Congratulations to the winners:
Dog pack: Jessi and Duke
Cat pack: Heather T!
Every pet is different when it comes to toys. Some dogs love, love, love their toys and drag them around like Linus with his blanket, dropping their slobbery offerings in your lap like a sticky love note.
If the object of their affection has the misfortune to be a stuffed toy, well, the affair may be short lived. Loved to death, shall we say.
Then there are the pets who couldn’t care less about toys. Brody, for one, simply can’t comprehend that.
Seriously, they really can’t be bothered one little bit.
I could have stood there all day and she wouldn’t move an inch.
Those pets rely on other ways to keep entertained. But for those who love the toys, it’s nice to have a few spares in rotation to freshen up their dog day afternoons, accomodate those toys in need of retirement, or just sock away for a special occasion.
To that end, I have a Dog Days Giveaway of some great dog and cat toys provided by PetStages. These are great, thoughtful toys that remind me of nothing so much as the toys I dangled in front of my kids as babies- sturdy, eye-catching, and of varied textures to stimulate multiple senses while they are being played with.
The Dog pack has two sturdy stuffing free squeak toys- I almost kept these for the Brodester- and a soft toss ring that has tags that make soft crinkly noises.
The Cat pack has a set of catnip scented papers, a dental health chew, and a really cute flashing mat that, if I had a toddler still about, would probably be equally enticing to them as it would the cat. I like that the toys are a little more creative than the average stuffed mouse you see in the store; having different toys to rotate is a great way to keep your pet alert and engaged.
To enter:
- Simply post below with which pack you’d like to win, and your pet’s current favorite toy! US only for this one, please.
- You can enter once a day.
- Contest closes August 5, 11:59 PM PST.
Good luck, and happy playing!
dog pack. daedra’s favorite toys are balls – tennis balls, his big indestructo ball, anything he can push around. he also loves his wobbler.
vivec loves stuffies, but he destroys them in no time. so he rarely gets to have them; his favorite toy currently is a red squeaky dumbbell.
Cat pack. My kitty boy likes the laser light pen best. My kitty girl doesn’t have a favorite yet, but the vet wants me to play with her more often because she’s gotten too chubby and needs to exercise more!
I would donate the dog pack to the local pet shelter as soft toys don’t make it past the kitchen in our house anymore. Bailey (Westie) used to LOVE them, though, but as soon as the squeaker was gone, they were dead! And does anyone else get this? She ALWAYS knew when we had brought a new one home and would stand there looking at us, barking wildly, if we didn’t produced it immediately. RIP Bailey! (at least as much peace as a terrier is gonna allow!)
I’d like to win the dog pack. My Dachshund’s favorite toy is a fleece Mickey toy. He’s had it for a few years now, and although the stuffing is gone and it has several holes, it’s still his go-to toy. My Rat Terrier’s fave toy is a Hartz Duraplay bone. He is able to destroy most toys, but not this one!
I’d love the dog pack. Our pup’s favorite toy is the Tugzee by A Cheerful Pet. 8 Feet of tuggable wool — who could ask for more?!
The cat pack would delight my boy, Truman. His current favorite toy is a dancer-type with a fuzzy, sparkly end on it. I can’t just dangle or drag it around, though, he needs it to be flying fast through the air to be interested!
The cat pack! My new adopted kitty loves her catnip toys and chasing ribbons tied to small poles. She also likes anything that flashes so I think she would love that mat.
Cat Pack. I have two cats. With Chessie, our elderly cat, she loves anything with catnip on it. As for Gracie, our younger tripod, she’s more difficult to entertain. I’d say her favorite is the rope with me attached! LOL. I’d go running through the house dragging the rope behind me and she chases it. But, I can’t do that all the time. She’s attracted to lights and shadows moving. The sound of that flashing mat is intriguing. Thanks for a chance to win. π
Dog Pack! Daphne has a rubber squeaky duck that she adores. Unfortunately it’s so loud we’ve had to hide it and only bring it out on special occasions =)
Cat pack! Older cat would love the catnip paper and the younger would probably dig the flashing lights on the mat.
