I read a great article yesterday on msnbc about the incredible work being done by World Vets under the leadership of one of the most amazing vets I have ever met, Cathy King. Then I read the comments.
Comments on news articles are a funny thing. People who like to comment on news sites are very odd, aren’t they? It’s like they have alienated every human they have come across in the real world so they need to go online in order to find somewhere they can moan and groan. On many blogs and message boards, there is an air of civilized discourse that carries over from our expectations of how one might carry themselves in polite company. But on sites like CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC, there’s no such expectation. It’s internet missile-lobbing at its finest.
Because I have come to expect this, and because any article about pet health or animal welfare published on a general interest website generates a predictable wave of irate people-centric responses, I can’t say I was surprised to see the comments. It’s a phenomenon one can reliably count on.
“Why are these weirdos wasting their time on DOGS when so many people are suffering?”
” This is an asinine waste of resources that should be used for people in need, not some stupid animal. No wonder the planet is so hosed up.”
“People first. Millions of people sick, staving in desperate need.”
People make this argument as though most people choose between caring about animals or caring about humans. As if you have to pick one or the other. That just isn’t the case. In fact, the opposite tends to be true: people who care about animals tend to care even MORE about humans than those who don’t care about animals. That is because people who care in general, care about lots of things. Compassion is a universal trait.
People who identify as animal lovers are actually more likely to be involved in their children’s schools and in other philanthropic activities. They are probably giving more to charities that help people than those very same people who are criticizing them for helping animals. Funny how that works.
So let’s review a few misconceptions about animal lovers I think we need to work on:
1. We love animals, but we hate people.
Hey, even if it’s true, try not to respond to every dopey news troll with “Well, I love dogs more than any human I’ve ever met, so no wonder I’d rather help them.” Be that as it may, I know you all. I have seen you come together to help a friend in need time and time again, and it’s not just because you feel badly for their pet.
Sure, you get frustrated with stupid people who do stupid things, and horrible people who do horrible things, especially to the defenseless. But that is because you have a huge squishy compassionate heart, and for all your irritation with the bad people in the world, you all are the first to pull off your coat to give to someone who is shivering. You can’t hide that from me. I’ve seen it.
2. We have no sense of humor.
It’s hard for someone who doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about animal welfare issues to understand why people were upset about the Doritos commercial at the Super Bowl. And you know, lots of people thought it was funny and I’m sure they’re not all cat murderers. You know, I liked Pulp Fiction and I’m not a hit man and I don’t condone shooting people in the face.
I think this is a ‘pick your battles’ sort of thing. If we raise a fuss every time someone puts a picture online of a dog in a dumb hat looking dejected, eventually people are going to think we’re missing a funny bone. And I know for a fact this is not the case. Exhibit A:
Yes, I made a Snooki out of Apollo’s fur and a kumquat for National Hairball Awareness Day. 29 other bloggers took on Conan, Lady Gaga, and Ellen, to name a few.
Exhibit B: Everything on Icanhazcheezburger or Reddit. It’s OK to laugh at animals every once in a while. That’s because they are funny. We shouldn’t be afraid to laugh, no more than we should fear to cry. We are the types of people who feel emotions very deeply. It defines us.
So for the record, I’d like to remind the universe that animal lovers are well-socialized, compassionate human beings with some of the most amazing hearts, endless drives to better the world, and an ironic self-awareness that is quite cognizant of the perception that other people may have of them. Which brings me to my last point:
3. We’re creepy, gross, and/or antisocial.
People who are not into animals seem to think that people who are live bizarre lives of antisocial activity in their smelly basements surrounded by cats because those are the only living beings they can tolerate. You know, this lady:
And I just point them to my friend Dorian at Your Daily Cute, who’s a traffic stopper even when she’s not out protesting Loews Hotels treatment of their feral cats.
Or Tamar from I Have Cat, a modern woman with impeccable style, and also cats.
Let me also remind you that Evan the surf instructor likes dogs:
(You’re welcome.)
And the list goes on and on. So no, being an animal lover is not a default place that sad and sorry humans regress to when the rest of humanity has rejected them. In fact, animal lovers make some of the best leaders (FDR), advocates (Jane Goodall), and humanists (Gandhi) the world has ever seen.
