As we count down the final hours to the Blogathon Extravaganza, I thought you all might like a sneak preview of some of the prizes and awesomeness that will be heading your way here and on other sites during the blogathon.
Biscuits By Lambchop will be heading up a scavenger hunt
Speaking for Spot by Dr. Nancy Kay will be giving away one autographed copy in addition to making a $5 donation to Bradyn for every copy purchased through this link.
Firefly Lampwork beads from Dr. Janet Tobiassen Crosby
Clay Paws Holiday Gift Kit from Vet Wisdom Cafe
Pawprint Lock and Key necklace from Dr. Amy Valentine at Dog Angel Jewelry
Fetching Tags from Jen Cleere at Fetching
Calming Collars from Deb Mendez at
Peekeeper from
Penguin Squeaky from Smiling Frog Pets on Etsy
World’s Best Cat Litter to be used for cat litter purposes, as opposed to cooking usage like I’ll be doing
There may be more. There’s always more. I heard a rumor Fetching Tags will have a Paco collar and a Molly Mutt duvet, two things already on my Christmas wishlist, which makes it ironic that I can’t enter the giveaway. So go forth and get it and I will live vicariously through you.
I also have some fantastic guest posts in the mix from such luminaries as Dr. Nancy Kay, Laura Bennett from Embrace Pet Insurance, Veterinary Wisdom Cafe, and Petfinder, as well as one from Bradyn’s mother Elizabeth about epilepsy. I think you will be able to save the blogathon in its entirety and have reading material for a solid week.
If you are getting excited like I am and still want to help, I am looking for people to help share links on Facebook and Twitter during the blogathon. I’ll be using the #blogathon hashtag, but based on last year’s experience I don’t think I will have enough time to Facebook and Tweet every link from every blog. Well, I know I won’t- so that would be great. You all can be the chanting hordes. Chanting hordes are excellent in situations like these.
I’ll be a chanting horde! Elizabeth’s story the other day was so moving – I hope Bradyn can get his service dog really soon!
I’ll be a member of the chanting horde as much as I can. I jsut found out yesterday that they are coming in on Monday to replace all of the floors in my house (new-ish house, long story), so I’ll have to be part of a packing horde as well. Still, can’t wait for the blogathon!
Happy to join in the chanting horde! I have dog agility for a couple hours on Saturday but otherwise, I’ll be online cheering you on.
I’ll be facebooking and tweeting you. Cant wait!
I’ll be there tweeting you on! The prizes look awesome! Can’t wait!
I’ll be a member of your chanting hoarde!! I love it!
oooooo Prizes! How can I get in on that? LOL
Chanting away! Happy Blogathon Day! YAY!!!!!
I”ll glad to be in the chanting hoard – I’ve got my pom poms down from the attic for the occasion!