Kitty Cat Pack! My Eesa’s favorite toy is her new catnip fish. I have to hide it from her, and she still finds it…
My overweight cats need all the entertainment they can get! They’d love the kitty pack. Their current favorites are a string I tied some feathers to, and a large, shiny, crinkly ball that my 1-year-old keeps taking from them and hiding.
Cat pack,please. I have 9 cats, 3 are kittens. About half like toys, and their most favorite is common household items,bottle caps and hairbands are especially popular:)
I’d love the dog pack. My dog loves a stuffed horseshoe thingy with a squeaker right now, but we have to take it away from him after about half an hour or it gets eaten!
I’ve been complaining for years now about the lack of interesting cat toys. Pet stores have aisles as far as you can see loaded with fun dog-stuff but the cat toy selection is always lacking. These Petstages cat toys at least look interesting! So, I would love to get the opportunity to try them out on my cats.
As far as favorite toy, that really depends on the cat. The one that gets everyone most excited is the Neko Flies Kragonfly. One of the best cat toys out there. Other big favorites are the classic piece of string followed by the feather toy (feathers & shiny strands on a wand).
Hmm … Cat pack! (Don’t tell the dogs.) Jemima loves her tiny fuzzy fake mice. A lot. She plays fetch with them b/c we’re pretty sure she thinks she’s a dog. She sits on command – I mean, come on kitty π Skimble loves anything that resembles a rope. Belts go missing a lot at home, only to turn up in his little mouth as he drags them to you to play with him π
Shorty’s favorite toy is a small squeeky pink cupcake. Its the onlt toy he hasn”t destroyed in five minutes. In fact, he seems to be particularily careful not to puncture the vinyl. Of course, I only paid a $1 for it in the Target bargain bin instead of the expensive stuff I usually buy for him. I am always searching for a replacement cupcake in case he ever loses it.
We would be delighted to win either cat or dog set. Thanks!
Cat pack. Despite all the toy I buy them and sew for them — the favorites are usually a wadded piece of paper or a small ball of tin foil!
My foster kittens would love the kitty toys. Right now their favorite toy seems to be anything that is not nailed down.
cat pack. he has an old fuzzy (well, it is kind of matted now) “rat” stuffed with catnip. sometimes he rabbit kicks like he is trying to kill it once and for all, and sometimes he carries it around like it’s his kitten and gives it a good bath then uses it for his pillow.
Celosa would like the dog pack. Her current favorite toy is one of three things: A red fluffy hedge hog resembling thing that squeaks, a flat non-stuffed football with eight squeaks, and a plush soccer ball that squeaks. She’s into the squeak. Half her toys she’s very respectful to, half her toys are de-stuffed and de-stroyed. There’s no telling ahead of time how she’ll treat a toy when she first meets it, but she’s pretty consistent. She has a lot of toys, but it’s never enough.
BTW, Zen, the remaining puppy in from the Shiba Inu puppy cam has one of the toys from the dog pack. It’s the gator/cucumber thing. He plays with it quite frequently, and it seems to be one of his favorite.
My Boston Would love to win the dog pack! Right now is favorite toy is a purple hippo that squeaks when he grabs it. We call him hippoman!
Dog pack for me.
My dog’s favourite toy is a stuffed squeaky fox (which she loves to squeak…and squeak…and squeak). It’s one of the Castor & Pollux toys and she thinks it’s the best thing ever!
Her other favourite toy is a fleece tug toy with rabbit fur on it. It’s made by Tillies Tuggies (look them up on Etsy) and she has great fun playing tug with it.
Definitely the cat pack! Katana’s current favorite toy is a feathered lure on a ‘fishing pole’, but she would love the flashing mat!
Oh, our one-eyed rescue Abyssinian, Angel, LOVES those light-up Petstages toys! Maybe it’s because she only has one eye, but things that light up are especially fun for her.
Can I just say Kekoa just looks adorable in those photos?
cat pack fave toy from the field cat mouse
Dog pack please:) Roxy’s fav toy is her duck that has a box inside that goes quack quack quack when she plays with it.
My female elkie’s favorite toys are a bottle cruncher and a big stuffed orange gorilla that grunts and squeaks! My male elkie loves all toys, but especially the squeaky ones!!! I would love to win the dog pack for them to play with!!!
