And look at what the Easter Bunny has in his basket for you:
Yaay! Fetching Tags!
Since they were so admired last week, Jen generously offered to give a custom tag to a lucky reader who would like to be as fashionable as the pawcurious crew.
To enter, go check out the site and comment below with what your pet’s tagline would be. Treat Monster? Beach Bum? Who Tooted? 😀
You have until Sunday to enter.
ETA: The winner, selected at random, is Angie and her pup Seamus! Congratulations! Send me a line through the contact form and I can get you set up.
OOH… fun! Like I said earlier, Enzo’s tagline would be “Happy Tail !!!” and Learned’s would be “Scratch my Butt”. 🙂
Learned’s could also be “Fuzzy Butt” (his nickname from when he was a puppy)
My cat Milo’s would probably be “rocks for brains”. My mom calls him that because he is one of the least intelligent cats she (or well, everyone who meets him) has ever encountered. We love him though! 🙂
Oscar’s would have to be something like “Sunshine Boy” because he’s just os happy and loving all the time. A little goofy, but that’s part of his charm!
Sophie’s….hmmm…probably “It’s complicated” — I swear she has some cat genes in there somewhere!
I can’t believe they have one that says Love Sponge!!! That was one of Bailey’s primary nicknames… I had never seen that before… Oh Bailey-Boo, I miss you so!
Definitely Wiggle Butt!!! These are awesome!
I love these! Daddy’s Boy would be my pick. Thanks!
My dog Leilani is half Norwegian Elkhound and she has a double curl tail. So when she’s happy, she doesn’t wag it so much as twitch it energetically. So I call her my “Twitchy Witchy Girl.” That would be her tagline if it isn’t too long.
My orange tabby’s, Cheddar, would say “CheezBall” because he sleeps on his head. My grey tabby’s would be “Einstein ” or “Houdini” because he is scarly smart and always getting into things. Shorty’s would say “Lab-gi” because he is a Lab/Corgi mix.
Shorty’s could also say “Velcro Dog”
jozie mae NO NO get down.
For my problem child: “I do bad things”
These are so cute , lets see we have many for our furballs thanks to my husband. Charlie would be ” Cha Cha ” or “Stubby Nubbins” ( No tail ) Max Would be ” Squeaky ” or ” Lick Monster ” ( Full of kisses to give , all tongue ) and Stanley would be ” Kibble Vacume ” or ” Rub my Belly” ( Rolls on his back at the Vets thinking they cant or wont pick him up when he has to go in LOLOL)
Happyy April Fools everyone.
Those are adorable!
Kaylee’s would be “House Hippo” (she’s a shar pei) and Cordy’s would be “I love snow!” (she’s a chow-chow German shepherd mix and she’s got a thick double coat).
My cat, Gracie, is arescue. She was hit by a car and ended up losing a leg. A lady witnessed the accident and because Gracie was such a sweet cat, she sought to save her. I’ve had Gracie for several months now and I would say hers would be “lionhearted”. 🙂
Ozzy would be: “Little Spoon”
He is an incredible cuddler.
We have a pony at our barn that needs a halter tag that says “Pony Princess”. She’s 23 years old and has ulcers, so a Princess tag would cheer her up =)
I love these tags!
Tucker, my dog, would be “It’s not begging when you’re cute” – his one bad habit!
Liam, our new kitty, would be “I claw because I love” … yeah, he’s just a baby ;-).
Skittles, my old and grouchy cat, would have to be “Queen Bitch”. Because she is, LOL.
Those tags are so great!
I’d have to give my dog Rudy something along the lines of “couch potato” or something to do with how lazy she is.. gotta love her
Or.. I totally forgot.. It could say “Tutti Fruity”. I call her Rudy Tutti Fresh and Fruity.. or Rudy Tutti.. or Rude Butt.. or Rudabager.. it never ends really.
Our pit bull Junior would be “big bark no bite” because he likes to sound tough but he’s a big weenie. Our rescue mutt Henry would be “wiggle butt”. We call him that all the time b/c when he is excited his whole back end wags, sometimes so hard that his back paws come off the ground ” )
i love these! becks’s would say “mama’s boy” or “burpin’ bob,” and ellie’s would probably be “cuddle bug.” Thanks for the giveaway!
Rogue’s would have to be “Jungle Cat”. She’s a cat trapped in a pit bull’s body! From the pre-made taglines, I’d have to say “Can’t hold my licker” is her to a tee. My 15 month old nephew gets so tired of her kisses that he start blowing her kisses thinking she’ll leave!
