See, here’s the problem with being a person who occasionally- just sometimes, mind you- engages in a wee bit of hyperbole, or perhaps an “original interpretation” of things to make a point: When you’re being dead serious people still think you’re kidding.
In regards to the last post, I had several people comment in passing to the effect of “ha ha, you wacky vet you, that is a really silly Barbie trashy waitress outfit that you turned into a pretend actual Mattel product. Good job!”
I could only hope to be so dastardly. Truth is, Vampy Vet is a real product. Can’t make this stuff up. Just in case you were wondering.
I was one of those people, but… I didn’t call you wacky. The other stuff is true. 😉
“I has a face-palm” 🙂
Doh!!!!!!! 🙂
This article was on the BBC News website today. I wonder why it reminded me of you lol