It’s late and dark, so I’m going all Blair Witch on you.
Your turn! It’s time for another FETCHING TAGS giveaway!
To enter, you can either:
1. Tell me a funny experience from your own work
or 2. Ask another question for me to answer.
Pawcurious: With Veterinarian and Author Dr. V
Celebrating the truth that pets make people better.
Most difficult class in vet school? chose number 1! Congratulations! I will catch up with you after the blogathon and get this ready for you!
Did the dogs get any one the cat litter chicken breast?
What was the biggest animal you have treated & what for? And the smallest & what for?
That reminds me of a client who proudly showed me her tattoo of her recently departed cat. It was hard to look at – not so much from sadness, but the fact that it was located on the chest area. Not as ‘intimate’ as you describe in your video, but suffice to say that the kitty’s face was … elongated by gravity.
PS I just posted that in reply to your post – not in the running for a tag since I am one of the bloggers in this Blogathon!
😉 Whatever I know you were hoping I wouldn’t notice. 😀
And oh dear on that story.
Have you ever met a dog that truly watches television? ;0)
I had a family vet growing up who always remembered our family’s pets (and later mine) and remembered us. I never figured out how he did it, but he always said the most soothing things and knew exactly what memory to bring up to make me feel better. I am not sure if that is a product of a bygone era and a bygone kind of vet practice – this wasn’t small town America, but he was a “country” vet in a city practice. Do you experience this kind of connection with any of your regular clients? Is it rewarding to you? I hope you do and it is.
Do people ever ask you what type of dog (or pet) to get? How do you answer such a question?
so what’s the grossest exam room story? 😛 btw, I love the video clip exam room stories. I always play them for my office mate at school (I’m a high school teacher that works part time at a vet) and we both laugh hysterically! Loved the “don’t forget to take your fleas” episode!!
What’s the strangest thing that’s gone missing around the office? An perhaps your guesses about where that thing ultimately went, or (if you know?) where it actually ended up? I’m with Taxi Lab too, I really get a kick out of type-and-play videos you’ve done!