Dozer would definitely have to be “Dinosaur” Anyone having any experience will bull terriers should understand that! He looks, and sounds, like a velociraptor 🙂
Pandora’s would definitely be “The Barnacle”, as she’s never away from me if I’m at home. Percy’s would be “Big Boo” as he’s quite adept at sneaking up behind you (especially in the kitchen) so that you trip over him when you turn around. And Zowie would be “Drooling means I love you!”
awh they actually have a “wiggle butt” awesome for my nonstop wiggling aussies!
Hmmm. I think Buster – Beaster would be ours!
Clyde’s would definitely be “Let’s Go For a Ride!” We adopted him from a shelter when he was 2-3 years old and had no idea he was a car dog. We noticed a priceless expression on his face every time we said “ride.” And when we asked him if he wanted to go for one, he made a beeline for the car! During our break-in period, he bolted out the front door a couple of times and would not come back when called. But if you called out “Clyde, let’s go for a ride,” he would turn on a dime and run straight for our driveway to get in the car.
Hmm. I think Fiona (MY cat) would be “Toddler Pillow.” She’s sweet and tolerant (mostly) and serves as that quite often.
DH’s bratty cat, on the other hand… I think I’d chose a different tagline than he would. I think “Buries No Shit” would about cover it. Or maybe “Feed Me. Now.” Or for the less child-friendly, “Bitch.” Like I said, I’m sure DH would disagree, but then again, she might be his TRUE love. 😉
Our cat Mocha would be “Queen Torti-tude”. Our dog P-chan should be “The Hoover”.
Oh I so hope this isn’t an April Fools!
Pru would definitely have the tagline “Wiggle Butt”. She over compensates her lack of tail by wiggling her entire tail end.
Oh, that’s hard! I call Finn ‘Puddles’ but that’s hardly dignified, and he is a very regal dog. I think ‘Wolfhound Acrobat Team’ because when he get’s the zoomies, he can really leap and twirl.
My shepherd mix, Penny, would probably be “luvs-a-lot” or “look at me!”. She just can’t get enough of other dogs and people. She’s way too social for her own good. 🙂
That is so nice of her to do this giveaway! 🙂 Let’s see…
Fanny’s would say, “What? Where?” bc she’s hard of hearing and seeing and whenever we tell her, “Fanny, Look! Over there!” she looks in the opposite direction. That’s her one trick. 🙂
Yay! I’ve always loved these tags!
Ming’s would be “Grumpus McGee” because… well, he is.
And Dottie’s would be “OMG!” because, OMG, that’s pretty much how she reacts to everything.
WOOF WOOF this is so pawsome, Garth’s would be #1 SON, LOL and Pups would be World Traveler. these are sooo cool!!!!
My dog Toby’s would for sure be “Friend Fanatic!” because anytime he sees anybody or any other dog he immediately tries his very hardest to get to them to instantly become best friends!! Which, with his now 9 month old and strong 55 pound self, makes jogging when people are outside a little tedious at times!
My JRT mix Kimo’s tagline would for sure be “Squirrel Patrol”
Trooper’s (Lab/BorderCollie)would be “Scratch my butt”, Xander’s (Great Dane) would be”Guernsey” & “Heart Breaker”
So so cute!! Must narrow down Cookie’s nicknames!
Okay Cookie’s would be “Rotten Rottie”
Blade’s would have been “Chimpbutt” because my dad said he had a monkey butt like a chimp (which funny enough my nickname from my dad is also Monkeybutt. LOL!
Tempe’s would say “No Regrets”. She’s a cattle dog and thats how she lives. 🙂
Miya’s tagline is definitely “Can’t Hold My Licker”!
My beagles tagline would be ‘The Bur-father’ , his name is Burberry and when he chews on a rawhide bone, he looks like the Godfather smoking a pipe.
My Golden Retriever,Maynard’s tagline would be ‘Lion Paws’. He’s still growing into his big retriever paws…
Scooby’s would be “Pro Napper”
Tiko’s would be “Russian Space Dog” (because it’s the only possible explanation 😉 ) and Grizzy’s would simply say “Fabulous.” (with the period at the end), because she *is*.
For our newest rescue Golden… would have to be:
“Ball Boy”
Mean Girl. My dog is a shep mix, around 100lbs., and has fear agression. People mistake this for her being a mean dog………but she’s really just a big mush 🙂
Oh, there are so many to choose from! For our golden Seamus, I think the best option would be “Shameless.” Because he has absolutely no shame.
Angie, you are the winner! If you drop me a line through the “contact me” form I can get you set up. 🙂 Congratulations!
Madee’s would be “Madee the menace” 8 yr old chocolate lab who spends most of the day sleeping and plotting new ways to get into mischief, so we will be donating tons of cash to our favourite vet clinic!
This is a great giveaway.