I would love to win the cat pack! I think my cats would really like the cat mat! They’re favorite toy is anything that spins or moves on its own. (with the help of batteries of course) They loved a toy I found at Walmart called Catch Me If You Can!
My dog would love the dog pack. My dog’s favorite toy is this stuffed horse that neighs. We sometimes have to hide it from him bc it gets annoying when we watch tv and all we hear is neigh neigh neigh.
My Schipperke, Vader, would love the dog pack. He loves stuffed toys, destroys them in minutes, and then carries around the carcass around for weeks until it’s beyond disgusting and must be disposed.
Oh my gosh, my cat would love that toy pack! Right now, his favorite toys are the little Hartz mice that we get him. He goes through them so fast! I don’t know what it is about these mice, but they’re guaranteed to make him leap, run, dance, and kick like nothing else. The only problem is that they are quickly shoved under the stove/oven or fridge and left to live the rest of their lives with the dust bunnies. I think he thinks they’re hiding from him on purpose, and that it wasn’t actually him that shoved them under there. π I’m sure some new toys would help liven him up a little, and keep us from buying a pack of mice a week. lol
The cat pack, of course.
Sugar likes these jingly balls. She used to carry them around in her mouth-sometimes she’d even drop them in my hand to play fetch! She also likes when I throw them towards her, I call her my soccer goalie when we do that.
Loki likes catnip mice. We only had one in the house at some point, and he chewed a hole thru it, pulled out all the stuffing, and carried the empty carcass around for weeks. I noticed it kept getting smaller and smaller, until it was down to just the nose-cone, and I did a frantic search of all the pet stores until I could find a pack of more. Only then was I able to toss the old one out. But now he doesn’t seem to like them as much. Maybe it was just that one.
Amy loves a plastic string. one fishing-type toy came with it, and she loved it more when the toy fell off and all there was left was the string. Again, it kept getting shorter and shorter, so I finally threw it out. Then I discovered that weedwhacker string looks exactly the same, only she can’t bite it off at all.
When Shaq was around, his favorite toy was a large stuffed Grinch. He carried that Grinch in his mouth for his entire walk around the neighborhood every day, and all of the neighbors knew him as “the dog with the Grinch.” Clyde, on the other hand, will destroy a stuffed toy in a minute. He prefers the Planet Dog balls and other toys from their line. He has a Planet Dog eggplant (go figure!) that he loves to carry around the house.
Alley loves her Kong Kickaroo and other catnip-scented toys. She also loves the “fishing pole” type toys. I’ve looked at the flashing mat before and thought about buying it for her!
We’d be happy with either the dog or the cat set of toys. Thank you for the chance to win! (And I agree that Kekoa is absolutely adorable in those pics!)
Cat Pack!! My kitties love the dental chews, and I find them everywhere!! They also love laser lights so the mat would be so much fun to have!
Yoshi’s favorite toy is the Kong Wubba! I finally had to throw his first one out, because it just got THAT gross and torn apart! He LOVES stuffing filled toys, but I can’t let him have them. A.) They only last like 5 minutes and B.) He tries to gulp the fluff faster than his kibble. Then I take that back… Yoshi’s favorite toy is actually probably just socks! Gross, sweaty, worn all day socks, lol!
I would love to the dog pack for Yoshi!
Dog pack.
Marty loves to play with balls and he also has a monkey toy that he LOVES.
my pomeranian, quorra would love the dog pack. she has gone through so many toys in her first 6 months. they never seem to last long except for one which is a yellow platypus. she has torn off the eyes, but she can’t seem to part from the rest of the body. she has drags it in the yard, slept with it every night, and even taken it on some road trips. I don’t see it lasting more than another week, I think these would be a great replacement for that darn platypus!
Cat pack! Tucker would destroy the dog pack in .02 seconds, but Liam would love the cat pack (especially the mat – awesome!).
We would love to win the dog pack! Pauley’s favorite toy right now is the Hide -a Squirrel.
Hi There! π
My 9 month old Duke loves anything with fluff! He has a monkey with super long arms and each hand on the monkey squeaks. Duke loves the sounds his toy monkey makes and how fast the stuffing comes out of it! I think Duke would greatly enjoy the dog pack.
