We recently received a bag of Alopaw Hawaiian Dog Treats for the pups. Founder Shannon created her vegan treats after learning her adorable black lab Kona was born with a liver shunt and would require a very specialized diet.
So we receive a bag of treats from a dog named Kona, with a picture of a black lab on the front- is there any question who should get to do the product review? My husband and I were just discussing how Koa deserved to be featured a little more than she has been.
I’ve been on a little video kick lately- plenty more of that in the coming weeks- so I figured what the heck, let’s do a review on film:
Would you like to try a bag of Alopaw treats? Leave a comment with which kind you’d like to try and I will pick a winner at random on Friday.
** Chosen at random: Molly and Piper! Congratulations! Zombie bones or paradise palms it is!
Great review, Koa!
There are actually three flavors my very allergic dog could have! I think she’d like
the Zombie Bones best, though.
Go Koa! I’d like to be entered. The dogs love trying new things and if they become believers, I buy
Koa definitely seemed pleased with the treats! Great video! I think Merlin would like the Beach Bums (peanut butter). In fact, the Beach Bums would come with us in September when we all go to the Outer Banks!
Koa is a darling!
I think Tucker would like to try the Hula Honeys. I’m not sure how he’ll feel about the pineapple, but it’s always good to try new things, right? (This is what I tell my kids, anyway, as I hide my peas under my napkin!)
Hula Honey for my sweet puggle
Beach Bums – our girls are all about peanut butter. Great job Kekoa – you’re the best!!
I vote for the Beach Bums as well. Oscar is picky but loves PB, Sophie has weird kidney issues (and I’m a vegetarian trending as much as possible toward vegan) so I Iove the fact that the treats are vegan! Cool!
I tried to make all of the treats as low in phosphorous as possible to good for dogs with kidney issues. Kona’s liver problem means that her kidneys have to work over time to compensate so we have to keep them going strong!
Hula Honey’s or Beach Bums for my fruit and peanut butter loving Sheltie!!
Koa was too adorable in that video, did you see that tail wagging a mile a minute? Too cute! Loved her HUGE smile at the end too! xoxo
Oh yeah — yay for Koa! What a cute tester and I’m so glad she didn’t have to be second on this one!
Aww Koa is such a sweetheart! And the treats are vegan? That’s awesome.
(i don’t need treats–don’t pick me)
The treats look great! Nana would love to try some and I love shopping on Etsy so it would be a perfect fit if she loves them. I am always looking to support small business and not the box stores. You get better product, and service!
Definately, my Tempe would love to taste the Beach Bums! That sounds yum-o to her. She LOVES peanut butter.
My pups are able to eat anything, but my friend has a rescued Shih Tzu (bred by BYB + dumped at shelter) also born with liver shunt and on specialized diet –Beach Bums would be perfect for her pup
Has your friend’s dog had corrective surgery for it’s shunt? If so I was just wondering what route they chose.
Would love to try hips honeys
Paradise Palms sound interesting. My dogs love all veggies and fruit. I’m always looking for something different. Love the video.
I think my Moneydog and pup Samirah would love the peanut butter beach bums. It is proably the closest we’ll ever get to HI.
Don’t enter me, as I already have these treats, but I have to say Finn loved them all! We did a review on them as well.
These look awesome!!! I think my little Tobester would love the salmon ones!! Or any of them really, he’s very not picky!!
Wow! Those are super cute!! The shapes, the flavors and even the packaging. Cookie is a tomato fiend so she’d prolly dig the Lomi Lomi Salmon although the Beach Bums sounds tasty too!
Daisy would like either the salmon or the peanut butter best, but they all look delicious.
Yes please, more Koa! She is such a sweetie.
I described the Lomi Lomi treats to Hamlet and he’s now drooling in my lap. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds so yummy, we would love to try the Zombie bones or
Paradise palms! Have a golden day!
Gypsy LOVES fruits and veggies and the Hula Honeys sound like a perfect treat for my active American Eskimo.
I’d like to enter my Tiko for a bag. He is extraordinarily fond of all tropical fruits (I think he’d really like the Hula Honeys, but anything would make him happy), and he’s such a prince for putting up with the steady parade of often-difficult fosters that come through our house, it would be great to have a special cookie stash just for him.
Thank you so much for showing off our treats! I’m really glad that Koa loved them as much as Kona does. She is such a doll! That video was adorable!
My 9 year old border collie/terrier mix Bailey would love the peanut butter treats. Hopefully my luck at winning contests doesn’t rub off on her.
I just love her wagging tail/butt towards the end!
I think Akira and Beethoven would both love to try the Salmon! It’s that husky blood and loving fish!
Koa is so freaking cute!!!!!!!
(dont need the treats so please leave me out of the draw! thanks)
Murphy Brown and George would love to try the Lomi Lomi Salmon
I love that you have a pet named Murphy Brown!
Great video!
We’d love to try them!
Your doggies are just adorable, I have 2 of my own, 2 goldens Ginger Snap 4yrs and Peanut Butter 9 months old. I love how dogs can be so full of expression without saying a word and just a wag of their tail. Priceless!
what a beautiful graybeard baby girl! Aww, she is so sweet! I’d give her smoochies. I’m glad she liked the treats.
Love to see a pup enjoying treats! Makes my heart smile when I’m at work away from my boys! They would love to try the Hula Honeys – what cute products and they sound delish.
Thanks – you always introduce the coolest things!
Hmm, well I think Spunky, Snarf & Rufus would enjoy the Hula Honeys since they’d be a new, interesting flavor for them to try out. Also, your puppies are super adorable!