In a small lake somewhere close to the Canadian border in the Pacific Northwest, the mallards slumber.
Until the loud hairy Goldenbeast arrives, that is.
There is little to distract them from their duckly goings-on in this forest idyll, and one suspects that perhaps they resent the intrusion.
The Goldenbeast wastes no time interrupting their daily routine, gleefully chasing them off the docks and into the deeper waters.
The ducks show an eerie lack of disquiet during the chase, swimming just far enough ahead to keep the beast swimming after them as they head to the center of the lake.
One gets the disturbing feeling they have done this before. Instead of leaving when the beast hits land, they come closer. Quacking their siren song, they lure the unsuspecting labradors of summer to their exhausted limits in the center of the lake, where they might sink below the surface, never to be heard from again.
These are evil avians.
Fortunately for our hero, the Goldenbeast is fitted with an anti-drowning flotation device against just such attacks.
Ha ha! Take that, malicious mallards!
Over to their killing fields, where the beast floats like a cloud over the bones of those not-so-fortunate victims buried in the muck 45 feet below. He will not drown.
Tiring of their game, the ducks lead their quarry back to his home waters, hoping he will leave them the hell alone.
Until tomorrow.
Such a doggone cute Goldenbeast. I can’t believe I am rooting AGAINST the sweet duckies!
sooooo cute! thanks for the Monday morning smile!
Love it! Makes me wrinkle my brow at my lab-greyhound mix, who eschews every inch of his lab heritage when it comes to the water. We were at the beach this past weekend where Tucker earned the nickname Piper, after the sand pipers who chase the surf out to the ocean and then run from it as it comes back in. If only Brody could teach Tucker how much fun the water can be … maybe I should show him this post, lol.
I have a water-phobic lab-mix, as well! He will go up to his wrists in the *bay* (no waves, even!) and then cry pitifully. Even his boxer best friend bounding into the water won’t make him budge from the shore.
Looks like Brody had a fun vacation! You know he’s going to be begging to go again next year! Love the “crimped” ear fur in the last picture. Too cute! 🙂
And once again, the Goldenbeast reigns supreme! Great vacation shots – thanks Doc!
I can almost always count on your blog to bring a smile, Dr. V. You haven’t failed today. I thoroughly enjoyed the narration and the photos.
I love me some Goldenbeast! That last photo is particularly awesome…
Ohhhhh Brodie you are so cute!
Brody’s my hero!! I’ve found ducks to be very smug creatures; just try dumping a sailboat within screaming distance of them and you’ll know what I mean.
I LOVE the pictures of Brody on the dock. He’s such a handsome fella! 🙂
*Brody love*