Think of this as the furry version of Oprah’s Favorite Things, except with you all in your living room instead of in the studio, and me only giving away a few things instead of one to every reader. And we haven’t all had our hair and makeup done. And we’re not in Chicago.
OK, it’s not anything like Oprah’s Favorite Things but it’s still going to be a fun, fun week because I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS and therefore I dedicate the next month to merriment, festivities and gifts!
This week is the Pawcurious Holiday Gift Guide, where we’ll be doing product reviews, giveaways and basically just getting all googly-eyed over our favorite pet products. And I have a fantastic gift to start things off: A goose down coat from Joy Pet Products! From the website:
The Goose Down filled Doggie Coat from Joy Pet Products is filled with the finest quality white goose down. Down provides superior, lightweight insulation. The down traps the warm air helping to maintain a comfortable, warm body temperature. Down is a like a soft fluff, different than feathers and without any quills to poke through. High end outerwear for people as well as comforters and pillows are often filled with down because of the wonderful comfort it provides. The larger clusters provide a higher fill power, which means they have a higher loft and provide better insulation. They also last longer than smaller, less expensive clusters found in inferior products. We use 550 fill power in all our down doggie coats.
As beautiful as these coats are, I was worried they would be wasted on a big furry Golden who lives in San Diego where it never gets below 50 degrees, so Joy Pet Products agreed to instead give one away to one of you! Someone who has to take their pup walking in the snow is going to be one happy camper.
Today’s giveaway is for one Original Goose Down Filled Doggie Coat. The coats are reversible, easy on/off (ie no sleeves) and full coverage all the way back over the hips. For sizing information, click here.
Here’s How To Enter:
You can enter in three ways:
- Leave a comment below describing who your coat would be for and why they would love it.
- Become a fan of Joy Pet Products on Facebook.
- Retweet this contest.
Please note: If you do fan them on Facebook or retweet the contest you need to come back here and leave a separate comment in order for me to count your extra entries, up to 3 entries per person total.
Fine Print:
- Contest ends Sunday, December 5th at midmight PST.
- Winner will be chosen using
- You pick the size, Joy Pet Products picks the pattern.
Stay toasty!
My sister’s dog is turning 18 this year – he is crazy arthritic and despite this insists on spending most of the day outside (probably because this is also the preferential location of her other, younger dog). He would love this coat, another way to help keep his old bones warm this winter.
Also friended on Facebook.
My shar pei Kaylee would love this! She’s a horsecoat, so has very short fur and gets VERY cold in the winter! She’s also getting up there in age and could just use the extra padding to her bones.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Uh-oh…if Smooch won this coat I would no longer be able to use the it’s-too-cold excuse to skip our daily walk. Smooch and my scale would be very happy.
This coat would be for Clyde. We had THE MOST horrible winter last year, and I had to break down and buy him a dog jacket. It’s nowhere near as awesome (or warm) as this goose-down coat though. We definitely trek through the snow here on a daily basis, as Clyde gets his two walks a day, even in below zero temps. He would be a happy boy if he won! And I’m retweeting this too!
I tweeted the give-way under @catchatcaren!
This jacket is adorable!!!
It would be for our Sheltie (Dakota)….he is quite the handsome lad…..this plaid looks rather Scottish and you know that Shelties I believe originated in Scotland!! He would be flaunting his Scottish plaid!!
He is so handsome and this is the perfect jacket for a boy Sheltie!
I also became a “fan” of Joy Pet Products on Facebook…my name there is Caren Osrin Gittleman
I would give this to my sister for her dog. They live in Denver, so it gets pretty nasty there.
My bull terrier would love this. He loves (and needs!!) long walks, but his short hair leaves him freezing cold. When he was smaller, I’d dress him up in all sorts of sweaters, but now that he’s grown and all muscle-y, I have a hard time finding anything to fit him.
I have a little Boston that would love this coat! He shivers outside anytime it gets below 40 degrees!
Retweeted this via @lmseifert32
Pru freezes her poor little stub off in the Maine winters. While she does have a few coats, none are as spiffy or nearly as warm as this one!
I friended them on facebook 😀
Aww, what a great little coat!
If I won, I would give this to my parent’s JRT Rikki. He has a tough time dealing with the harsh winters where they live. It often gets to -40 degrees celcius and worse with wind chill. They have several coats for him but I think this one would make a lovely gift for the little guy.
Our dog, Rocko, would love a down coat for Christmas! We think he’s part cat – he doesn’t like to get his paws wet or EVER be cold. He spends most of the day curled up on a blanket except when he’s lying in the sun. This year for Christmas, we’re taking him to the mountains. And the snow. He’s going to need some extra insulation on his chi-doxie body. He wears a Small and says three woofs for a down coat!