Thank you !
I would love to win the dog pack!! Toby’s favorite toy is a new squeaky heavy duty rubber ball he got from a friend at his birthday party! Kali really just wants any sort of ball you will throw for her π
The dog pack. My Beagel loves his stuffies and squeaky toys. My Golden Retriever loves his silicone bone and his tug toys. The one toy they both love is the loofa dog, because its got a squeaker and its long enough for them to play tug-tug.
Dog Pack. Rhys has the same toy Brody has in the pictures…lasted two days…he got a hole and pulled the entire cage out of it. I thought it might last longer but NO. He would be a good toy tester for Tuff Dog Toys! He loves toys, so it’s hard to pick…but No stuffing fox toy is a real favorite now and the new line of Nylabone toys..he has the big round ball one and hasn’t got the stuffing out YET!
Dog pack! Boss and Ruby LOVE toys– usually a little too much, so they don’t last long π
Boss’s favorite toy is a water bottle, or anything with stuffing. Or a bug.
Ruby has a more refined taste, and likes things that she can chew for a while. Pretty much anything without stuffing is great for her.
Dog Pack!! I have 2 Vizslas and they love their toys. We had the Petstage flyer for the pool but Skipper decided he like chewing it into pieces. Schooner and Skipper LOVE all toys.
Dog Pack. Schooner and Skipper have many favorite but I would says they like the squeaker balls the best
Dog Pack. Sookie loves her stuffed dragon with 16 squeekers!!! She REALLY loves it early in the morning when I am asleep. lol Sookie is a 6 month old English Bull Terrier. π
I’d love the dog pack! Our pup’s favorite toy right now is this thing called “flappy” (literally has that embroidered on the side) that looks like a nylon firecracker. It’s a weird toy.
dog pack!
Darwin’s favorite toy of all time is her stuffed sheep. She’s had it since she was just a tiny pup (maybe 2 weeks old) and she still has it. Other stuffies that come in the house get destuffed right away. But not her sheep!
Cat pack please. Abby’s favorite toy is her real fur mouse. I wouldn’t normally buy anything with fur, but she loves that thing to pieces. She’ll even toss it herself so she can chase it.
I’d like to win the cat pack, to give as a gift for my brother’s 3 cats. I have a dog, but he is in the “no toy” camp. As a puppy, he enjoyed rope and fuzzy toys, but he doesn’t care about them anymore. All he cares for is his orange treat ball, which he pushes around all day hoping for the treat to come out. He does it so much, he has a callus on his nose. I do think I’ve created a monster, but would feel bad if I took it away since he’d be bored as that is the only thing he does enjoy. We call it his crack ball.
The Cat Pack, which I would use at the shelter I volunteer with. Fleece strips and Cat dancers (and knockoffs) are the favorites there. I’d be interested to see what they make of the firefly mat.
Pupper is with Koa, and was never much interested in toys. We did get a stuffed Taco Bell Chihuahua that said, “Me gusto Taco Bell,” and she felt inclined to rip its head off, but that’s about it.
The Cat Pack: My three are currently collectively obsessing over a new-ish catnip kick toy. It’s supposed to hang from a door knob, but they decided that the instructions were wrong and it was really meant for kicking, tossing, and generally throwing around the entire house! It’s even better when they use it as a weapon against one another π
I’d like to win the dog pack. My dogs’ favorite toy is me! Haha, I throw balls, occasionally hand out treats, wrestle, play tug of war, and groom – what more could a dog ask for? But the inanimate toys are great for when the living toy isn’t around or gets tired. π
My Cat would love the cat pack…I hope. Her favorite toy at the moment is a crinkle ball. Not sure how to really describe it other than that. She’s a strange cat.
Dog pack – Guinness’ favorite toy is a stuffed donut – he loves to knead it π
Cat pack. My cats like live crickets. They don’t live long, either. But if we’re talking “toys you buy and would rather not see dismembered in the bathroom in the middle of the night when you get up to pee,” then I’d say they like crinkly things they can carry around, rat-sized critters covered with real fur, and long pieces of felt they can drag around while simultaneously howling and announcing the death of the ‘snake.’
