In the third story on the theme of rescue, Dani from Helping Pets for Little Paws shares how a foster-based rescue program helps animals who would otherwise be at risk in shelters.
There are many options when looking to adopt a pet. One option is to adopt from a foster based rescue group. A foster based rescue group is a typically a group of volunteers that open their home to animals that have been owner relinquished, pulled from a shelter or found as a stray.
The goal of foster based rescue groups is to successfully place the animal in a forever home. Rescue groups fully vet the animal (shots, sterilize, negative heartworm test, de-worm – sometimes much more dependent upon what it takes to get the animal healthy) and work on behavior, such as issues like housebreaking, trust issues, pet etiquette, etc. Foster parents know their foster dog’s or cat (sometimes bunnies, ferrets, even guinea pigs are foster pets!) temperament and personality. They know what type of home would make a good match for each pet.
Most foster based rescue groups are volunteer based, with no paid employees. They operate off of donations only, as the adoption fee is typically less than what it cost to vet the pet. But rescue groups do not do this for the money, they do it to save animal’s lives.
By adopting from a rescue group, you open a slot for another homeless animal to be saved. Help us in our mission: Save a life, Adopt – Don’t Shop!
Thanks Dani for participating in the blogathon and sharing your foster experiences. The wonderful thing about animal foster parents is they are willing to take in the confused and sometimes infirmed and try to give them time to get through the trauma of moving on into a new life somewhere else. How difficult it must be to be an animal that has suddenly had their life turned upside down and find themselves in animal care and control, a shelter, etc…foster homes bring that warmth and hope back into their lives.
Yes! Our dog Layla came from a foster rescue, and adopting her was a wonderful experience! All the foster parents were very helpful when we were meeting the dogs – they can make a placement based on the animal’s personality and needs, and you really feel like you’re making an informed decision in the best interests of everyone involved. I’ve recommended rescues to people I know who are searching for a pet…definitely the way to go!!