I liked Joy Pet Products on facebook. Rocko wears a Small jacket. Thank you!
Sounds like a nice warm coat, just what our newest addition Lily needs. Our first snow was last night and she’s not happy tromping through it, I bet this coat would help her.
I retweeted your link for Rocko’s Small coat! Woohoo!
I have a 4lb chihuahua who HATES the cold. Enough said. I think she would love a down jacket of her very own. Fancy!
My pit bull’s name is Joy! She hates the cold and snow and will wear a coat from Oct – May. She would love a new coat for this year. 🙂
My sister’s dog Audrey. She loves her walks, but sometimes we worry that it’s getting too cold for her.
I used to think my rescued pit bull was always cold because she was underweight, but even with an additional 20 pounds on her she shivers all the time. She’d love this!
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I would either pick one for me as I am sure my pups are ok in the cold – infact they ran around like crazy girls when we got snow the other day, or I would give a doggie SAINTS – a local end of life sanctuary.
I have two smalls dogs and either could use it! We just moved to Oregon and it is much colder here than California.
… and facebook “fan”ed!
Hello there
I am a cat so therefore do not need a coat- but i have a very dear doggie friend who has no fur on his tummie and he gets cold when he has to walk outside. Being that it is Christmas if i was so lucky to win this coat I would give it to hims from Santa Claws love petie
My grumpy old man, Scooby, certainly would appreciate this coat during the mountain winter this year.
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Good Day!
This sophisticated coat would look “Fabulous” on my black & white Papillon whose name is just that “FABULOUS”. She is a rock star in agility, this would keep her warm at the trials whenever she is outside.
Fabulous would be honored to wear & show of a JOY PET PRODUCT!
Happy Holidays Too You!
my little man, ted, a golden retriever, could totally use this coat! we are going to seattle for christmas break and im sure he would love something to keep his skinny butt warm!
liken them on facebook!
I love this coat…really well designed for dogs. I have a chiweenie, who, as much as she loves the outdoors, will turn around and head back in when she is cold when we go for walks. I would love for her to be happy and have some protection and look good at the same time.
Jingles, my 19 yr old beagle, would love this coat! He loves anything snuggly! He also goes nuts for his walks but when we get the -20C temps he doesn’t last long outside. This coat would help keep him warm so he can stay out a bit longer for his walks on our freezing winter nights!
love this sit and the woman feels out pups need a jacket so here i am lol
My little chi-mix is not a huge fan of the Chicago winters (she takes after her mom). She would look pretty darn cute in this jacket too.
*Facebook Fan, Too*
Cookie loves snow as much as her momma. But unlike her momma she just has her normal short Rottie coat to keep her warm. I’ve tried limited her time outside in the snow but she gets so upset with me because she just wants to be out there as long as possible. She would be able to stay out a little longer in a coat (even though she’d probably give me the stink eye the first few days) but it would ease my mind while she’s tromping through the snow and standing in the wind. 🙂
Became a fan on FB too. 🙂
The coat would be for Theo, My Pug/Beagle. We live in a very cold climate, and in winter he can’t chase his friend Cassie the Golden Retriever as much as he can in the summer because he starts to shiver. He would love the coat so that they can frolick through the forest once again.
My son has three (3) dogs! Rocco the Mini Pincher would love the down coat. He loves to run around the yard and go for walks with Marciano, the Pit Bull and Lola, the American Bull dog. We live in Topsfield MA in New England and the winters are really cold and snowy. I have seen these beautifully made down coats for dogs and they are fabulous. I would love one for myself! Ha The design colors are great too! Thanks
Great looking coat for my dog! It would keep him warm in the cold, snowy, wintery weather of New England! I would love one for my self!
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My dog Layla would love that coat. She loves walks, but hates the cold. Recently we’ve put a sweater on her when we take her out for longer than a few minutes, but it’s getting colder and I’m worried about how she’ll tolerate the snow. She’s going to look so pretty! :o)
My dog Layla (ha, same as the person ahead of me!) LOVES being outside and I’m wondering how it’s going to go this winter, her being only 10 months old and not yet exposed to freezing temperatures during the day. This coat would be great because she can stay out there for hours chasing leaves and birds. Got a matching one for the owner too?
What would winter be without snow and cold weather? Try convincing my dog she lives in New England. Kiwi truly hates the cold and without a beautiful fluffy jacket I am relegated to putting down pee pads by the door. Shes a princess for sure…but my rugs cannot handle it. Please save the rugs! 😉
my mini doxie shakes all the time anyway and these Colorado winters are a killer –he would most certainly enjoy it!!
thank you for the chance !