Such fierce kitties.
Oh wow! I don’t know which pack to enter for! I have a dog and a cat! I guess I will pick my cat…his favorite toy in the world is his Neko Fly!
I would love to be entered for the cat pack!
Thank you!
‘Ele would love the dog pack. She may look sweet and shy, but she leaves a path of destuction when it comes to toys…all except for her stuffed blue bird. Somehow she managed to extract the squeaker with surgical precision (seriously I don’t know how she got it out of there leaving the bird fully intact!) and now she carries the bird around like it is her best friend.
Dog Pack. My dogs favorite toys are the flying squirrel, a lazer pointer and anything that squeaks. Squeaks can get them from any corner of the house or yard.
We would like the dog pack! Our youngest mini dachshund (Jedi) got a PetStages bone from his auntie (a vet tech) when we brought him home three years ago. That bone is still one of his FAVORITES, and it is the ONLY toy that has stood up to his relentless chewing! (It still amazes me how it is still intact!) His sister, Mydget (our older mini dachshund), is jealous, and says that she would like the cool toys in the dog pack…she missed out back when she was a puppy…
Dog pack! Oreo’s favorite toys are stuffed ones! She LOVES LOVES to rip them apart. Also, we found an unstuffed toy you put water bottles in. She looooves it and I replace the bottles.
The kitty pack. Both of my babies would love the catnip toys, but the little one would love the flashing mat. Her favorite toy is a cat nip fuzzy triangle that she’ll bring to us to throw, while the boy loves to play fetch with small foam balls. Ask him if he wants to play fetch and he will go hunt up one of his balls to start the games. She hasn’t learned that if she brings it back to us we’ll toss it again, but here’s hoping that she starts to get the hang of it..
i cant decide…
my pup has way too many toys…so i think i’m going to have to spoil my kitty this time. he always gets left behind when we go for long outdoor trips and i know he’d love new toys to keep him entertained!
CAT pack please!
TOto has this green turtle soft toy we gotten from Target at US2.50, and tat is the one toy he has it since he is a puppy and still LOVES it till today.
Juli would love the dog pack – she loves all things soft and squishy. Her favorite toy right now is her Ruff Wear Frisbee. We don’t have a big back yard, but she still tries to imitate the border collies with her catches.
The cats would love the cat pack! Something tells me that Nala “capturing” dog toys of late means she may be bored…
I, er my dog, would love the dog pack! Her current favorite toy is either the giant trout, the no stuffing squeaky squirrel, the chicken nyla bone, the rope tug, the oinking rubber pig, the beat up stinky tennis ball, the squeaky wubba, her torn up loofa dog……
Jordan would love the Dog pack….Jordan loves the Football Kong Squeaker. She runs around squeaking. The other day she was even squeaking the football while kicking another ball around the house. Sometimes she will pick up two things in her mouth while squeaking the ball!
dog pack! my guy’s favorite toy is the skin of an eviscerated stuffed pig…
You don’t need to enter my name – my dog and cats, even, have toys out the wazoo! π I’m thankful I have a Lab that LOVES the plushy squeaky toys and he’s gentle with them, because I’m a sucker for any cute dog toy! Right now his favorite is a baby dragon.
One of my cats is a chewer and I get some of the different Pet Stages Dental Chew toys for her and she likes them.
cat pack! i think my wild torti would go crazy over that flashing mat.
Entry #2 for the cat pack :).
Cat pack. One of my cats loves a catnip toy shaped like bananas, and my other cat can’t get enough of the laser pointer.
Bonnie, my corgi, would love that dog pack! She’s got little jaws of destruction – boy can she tear through the toys! But these look pretty sturdy – they’d give her some serious chew time. π
Cat pack, please!! My guys love anything that lights up or smells like catnip!
our puppy’s favorite toy is a section of plastic decorative garden fencing. it’s strictly an outside toy and she loves to run around with it in her mouth, flipping her head around as she goes. it’s best to stay out of her way. so we’d like the doggie pack, for an equally exciting indoor toy.
Dog pack. I have 2 goldens, Ginger snap, her favorite toy is her stuffed soccer ball, she won’t go anywhere without it. She has to find it before she goes outside. Peanut on the other hand loves tennis balls, he will continuously drop a tennis ball in my lap or at my feet to get me to throw it.
