Our friends Jeff and Shelia recently brought home a poodle puppy, Olive.
Now, I love these guys to begin with, but when they told me how they prepared for a new dog- being inexperienced owners- I loved them even a little more.
They waited three years, until the time was right and the kids were old enough.
They researched exhaustively, picking a knowledgable breeder who spent hours with them visiting, teaching them about the breed, and making sure they knew the importance of early socialization. The kids have been trained in proper holding of a puppy. These people are prepared for a puppy and all the work that comes along with it, and that is why I am sure they are going to have a great life together.
Ready to play! Let’sgolet’sgolet’sgo
I LOVE watching puppies prance. I could do that all day.
Mmmm, grass is good!
Oh wait a minute. No it’s not.
I love my busy bee! I will squeak this in your face at 2 am for all eternity!
Was I not supposed to piddle there? Still learning.
We would have stayed longer and taken even more pictures, but they had pet sitter interviews lined up for the afternoon and Olive needed to rest up. Told you they were prepared. 🙂
That is awesome preparation! Just what every pet owner should do before bringing a new pet home. Oh, and the pup is adorable :o)
This should be required for everyone considering a pet (the research, 3 years waiting etc). Olive is going to have a wonderful home as she has parent’s who seem great at making sure they are well prepared. She is a beaut!
Such a cutie pie!
That pink tongue is just the icing on the cake, too!
Olive is beautiful as are her people and what a wonderful post to read – happy, happy!!!
Love the name Olive! It always makes me happy when people give pet ownership the attention and responsibility it deserves.
Yay for Olive!