My adorable papillon needs this coat so keep up with his many friends in the neighborhood. Naturally, he a social butterfly 😉 and it gets freezing cold here in Eastern Pa.
I’d love to put this coat on my Golden Retriever Mazie. This would be especially helpful when it’s freezing out and sleeting. I’d need an XL
clenna at aol dot com
I am a fan of Joy Pet Products on Facebook.
clenna at aol dot com
*not sure if that will work.. soo: also.
“Can i haz jacket for cold?”
This is Gnarley Marley. He’s a super tough dog that looks all mean and vicious (ferocious those pitbulls are..), but he is a cold-hating machine. He won’t even step outside in the rain if he has to get his big toe wet to pee (which makes it really fun when i have to stand outside with him). He would be in HEAVEN if he had a super warm plush jacket… and i might be able to get inside faster also 🙂
i would be for my son and daughter-in-laws dog a german shorthair named bear hes such a great boy
This coat would be perfect for our Baby! We currently have 3 inches of snow on the ground, and it’s just getting started. Needless to say, we could use a cute warm coat for our girl. 🙂
This coat would be for my dog Phoebe. I rescued her from the stray facility where we live. Just a few weeks ago she was spayed. We don’t have snow yet but have had some flurries. Phoebe is shivering already. She’ll love this coat! She gets to stay warm and play outside (which is what she wants to do most of the day!).
kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
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kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
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kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
My Bassett/Lab (bassador!) Pickle would love a coat. She has almost no hair on her belly/chest area so she gets cold easily. It’s nice though because she likes to dive under the covers and curl up against me. I have my own personal heater in bed at night 🙂
Ricochet, my smooth coated Jack Russell. Then he can enjoy the Pennsylvania snow like the rest of the gang.
This would be for our jackhound Emmy – she has short, silky hair and freezes in the winter!
for our little Louie, who is always so cold
oh…wendel would love this!!! my smooth coat west coast weiner dog is now spending his first winter in southern ontario. he loves, loves, loves his walks but he gets so cold his back legs shake when we wait to cross streets…it’s like his back and front are not connected 🙂
The coat would be for me – Ricky! I’m a 2 year old Havanese who HATES the cold, the snow, and the rain – probably because I don’t have a cool coat like this.
This coat would be for Vinny the boston terrier. He is a wimp and lives in northern michigan where it is freezing most of the time. He would love this. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d definitely use a coat for Piper who basically has the build of a very very (very) small greyhound. Barely-there fur, muscular, lean. Sure, she’s 6 pounds but she’s still very greyhoundesque :p
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Any of my 3 Boston terriers would love a coat like this for those COLD Maryland winters! But especially my allergic boy Bailey – he has chewed and scratched off so much of his fur that he has naked parts!!!
Thank you!
cute! our smallest dog Sienna is 7 lbs and short-haired so every winter we have to pull out a variety of sweaters and coats to keep her from shivering like crazy all winter…even in the house. 🙁 anything lower than 80 just won’t do for her!
would love to win this for my MIL’s dog… they live in Utah where it gets SOOOO cold
The coat would be for my Boston Terrier, Hamlet, and he would LOVE it because we live in Denver, CO and when it gets quite cold in the winter he practically refuses to go outdoors. When he is outdoors, he often hobbles around on three legs, keeping one off the cold ground. This coat would make sure he still gets his exercise in the winter months!
I tweeted and I became a fan of Joy Pet Products on facebook. Thanks!
Mollie, our Boston terrier would love this coat! She is so spoiled!
fan of Joy Pet Products on Facebook.
I would love to win this for my chiuaua, she recently had puppies had a tough delivery ~ I think this would be just the thing to cheer her up when she has to go out in the freezing temperatures to potty. Thanks for considering! 🙂
The coat would be for my furbaby, Bear who is a Maltese mix. He is so cute but he needs a coat. The coat I have for him is too small. He loves to play outside but he gets cold and wants to be held after he is done playing. I just love Bear! He is my “fur”son! He’d love to be warm in the coat and able to play outside without getting cold and he would be stylish at the same time :)! Thanks!
I just became a fan of Joy Pet Products on Facebook!
I would love this for my new pup Zucchini! He’s a chihuahua mix, and I hear that they get cold easily. We actually got into the 40s last night, and he slept nestled up as tight against me as he could get!
I’m their fan on Facebook!
My dogs name is Pablo and he gets cold so easily so I thought this coat would be perfect for him.
I have 1 1/2 year old Pugapoo. He loves to go outside and play with my children, but he is outside for a little bit and he is shivering. He would love this. It would be nice to have a warm jacket for him since we have very cold winters here in Northeast Wisconsin. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Riley and Abby love playing in the snow but they get so cold. They would love this. Thanks!
