I’m not a big New Years Resolution maker, because I’m way too annoyed when I can’t make them happen. So the ones that I do make, I like to really commit to. One of my few steadfast resolutions for 2011, along with “walk Brody more” and “avoid PTA meetings” was “do at least one volunteer veterinary trip.”
There are no shortage of opportunities for veterinary professionals and animal lovers- World Vets, South Pacific Animal Welfare, HSTJ just to name a few. It is an incredible experience to see how, despite the many differences in the ways people relate to companion animals around the world, there is still so much common ground. And yes, so much need.
I haven’t gotten to participate in an international volunteer clinic in a couple of years, and I’ve been really missing the experience. One of the groups I have been pondering the most is Amazon Cares. I had talked about Amazon Cares with founder Molly Mednikow about the amazing group she manages at both BlogPaws events, but for various reasons the logistics of attending have always been just beyond my reach.
As it so happens, they have an upcoming trip to Peru in April that just happens to coincide with my daughter’s Spring Break- and she has already been asking to spend time at the grandparents. (Although I wouldn’t trade my life with my kids for anything in the world, the fact that one cannot simply board them on demand does make planning trips like this a complicated affair.) Maybe in a few more years they will be old enough to even come along and help!
I also lost my passport, which I’ve been trying to locate for a month now. As I was sifting through a pile of boxes in the garage realizing that maybe this just wasn’t meant to be, I mean as I was literally in the process of saying that to Brody, I lifted up a kindergarten art project and there it was. So to me, quite clearly, this was indeed meant to be. Besides, my husband is going on a guy trip to Canada to see some band this spring, and I figured this beat some spa trip on the “me time” scale.
Making life meaningful is about reaching out beyond your comfort zone, challenging yourself to be more and do more, to follow your heart and leave an impression on the world beyond that small bubble of your everyday life. So this is how I start.
I am so excited to do this and to share the experience with all of you. I have so many ideas- for example, my helmet cam which I have never gotten to use. You all know you want to experience the marvels of Dr V Peruvian Helmet-Cam. The possibilities are endless.
So all I need to do now is raise the travel expenses and I will be set to go! I mentioned fundraising yesterday on Facebook and a couple people suggested putting in a ChipIn or something along those lines on the blog. I know if I did that you guys would contribute, which is exactly why I don’t want to do that. I’ll save my exploiting of your goodwill for the direct benefit of nonprofits and the like, as it should be.
I toyed with the idea of selling something before realizing after perusing regretsy that my crafting skills are sorely lacking. So that’s out too.
Which leaves me with the tried and true method of looking for sponsorships. So if you are a company or know of a company who would like to work with an award winning blog (so nice to be able to say that, thank you) on a high profile project, or even just buy advertising in support of said project, I am open for negotiation:
- advertising, now or after the redesigned blog rolls out in the spring;
- sponsored posts (come on, you saw what I did with the cat litter, right? I can be creative!)
- advertising on the video posts documenting the trip
- Lots of public acknowledgement on the blog, Facebook, and Twitter
- Listing as an Official Sponsor of this epic blog event!
So there you have it! If you’d like to be a business sponsor, please contact me at drv (at) pawcurious (dotcom) and let’s figure something out! And for everyone else, Google “Peruvian Dining Delicacy” and reassure me I can survive this trip.
I know you are looking for larger sponsors but I think some of us would still like the chance to help out. After all you bring us a lot of laughs, information, happiness, and sometimes tears (like that video of all the pets who met Emmit OTRB). I hope that you reconsider and let us help, even if it is a small donation. Let us bring you some joy since you bring us so much. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll join this club.
And can I just say that somehow I’m not surprised to learn that you are the only person I “know” who owns a helmet cam! 🙂
Oh, now see this is exactly what I am talking about. It’s SO not about “Oh, you’re small potatoes and I don’t want your money”. I know you guys are all extremely generous. I just feel weird about taking your money for my own ventures! I can’t bring myself to do it! You guys are like family!
me too! I’d love to help out
That’s how doctors learn new skills. 🙂
Nothing like doing a surgery on the fly in the middle of a rainforest to force your improvisational skills!
You must be talking about guinea pigs! We can’t contribute at this time but know things will work out and you will be able to do your Peru clinic trip. Oh and it is reassuring to know that vets carry on conversations with their canines too. My person and I do this all of the time.
That was the one! Though it looks like fried sweet potato donuts are also a delicacy there which is more my speed. 😀
But this is not for YOUR personal gain. This is working with an agency who helps animals all over the world. We would be helping the agency by sponsoring an incredible vet to go across the world and help animals in need. We dont see it as giving you money for your personal trip, we see it as helping a fantastic animal welfare agency. This would be no different then us giving money directly to the agency. And dont forget we get something out of it as well and you will be blogging about your trip.. so its win win!!!
I know, I know I’m funny about this stuff! I think I would just be happier if I raised it by ‘selling’ stuff- ad space, posts on the blog, etc. That being said if you want to make a donation to Amazon Cares directly I would still be soooo grateful as that would help support the whole team, supplies, that sort of thing. I saw on the YouTube how the doc was using blunt items for surgery and I’d love to help them get better packs, that sort of thing.
You should accept small donations from your supporters and friends. They wouldn’t offer if they didn’t genuinely want to help! I can help you create a fundraising page. May I have your permission to post your blog on the Amazon CARES blog?
Yes- and I hear Amanda Brown is…’going’…too! Roomies!
someday I want to do a trip like this; I wish I could find one where I could work with the local wildlife; lie sea turtles or birds, since that’s more what I’m into. I do like a good old-fashioned plug-and-chug spay/neuter trip though too; I did several RAVS trips as a vet student (http://www.ruralareavet.org/) as well as local low cost spay neuter trips to Kansas City (http://snkc.net). I’m now working part time at a local shelter doing high volume spay/neuter work. It’s so rewarding to be able to help these animals who have been strays, abused or neglected. AND I get to improve my surgery skills in the process 🙂 I hope you get to go on your trip – it would be the opportunity of a lifetime!!
I saw some awesome volunteer opportunities in Costa Rica counting sea turtles. I couldn’t convince my husband that would be a good anniversary trip…
Wow, this trip sounds awesome! You can definitely survive this…you ate kitty litter!! On purpose!
Good luck!! :o)
Very cool! I was glad to read you had a helmet-cam. People kept telling me I needed to do videos, but couldn’t figure out how to do video while working. Was seriously considering a helmet cam, but then stumbled upon the little Looxcie. Very interested to read of your adventures!
My stepmother and her family are from Peru – if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask.
Awesome Shannon! Thank you!