I like to write. I think you probably know that. Whether or not anyone cares to read it, well, I just throw stuff out there and hope someone gets something out of it, but it’s kind of a free form endeavor.
Which is why I was so thrilled and grateful when Sonia from Nomad Editions Good Dog Magazine asked me if I would write an article for them about my trip to Peru with AmazonCares. Of course, I jumped at the chance.
It just came out last week and I’ve spent the entire time thinking, “Woo hoo! I’m a real author now!” which is admittedly a strange response, but there is something about the process of having your work properly edited and reassembled that makes it seem more official.
Good Dog is a magazine designed for the ipad- you can check it out and subscribe here. “The Strays of the Amazon” – you like that? I made it up myself- is in the August 17th edition with the shaking dog on the cover. I also have a second, very different article of which I am also super proud that should be in the next edition!
If you don’t have an ipad or you are impatient like me, you can also just click here and read the article online.
Everything looks better professionally typeset.
Very cool! I’m so glad there are starting to be more community veterinary and rescue programs for strays in Latin America. The need is so painfully apparent for anyone who’s traveled there.
I had the good luck to happen upon Animal Aware, http://www.animalaware.org/, when I was in Guatemala, and to volunteer with Xenii and multitude of cats and dogs she’s vetted, fixed, and saved from starvation on the streets at her shelter. Another fantastic place to volunteer and donate!
Thanks for sharing your great article!
Bravo, Dr. V!!!! So proud of and happy for you 🙂
Thank you Tamara! I’m like a giddy college kid!
Love your article! That’s such an incredible experience – congrats on the getting the write up! 🙂
Although tomorrow morning when I take a shower, I’m going to be watching for tarantula molts. Ewww!!