Cat pack- Lyle and Bentley love their fake mouse that makes noise when they play with it- even at 2am… π
Entry #3 for the cat pack!
I’d luv the dog pack. My dog luvs this circular toy with a hole in the middle!
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
Cat Pack! I’ve never seen anything like the mat, so I bet that it would really shake things up around here! I try to change out the kitty toys; especially the mice (their fave).
As previously mentioned, the cat pack is awesome! π
Cat pack, please! My kitties love toys; especially pretty flashy toys, but they’re ready to try something new!
Would love to win the cat pack for my Mr. Darcy! He’s an overweight indoor cat that needs all the motivation he can get to run around. He is very suspicious of everything new and can take months to accept a new toy so I’m afraid to buy any of the more expensive ones because his reaction is so unpredictable. His current favorite seems to be the catnip cat pillow which he ignored for the first 4 months. I nearly gave it away to another cat owner! When I first got him he used to love the bit of feathers and a bell attached to a wand with an elastic but one day he pulled so hard unexpectedly it flew out of my hands and over his head and clattered on the floor behind him. It’s been several months since but if he sees me picking it up he still hides behind the couch. He likes the laser pointer, but only if he doesn’t need to move very far to bat at the dot with his paw, the lazy bugger. π
Oh, the cat toys would be awesome! I think the cat mat toy looks like a lot of fun. I have two crazy boy cats that are 1 year old and are super playful. They would have a blast with these items. Thanks for the opportunity!
I just read about the stuffing free durable toys for dogs and want to try them with my kids but haven’t been able to find any! I’m hoping they last longer than 30 minutes (or five). They would be great to try. Can’t believe you didn’t give poor Brody a chance!
I’d pick the cat pack, and my cats’ current favorite toy is the cat dancer.
Cat toy pack take 2. Was trying the tin foil ball idea mentioned earlier by Deb Mendez, but it has so far been greeted with skepticism.
Dog pack:) He luvs this circular toy with a hole in the middle:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
Dog Pack please π
Lily’s favorite toys include anything that squeaks! she has a small puppy stages toy that shes had since we first brought her home, a huggle hound squeaky frog, and a Kong Squeez football. Basically if it makes noise shes all about it π
I would like the dog pack and my dog’s favorite toy is his grunting caveman.
8/1 I would like the dog pack and one of my dog’s favorite toys is his Kong.
Cat pack take 3. Mr. Darcy not happy today with anything, not his toys or his food or his water. Might be time to update his vet tomorrow on recent progress in his treatment.
We have a giraffe head that squeaks, Milele has never torn up this toy.
Cat pack!! Toy of the day is a fresh catnip mouse!
We have 3 dogs but only put pug Jackson has anything to do with toys. He has a basket we keep all of his toys in but his most favorite is a little stuffed poodle from a Happy Meal from when he was about 11-12 weeks old. We call it his baby because like you mention, he tends to love toys to death but this tiny thing is still hanging on.
Oh, and of course, the dog pack please!
Cat pack to cheer up my sick kitty! In close touch with the vet about his decreased appetite π It seems we solve one problem only to find another.
Cat pack! My kitties love light toys and toys laced with catnip!
My dogs love their Zanies Heart with the rope handle so they can play tug of war.
Cat pack! Improvement today, with cat nip pillow getting much love/abuse.
They like to chase each other to try to get the rope toy.
Cat pack!!! My kitties love lights and need some new light fun!
One more time for the cat pack … thanks for another awesome giveaway!
Cat pack!!! The kitties have their paws crossed!! They love their laser toys, and would love the Flashing Firefly!
Dog pack please π My golden loves his toys! Thanks π
My dog Hamlet’s favorite toy is always his bone. It’s the one he brings to me when I come home from work and the one I always see him with while he’s cuddled under the coffee table. I’d love the dog pack, thanks!
p.s. I must go check out that firefly mat for my cat-loving friend.
Another go for the cat pack please! Darcy’s still intent on murdering the catnip pillow.
My dog loves his stuffed Milk Bone dog toy that squeaks.