Today, I decided little Kekoa might enjoy a day at doggie daycare. Why not? I had a reservation I wasn’t going to be able to use for Brody anyway.
Why is that, do you ask? Poor Brody is persona non grata at doggie daycare. You see, he has warts. Canine viral papillomas, to be more specific- a common affliction in dogs, seen most often in young pups who go to dog parks, or, erm, doggie daycares.
So no matter that this very place is the most likely reason he got it in the first place, until those lesions are gone, he can’t attend. I understand the reasoning, and policy is policy. It is a contagious disease after all, though the vast majority of cases result in a small amount of harmless though ugly lesions that resolve on their own in a month or two.
A month or two is no big deal, unless of course you’re talking about Brody- a dog who LIVES for this, who spends the entire workday tearing around the facility 100 miles an hour. If he doesn’t spend the full day tearing around the facility, he is either home eating stuff, or at work, wreaking havoc with the resident cat. For this reason, I am trying an experimental therapy that has been shown in some studies to induce remission in about 15 days.
The azithromycin arrived today, special ordered from a compounding pharmacy in Brody-size (see, I really do use human drugs all the time! Azithromycin is the drug you might know as a Z pack.) Keep your fingers crossed that it works.
Back to the beginning of the story- so we had reversed positions, with Kekoa in daycare and Brody with me at work. Neither of them liked it much. Koa received a sad face on her report card, which stated, “Not a good day for her. She sat in the corner all day and didn’t want to play with any of the dogs. Maybe next time she might meet a friend.” How sad is that? Meanwhile Brody spent the day with me, sequestered and sulking.
So keep your fingers crossed that this stuff works. We all will be much happier that way.
Aww, poor Koa! Tucker is much like Brody in that he lives for his twice-a-week doggie daycare fix. When he was banned for about a month due to a skin infection, I thought we were all going to go insane. Here’s hoping Brody can get back in the game quickly!
Poor Koa! Oscar and Sophie go to daycare every day, and if Oscar misses any time we all go pretty much insane. Here’s hoping Brody gets well soon, and that Koa gets to the point that maybe she can enjoy daycare on occasion…
Poor Koa! That’s the saddest thing ever. 🙁
Sounds like Koa just wanted to be with you. Since the dog in your picture appears to be the Wicked Witch of the West, Koa was at the daycare thinking “There’s no place like home!”
a sad face? how sad!! i wonder if she’d have more fun with brody there?
We’ve been using azithromycin on viral papillomas at our clinic for a couple of months now, and the results have been AWESOME. So Brody will be back in doggie day care in a few weeks, I’m sure of it.
Oh yay, I am so glad you have had good results!
Poor Brody and Koa does not sound like either had very good days. Hope Brody’s treatment works and that Koa can meet a friend that wants to just hang out calmly and not race around the day care.
Yipes. Brody’s eye keeps following me across my office in that wicked photo. I hope he and Koa can swap places soon!
Aww poor Koa. I’m so sad about the life she must have had before you had her. Please give her an extra snuggle from me
It worked REALLY well the one time I used it in a dog from TJ, and he had some major warts. They were gone within a week.
Oh, that is so sad! I love that your daycare gives report cards though! That is fantastic 🙂
Awww, poor Koa! 🙁 She’s such a sweetie. And very positive healing vibes to Brody!
Oh, the sad face on Koa’s report card gives me a sad face, poor girl! And poor Brody with the warts. Maybe some leftover Brody birthday cake will cheer them up?
D: poor Koa! That is inexplicably way more upsetting than it should be. She just has such a sad expressive face already. Argh!