I want to work with animals (and probably more specifically, dogs). And, oh yeah, I need to be able to make a living wage! 🙂
Tammy says
Wow!! Awesome news about the auction! I’m so glad we were able to be a part of it (both donating, and bidding on my part!)
Sedna says
First of all, BIG GRATS on Hounds for Haiti! Excellent. Second, whoo, new mike! I have a question- well, a topic really; I’d love to hear how to choose/introduce yourself to a new vet. I want to adopt a dog sometime this year, but I’m not sure how to go about finding a vet that works well with me. What should I be asking? How should I meet them? Should I schedule a meet-and-greet appointment before I get my new pet or just try to stop by on a less busy day to see the clinic? What do you wish people would do in that situation? Would love to hear your thoughts in any form.