The coat would be for my dog CoCo. She is very small and when I walk her in the wintertime she always looks so cold!! She would love this coat!
This would be for my daughter’s Great Dane, who always seems cold in the winter. Not sure about the dog, but I know my daughter would love it.
This coat would be for Charlie, our 14 year old Westie. He would love it because he’s just gotten a haircut and it would keep him warm when he goes outside. He was shivering today when we had a big snow in our usually fairly warm climate!
Our beagle would love this. He tends to shiver when it’s chilly!
This would be for my baby, Bucky. He and I love to go hiking, especially in the winter, so this coat would be great to keep him warm during our hikes. He’s got long fur, but not a double coat, so he does get cold, even if it’s not freezing outside. This would be perfect for him. : )
This would be for my dog Bella who is a Rat Terrier with short hair and no fur on her belly. She gets cold easily!
Fanned on Facebook (Dani B.)
My rat terrier Luci would get this coat. it is cold and snowy in Wisconsin but that does not stop her from ‘campig out” under whatever tree she has chased a squirrel up and she would love to be toasty warm in this instead of thecrummy nasty coat I made her 9 i flunked home ec in hs)
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This coat would be for our friend’s dog, Mojo. He’s a lovely older dog who was a rescue from a shelter in the South where he was scheduled to be “put down” within 8 hours of his rescue. He was brought up North and adopted by our friend. He’s very short and probably a chihauhua/terrier or daschund mix and therefore very short. The N.E winter is hard on him when he goes for walks, and he just had surgery to remove cancerous growths. Mojo would very much appreciate being warm and cozy in this special coat, and he’s such a special guy…he deserves this!
I have a kleinspitz girl turning 3 in January.. I’ve never bought any clothes for her, but it would be nice to at least once try it! 🙂 If she hates them, then no can do, but our winter here is COLD so who knows, she could enjoy a coat!
I would love to regift this coat to my lovely niece who turns 16 next week. She asks for gifts for her pets, recently asking for a coat for her little yorkie Chloe. It’s rare that a teenager asks for something that doesn’t need to be plugged in, downloaded, or needs keys!
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My Italian Greyhound, Luigi, would be most grateful if you would choose him to receive the coat. He lives in Missouri, which has bitter winters. He is not sure why he lives in Missouri, but he does and he is cold.
My wonderful, sweet Pickles would love it. She is an older Cavalier with Mitral Valve disease and just moved from California to Ohio. Unfortunately we moved and do not have jobs so she has been wearing a wool blanket that we cut for her, so I am sure that she would appreciate something a little more styleish.
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This would be for Dude- we have 5 dogs, but he is soooooooo cold all the time, he literally shivers, even in bed at night til I not only lay on my side so he can snuggle in his “spot” but also put lots of blankies on him.
I am a facebook fan Sherry Conrad
This would be for my Boxer, Reaper. We live in Chicago, where it gets pretty cold. Reaper, being a short-haired dog, is not a big fan of the cold, so I think he would love this!
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
Liked Joy Pet Products on FB (Becky Seelentag)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
I would love it for my little one Zoe who is a Minature Schnauzer because we live in Pa. and it gets pretty cold here.
This would be for my neighbors little Chihuahua. Sassy is 15 years old and still loves her walks every night even in this frigid New Hampshire weather. This would keep her so warm.
I am a fan of Joy Pet Products on Facebook (Peace LovePets)
I tweeted!/eyzofblu63/status/11566758108332033
This would be for my dog Peanut.
I would love it for my dog. She gets cold really easily. She is n inside dog and we have one of those kennel heat pads in her dog house so she can run in there if she gets a little cold on potty runs out the back door – but sadly, she is not the brightest and stands next to it just shivering away. One of these fabulous down coats is just what she needs!%20!/VIVASOLAR/status/11574845158457344
This coat would be for my little rescue pup. He is a chi/JRT mix and he FREEZES when he goes out to potty! 🙁 Charlie would be most appreciative of a nice warm coat!
I’d get this for my 1.5 year old corgi! She was actually freezing 2 days ago when i took her for a short walk! She’d love it, and look adorable in it for christmas too!
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This coat would be for our little Poodle/Maltese mix. He was a stray who showed up on our back porch 3 years ago, and has been warming our hearts ever since!
The coat would be for my pup, Lusi. Her hair is so fine on her entire belly that you can always see her skin and she is shivering all the time.
It’d be for my friend’s dog. 😀 THANKS.
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This amazing coat would be for my best friend and chihuhua, Speedy who is pictured in my avatar. He would love it cause he likes to be outdoors whenever I am and sometimes it’s too cold…
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justine pierson
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