Seamus, my Border Collie, would have the tagline “Shameless”. My cat, Chloe, would have “The Huntress”.
Akira’s would be “REE RAH ROO!!” It’s her little Husky howl that we make fun of all of the time. She only does the ree rah roo when she gets extremely frustrated and it is TOO stinking cute!!
Beethoven’s is hard… but he does the “Hi, There!” thing, where he just kind of pops up in your face and it reminds me of Dug!
my black cat’s name is Karl, i think his tag line would be Rico Suave. he loves the ladies and is too cool to do anything other than look cool… he knows what he wants and he wanted it yesterday.
‘Truly Zoomie’
My shiba inu is very feisty. Her tagline would be “Bitch and Proud of It.”
My rescue tabby, Savannah, loves to sit on my chest while I’m in bed. She sits before I fall asleep, and she sits as I wake up. I normally give her some pets (or ‘pettins’ as we call them) while she’s all sprawled out on me, and she purrs…it’s very relaxing to fall asleep to or wake up to. When she feels like she’s not getting enough attention, she calmly stretches out a paw and places it delicately on my mouth.
I know where those paws have been….GROSS. But I still love her, and I hate to admit it but they’re very dainty, soft paws (it feels kind of nice!)
So I have two taglines for her:
“My paw, your mouth”
Splash’s would be “Little Dipper”. We hope we win, fetching tags are awesome!
Since Smooch already has one that says “Ranch Security,” my horse Hank would get this one if we get lucky enough, and the tag line would have to be “Boss Hoss.”
My cat Sugar’s would either be Mama’s Girl or Shuga-Shug. Boycat Loki could be Cool Dude or Loka-Bloke
I’d have to think about it, but it would probably be “tiny carnivore” or “wild cat”. she’s rather useless as a hunter, since she’s always talking to her stalked prey which alerts them and they fly away (usually bugs & birds). Oooo… maybe I’ll come up with something along those lines…
hmmm, “scratch my butt” “who tooted?” or “rub my belly” would all fit.
My mischievous Siamese would get the tagline “Wicked” because that’s been her nickname practically since she was a kitchen. (Last night she broke a large stoneware bowl because, well, she’s wicked.) I think my other cat, a handsome black and white DSH, would do well with “Lap Fiend” because he is one.
Hammer and Argos – both Greyhounds – would, without a doubt, have the “who tooted?” tagline! LOL Sophie is a natural model, giver of love, and so very patient. Her’s would read “The Goodest Dog” 😀
Ellie’s should definitely be squirrel patrol! I’ve never seen a dog more diligent about keeping those squirrels in their place!
My rescued Pit mix would get the tagline “Cuddle Bug”. If there is anyway in which she can sleep with/on me or my husband, even if it is the most awkward of positions, she will. She just loves to cuddle.
Mickey: “Plunk! Plunk! Plunk!” (he has this happy little trot we call his “plunk, plunk” walk)
Kayloo: “Carebear X” (she’s a rescue & we always say she is a pitbull crossed with a carebear :))
So many to choose from. She is already named Diva, for a good reason. So “Beauty Queen” or “Mama’s Baby” because she is my biggest baby or “Dorky Dog” because she really is a huge dork. She is the sweetest, though. 🙂
Niki tag-line would be “Digger Dog”
She’s a blue eyed Siberian mix that love to dig “nesting” holes in my lawn.
Darwin would totally be “who tooted”. She’s a gas machine!
mine would be “big bark no bite” with a smilie face or a heart 🙂
Pudding Head.
new rescue to my pack, Eskie mix Xolo would be “Comic relief”
Whereas, Eskie princess Callie would be “Priss Miss”
and Beagle Mix Bailey would be “Alpha Bitch”
Absolutely love the tags!
Either “Let’s go for a Ride” or “Snack Vacuum”
Jessie would either be “Diva” or “Shine” She is a diva and we sometimes called her moonshine because she is a licker.
Comacho (mini dachshund) tagline is “Black Torpedo” He is in training for Oktoberfest wiener races, got robbed last year!
Mine would say Devil Dog, he is an 22 month old Akita
I was just at this website designing one! I’m trying to decide between “scratch my butt” or “love bug”. I love these tags! (if only there was a smaller one for cats that could fit more letters)
Chipper is a mutt, mixed between Labrador and Pit Bull. He looks mostly like a lab with wrinkle forehead and a lot of loose skin around the neck. He’s definitely a “Luncky Mutt”, although “Squirrel Patrol” or “Lap Dog” will suite him just fine. He’s 57-lb dog but he loves more than anything to stretch out on my husband’s lap.
