One for all and all for one!
While we hammer out the last minute details for the weekend’s festivities, I wanted to introduce you to the seven other intrepid typists who will be joining me in the quest for enlightenment through sleep deprivation and nonstop online shenanigans.
Although we have a common goal (helping pets) and a common date, the manner in which these women interpret the challenge is very open ended, so I think you are going to see some fantastic stuff coming out of the blogosphere this weekend. There will be giveaways, music, tweets, videos, paint flying about- all in all a true multimedia extravaganza.
If you haven’t met these bloggers yet, here’s your chance: give ’em a bookmark and prepare to be wowed come Saturday.
Name: Dr. Janet Tobiassen Crosby
Known for: Authoring an extensive pet healthcare library over at’s Veterinary Medicine section.
A lesser-known fact: Dr. Crosby is also a talented maker of glass lampwork beads, which are rumored to be a part of the Blogathon giveaway festivities.
Blogging for: 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Bradyn Ferguson (I’m calling this the Bradyn Brigade!)
Name: Vicki Boatright, but you can call her BZTAT as long as you pronounce it correctly (bee-zee-tat.)
Blog: BZTAT Studios. However, since she is doing a paint-a-thon instead of posting blogs, you can follow her paintings in progress on Twitter (#bztatptg) and on Facebook. The paintings will be up for auction on her blog next week!
Known for: Colorful and whimsical pet portraiture. We at BlogPaws West 2010 were fortunate enough to watch BZTAT create a Dialogues Mural for the event.
Blogging for: One half for The Healing Paws Dialogue, an art project for the Pet Patrol therapy pet program at Mercy Hospital in Canton, OH.
The other half of the proceeds are going to A New Leash On Life‘s fund for Flower, who has pulmonic stenosis and needs a $2,500 balloon valvuloplasty surgery before she can be adopted out.
Known for: Handmade ID tags that manage to be adorable, durable, and funny all in one custom package. The creator of the infamous pawcurious household “Bitey, Lickey, and Smelly” tags. You may in fact get one of your very own during the blogathon, if you’re lucky.
Blogging for: 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Natalie Morgan
My Tail Hurts From Wagging So Much
Name: Michelle Maskaly
Blog: My Tail Hurts from Wagging So Much
Known for: Aside from being a social media expert, Michelle has an incredibly cute pup Toby (you can see him above) who is currently recovering from a cranial cruciate rupture. So no frisbee throwing videos!
Blogging for: 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Bradyn Ferguson
Riley and James
Name: Dr. Shawn Finch
Blog: Riley and James
Known for: Veterinarian writing for Carefresh, prolific Twitter hashtag specialist, bringing live music to Blogathon experience, expert spreader of internet rumors re: what I am eating at blogathon
Blogging for: 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Bradyn Ferguson
Two Little Cavaliers
Name: Felissa, Davinia and Indiana
Blog: Two Little Cavaliers
Known for: Co-founder of the wildly successful Saturday Pet Blog Hop, Stella and Dot stylist, owner of two seriously adorable cavaliers.
Blogging for: Boggs Mountain Humane Shelter
Vet Live
Name: Dr. Laci Schaible
Blog: Vet Live
Known for: Founding, an innovative online service providing knowledgeable advice and advocacy aids for concerned pet owners 24/7.
Blogging for: World Vets
An awesome group blogging (painting, musicing, identifying, etc.) all for some very good causes. I can’t wait, but please be gentle, this will be my first!
Yowza – that’s an impressive lineup. Let the fun begin!
So many fun peeps! Can’t wait! Ha! “prolific Twitter hashtag specialist” – Dr. Finch. Should keep things interesting. ;- D
We are so excited to be participating! And, nervous since it’s our first time AND it happens to be the same weekend we have a house full of guests. Should be fun!
So excited! Bookmarks duly noted!
We are so excited to be participating! Thanks for coordinating this. I hope it will be a huge success.
This is going to be super fun!
Woo! Can’t wait! What a great group I am surrounded by! This’ll be so fun! ha! I’m no hashtag specialist! I just didn’t get what they meant when I started twitter so Su and I made them up as we went along! #OurHashtagsAreMoreFun 😀
Pssst — beads are up.
And they are super cute!!!! 🙂
Yay! I’m probably more excited for this than I should be.
Wow! I was excited to do this already, but now that I see who the other bloggers are, my excitement has gone up yet another notch! Keep the coffee brewin’ folks. It’s gonna be a long, fun and creative night!
Dr. V : My vet wants to charge me $500 to remove my cat’s spleen. Should I seek a second opinion?
Nothing wrong with second opinions, but money wise that is less than what it would cost at my clinic.