I have it from trusted sources that the blogpocalypse is happening THIS WEEKEND. There is not much time to prepare. Are you ready? I found a crossbow, so there’s a start.
High in the hills east of suburban San Diego, a 90 acre refuge awaits those seeking respite from the impending zombie masses.
Tip 1: It’s good to be surrounded by giant carnivores. They may look comfortable and content on their custom hammocks made out of recycled fire hoses, but give them a zombie and man, they will go to town.
Lions, Tigers and Bears takes very good care of their animals. That’s good, because you want these guys on your side if and when you’re under attack.
Beautiful AND feisty. This kitty specializes in jumping.
LTB is working on a new 3 acre bear enclosure at the moment. Initially they only had one bear- little Liberty- but when an Oklahoma zoo closed their doors and was threatening to sell Blossom and Delilah to a canned hunting ranch, Bobbi stepped in and brought them to the sanctuary. In addition to their neglected state, they had to convince the bears to eat fruits and vegetables and fish once again.
The zoo employees, dealing with a bankrupt budget, had been forced to beg restaurants for leftovers. When she first arrived at the sanctuary, Delilah turned her nose up at bear food because she had been used to eating waffles.
Here’s Liberty, delicately taking a banana chip- a favorite treat- with her little pink tongue. So fluffy and cute. I am making friends with her now.
While the bear enclosure is still under construction, it is an excellent place to hide out and set up a point of defense against zombies, should the need arise.
See, we have a water source:
Places to retreat to:
And adequate shelter.
I’m very excited! And I’ve recruited people across the country to blog along with me- I’ll introduce them this week!
I would love to feed Liberty a banana chip! Great pictures, and you are going to have a fantastic blogathon this weekend! I can’t wait!
I can’t either! It will be a blast!
Can’t wait to learn more about the Lions, Tigers, and Bears sanctuary 🙂
It’s just so special. They have really done a great job with the place. And I haven’t even shown the peacocks yet!
Shelter, Giant carnivores, and a cross bow, you should be ready to go. Get your buff and you will be set. I can’t wait.
What an awesome location for your blogathon! I was so impressed by the bear & wolf sanctuary in Yosemite, but this one seems somehow cooler because it has cats. 🙂
Aw, Delilah is so sweet! And that bear enclosure looks awesome.
Oops, I meant Liberty.