Let’s see….Lexi’s (crazy fast agility monster) would be “Unleash Me” and Ziggy’s (most lovable Flatcoat ever) would be “I Won’t Grow Up”!
Benjen’s would be Mama’s Boy. He is my baby!
Marley is definitely the “Fun Police”. He barks at everything!
Lily is Mooch or Elf Toe (big elf shoe like tufts of hair grow between her toes), Fluffy is Mr. Crabby Butt.
My mini-labradoodle, Brady’s would be “Toe Licker” …… he loves toes…
Bailey’s tag would definitely say “Stinky Stink.” That’s what I call him when his toots clear the room!
Leo’s (the red one in my pic) would be “Can’t hold my licker”cause he can’t keep his tongue in his mouth. Fritz’s would probably be Schitzo Fritzo
My sweet Border Collie should have an “Urban Cowgirl” badge for adjusting to city life like a champ! But I think she’d appreciate a “Frisbee Fetcher”or a “Just Throw It” tag as a warning to all those who dare look at her frisbee. Our kitty should be stuck in a “The Tinkler” tag as a reminder of his last marking session. I’m still scrubbing the mess!
All of my phrases for Eddie are too long for one tag to contain: “I have 3 extra toes. No, Seriously.” or “It only looks like I’m growling – I’m actually smiling 🙂 ” or “I’m not cock-eyed. I was born on a hill!” I love my dog’s quirkiness. 🙂 I’ll save his dignity and go with “stud.”
Simba (golden doofus): Ball Hog (he always has a tennis ball (or 2!) in his mouth)
Minnie (long haired chi): Bouncy McHoppersons (she literally bounces 3 feet off the floor to lick your face!)
Hmmmm… MAgoo would be free love, because even if you dont want it you are getting it! Mini would be snuggle bug, she is so small you can carry her around anywhere and she will let you. LOL
Dobe rescued after Katrina “I haz the OCD”, very neurotic
Elderly beagle with fatty lipomas we call him “the lumpy bagel”
Great Pyrenees his only bad habit “I eat poop”
“All Food Welcome” would be the tagline on mine, because my mini dachshund, Oscar, loves to eat. Thankfully, he has his mama to keep him from becoming the worlds first 100 pd wiener dog;)
My dog Elliott’s tag would say “Wiggler”. He has a nubbin for a tail so when he starts to shake it, his whole body wiggles!
I’m torn between “Nub Wiggle” or “Nascar Dog” for my schipperke. His little nub of a tail wiggles so much that he almost shimmies with happiness when he is a happy boy but he loves, loves, loves nascar-ing around the yard in big circles.
Ally would be “Dinky Waggles” (her tail has types of wagging, from the small tip of the tail “dink dink dink dink” to the full-on windshield wiper wag or “waggles” – her nickname eventually went to that. Piper would be “Pip Pip”.
I’d include the cats but they wouldn’t tolerate tags!
Doh – actually, Piper reminded me today that her tag should actually say “Sun Goddess”. Damned awesome weather and a dog addicted to sun 😉
We’d definitely have to go with “Wiggle butt”, because we actually call him that. Though we do have a “full” name for him, which is Emmett Underfoot Stink Butt.
“love beast,” for sure!
Rhys would have “Bruiser”, he’s the little brother that thinks he’s boss, and Tegwen would have “Scout” or “Table Surfer” she is good at her job!!
These are adorable! My Bichon would definitely be “Cotton Kisses” because she has no control of her tongue nor her coat. I wouldn’t have it any other way. =)
Nalo’s tagline would be “Poi Dog” to reflect his Hawaiian heritage!
Mully’s would be ‘Honey Bunny’ b/c shes a 3 legged golden & HOPS!
Morgan – ‘big puppy” – at almost 13, white faced & deaf.. I still call her puppy 🙂
This is so awesome! Topaz’s tagline would have to be “wiggle butt”! We call her that all the time… She wiggles, wiggles, wiggles, wiggles, then wiggles some more.
awesome! Lola, my GSD x greyhound’s tag would say “free kisses here”
Milo’s would be “Slobberdog Milosevic” (my sister’s ingenious name for my little dictator of doggieness)
These tags are the cutest! =D
We have two cats who are brothers, they may need a tag each that says “brothers in arms” (they are named Ike and Monty after the American and British WWII generals). Or Ike’s could be “Love me more!!” while Monty’s could be “What?”
And our puppy, Ellie, is a border collie mix who may need something like “obsessed” or “frisbee whore” (she will do anything for you if you are holding the frisbee). Of course being Easter I keep thinking of her seasonal nickname “JEllie Bean”!
Henry’s would have to be Big Brother!
Puzzle’s would be either “Chase Me!” or “I’m a BOY” – too darn pretty for his own good.