When I was in college, majoring in biology up at a small liberal arts university in LA, I spent many hours at the coast studying the noxious effects of human debauchery on the environment. I’d sit at Dockweiler State Beach and admire the 747s taking off from LAX just over my head, inhaling the lovely smell of jet fuel and admiring the rare view of an empty Los Angeles Beach resting in the shadow of the Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant.
I’d go home, sob a little about the depravity of man into my diet Pepsi, and then toss the can in the trash. I wasn’t very smart back then.
I’ve vowed to do better in my dotage, and although I’m no Ed Begley Jr. I’ve made some strides in the last few years. I compost. We have a little garden. I drive a hybrid. I’m not perfect, but I do what I can to make more environmentally friendly choices.
I was recently sent a sample of Clean + Green’s Carpet and Upholstery cleaner to try out. Normally, when I have some sort of pet related mess to clean up, I douse the stain with a spray of chemically-aerosolized-yuck and pray for the best. After the last incident with a heavily scented carpet powder that induced a near case of asthma in my husband, I’ve been banned from perfumed cleaning products in the house. It’s for the best, really.
The Clean + Green line is a great choice, with all-natural ingredients that are non-scented, pet (and kid) safe, and biodegradable. The propellant is also environmentally-friendly with no CFCs. Even the can is recyclable.
I have to brag a moment- both Brody and Koa are very reliably housetrained. I looked high and low for a stain to try this out on, but the pets weren’t complying. Fortunately, my son chose that moment to dump a cup of apple juice on the rug so I at least had a reasonable test spot. The product was easy to spray on, did not require that loathsome scrubbing and blotting drill post-application, and true to the promise had no odor at all.
Granted apple juice is not urine, but as much as I commit to my reviews I wasn’t about to purposely dump pee on the floor to check out how well a cleaner works. I was happy with its performance, and even happier that when my son started wrestling Brody on the rug 5 minutes later I wasn’t worrying about what sorts of toxic fumes they might be breathing into their lungs in the name of cleanliness. I left the can in the kids’ bathroom, a place of high honor in my house hierarchy of cleaning products I reach for.
In honor of Earth Day, I’m sharing the love with a lucky reader who wants to try a product from Clean + Green’s extensive product line. There’s litter box cleaners, dog mess tile cleaners, cat carpet mess cleaners, ferret cage cleaners, you name your pet, they have something to clean up after it.
To enter: Go to the Clean + Green website. Comment below with which product you would like to try. (Next time I head out to the store I decided I want to try the litter box cleaner- if ever there was a test of odor destroying power in my house, that’s it.) I’ll pick a winner with random.org at the end of the week. Happy cleaning!
Clean + Green is also on Twitter and on Facebook. Who knew cleaning could be so social?
I swear by their product line. I buy the “cat” versions — which I’m told are a bit stronger. I’ve got one cat who seems to enjoy standing up while in the litter box — and he often has bad aim. Feet in, rear end up and or out! So the cat urine soaks into the tile and grout under and around the box. Clean and Green does the trick and more. I even use it around the outside of the house where the ferals come and “mark” the house. It really does kill the odors.
Oh that litter box cleaner. I must have it.
And so you shall! Comment Number 2 is the winner! Send me your mailing info to drv (at) pawcurious (dot) com and I will get that to you!
I would love to try Wood & Tile for Dogs. Our shar pei, Kaylee, loathes rain and will often refuse to go outside when it’s raining, then just pee on the hardwood sometime during the day! The little brat!
I’m torn between the Litter Box Cleaner and Odor Remover and the Carpet & Upholstery for Dogs & Cats, both of which would get put to frequent good use in my household! I guess I would try the Litter Box Cleaner first, because our newly adopted kitty has the power to clear a room in 0.6 seconds when he visits the litter box. Please, Clean & Green, save us!
Unfortunately, I would love to try the cat carpet mess cleaner. I have a cat with IBD and find myself dealing with a mess or two every so often. I have seen these cleaners in the store before. I always wonder whether or not the products that are good for the environment really do a good job of cleaning.
I would love to try the cat carpet mess cleaner! I have a cat with IBD and find myself cleaning up more than the occasional cat mess. I have seen these products in the store and wondered if something good for the environment really does a good job of cleaning up messes.
Carpet & Upholstery for Dogs & Cats! My Eesa vomits and expells hairballs all over the carpet. Would love to get those stains out.
Would love to try the carpet and upholstery cleaner… my elderly cat has recently (in the last few months) developed IBD and is an long-haired indoor cat, to boot! We have more than our share of hairballs to clean up.
Carpet and Upholstery for Dogs and Cats is definitely the one for me. I’m constantly running after our cat with the upholstery cleaner can and brush.
Wow! I love hearing about new products that are pet safe (and environmentally too!) I’d have to give the litter box cleaner a try. We just spent time last night, in fact, cleaning the box for our boys! Icky.
Thanks for the info about this. I’m definitely in need of the carpet cleaner. When we first moved into our new house a little over a year ago, Sophie and/or Bailey decided to christen the carpet in the office, which is not somewhere we spend a lot of time and so I didn’t find them for a day or two. Despite many recommendations (including Simple Solutions), nothing has been able to remove the stains. And the one and only time Oscar peed in the house was, you guessed it, in the office. At least I caught that one in process, so it’s not so bad!!!
Just read someone else’s reply, which reminded me of the vomit stain on our family room rug. Yay. At least when Sophie had diarrhea a few months ago she stuck to the hardwoods, so I guess I should be very grateful for that!
Ok, I’m torn between the Cat Wood and Tile Cleaner, and the Dog Urine Odor and Stain Remover. Our Wolfhound’s one accident has proven to use we need something industrial strength.
Do either come in gallon size??
I would love to try the Litter Box Cleaner, or the Odor remover (Wood & Tile) for cats, as I have 3, and it’d be nice to have a product that really works to clean up kitty messes (IBD cat here, with occasional vomiting &/or diarrhea), and keeps the litter areas clean. 🙂
I’d like to try the car cleaner. After hauling around 2 dogs to training classes, agility trials, visits to Grandma, and more…opening the windows just doesn’t get rid of the smell of wet dog and equipment. Would love to try something that works, is safe, and doesn’t have its own odor.
We’d love to try the Furniture Refresher for dogs and cats (also, we probably need the Concrete and Grout for cats as their litter boxes are on our patio and they’ve vomited lots out there… Hard to clean up well enough and we would like to sell our condo soon 🙂
I would love to try the Small Animal All-Purpose Cleaner and Odor Eliminator. My guinea pig’s cage is in the dining room and I’m always concerned about odor. I hate cleaning it with bleach, because I have to rinse, rinse, rinse before I feel comfortable putting her back in. I would like something that works well, is green, and is safe for my little Dottie girl.
What a great product! About time.
I would LOVE to try out the All Purpose Small Animal cleaner. I have 7 chinchillas, and while I love them dearly, some of them are little stinkers…right now I use vinegar and water which is great for sanitation, but it does nothing for the smell!
I’d like to try the Cat Urine Odor and Stain Remover . I try to use green cleaning products for most of my chores but have yet to find a good product for getting cat vomit out of the carpet. This sounds like a great one to try.
The cat product for Carpet and Upholstery! Oh, I am giddy!!
CLEAN+GREEN – Litter Box Odor
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
I need the Carpet & Upholstery for Cats cleaner! When I leave the cat alone for a couple days on vacation, it is inevitable that I come home to cat barf and/or cat poop somewhere on the floor. It’s my punishment for leaving him, I think…
Definitely the dog wood and tile cleaner – sounds like a great product