So to those who read about people helping animals and have the nerve to complain, I pity you. I pity that you do not see these people for what they are and what they have to give. And I feel sorry for you that you will will never be as great as they are.
Any other misconceptions I forgot to mention? I feel like I need a Top 10 List of Why Animal Lovers Rock to come out of this.
yes, thank you for that repost. Brody is sooo cute, Ok I was just trying to throw some dust there. Evan is fine. I have to agree, people who love animal are just as compassionate to people. Why would I not help animals? It take both humans and animals to have a complete biosphere – and we ARE animals, we just have developed far more than any other species on this earth. I don’t care if your viewpoint is evolution or creationism, because of our intelligence, we have to assume responsibility for the continued survival of all species.
I agree 100%!
“Compassion is a universal trait” – this sums it up pretty perfectly. Well, that and Evan 🙂 let’s not forget the awesomeness that is the lady standing next to the adorable golden in that photo. Showstoppers, all of you!
Aw, thanks. 😀
Please stop distracting us with hot dog-loving surf instructors when there is an important issue at hand. Evan is, I mean PET PEOPLE are, wonderful. Eff the haters. Sorry, I just cussed on your blog.
I didn’t think to ask him if he liked hot dogs. Probably. 😉
Thank you for describing the best parts of me (and for not mentioning the worst.). While it is true that some feel a selective compassion, my experience as a Crazy
Dog Lady is that caring is caring. Here’s my coat…
Caring is caring. SO true.
You made my day with the pix of Evan, YUMMY!
I get so much mileage out of that picture. lol
i’m just wishing i lived on your side of the country so that i could meet that surfer guy. 🙂
Any time! 😀
LOVE this post (and not just b/c i’m mentioned I promise!) . thanks for your message and for the shout out!
Of course! And thanks for being awesome.
What about that hot babe in the surfer pic?!? How YOU doin’?
Great post. And so true. This is such an awesome topic. I feel like I should piggyback and get on Catster about the new generation of crazy cat ladies/animal lovers. It’s totally acceptable and normal, but for some reason, that stereotype won’t leave us behind.
That would be awesome! I’d love to see that.
I would bet a million – if I had it – that those troll commentators don’t and won’t ever put themselves out for others or animals – ever. They’ll comment on starving people, but they’d never donate to a food bank, etc. and they’d tell them to get a job if they’re hungry…. hypocrites.
And yes, thank you so much for the eye candy – I can understand why Brody really likes to take surf lessons!
So true. I think genuinely compassionate people, the ones who do a lot to help people, respect those who help animals as well. As for Brody, I don’t even know how much he loved the surf lessons, but the rest of us did, so I think we need more. 😀
LOL – I just read some of the other comments….’Who’s this Even?? And where can I get one?’ and what were we originally talking about? LOL
Actually, it’s those kind of comments that show EXACTLY why I will donate my time & resources to animal charities over generalized people charities any day. I’d rather help an animal in need than someone that would write that type of drivel. And yeah, I like animals better than most people. 🙂
I can always count on you and Karri to stand up for the people haters. 😀 😀
I try to be consistent. 🙂
I hadn’t seen the Doritos ad before; I thought it was hilarious. Aaand..the comments below it were unfortunately mostly from those missing a funny bone. Can’t win them all.
I find it hysterical that, every time surfer-dude makes an appearance, he gets as many comments as the subject of the post (say I, sitting here fanning myself and scrolling back up for another look).
I know, right? Maybe I should make a point of going to the beach once a week and posting hot surfer dude of the week. With a dog.
This is the best idea I have heard all night.
Haters are going to hate.. and ‘pet people’ are easy to hate on because they have that stereotype. You go to posts about helping starving kids in Africa you hear them complain that we aren’t helping at home. You go to posts about helping kids at home and they are all like why aren’t you helping in my community.. and on those posts there are why are these welfare recipients taking my money?!? get a job.
There is no justification for them, there is no rationalization for what they do or say.. trolls are just in it to cause mayhem because they can.
Who’s that hot guy in the surfing photo? The one in the pink and orange? 😉
I ♥ trolls. Really, I do. They always remind me how grateful I am to live my life and to know the love and unconditional acceptance that one can get from a animal. I always imagine how sad it must be to live your life as the kind of person that leaves nasty comments on positive things. It must be awful to be that kind of unhappy all the time. Ironically, a pet might help them overcome those anger issues ;0)
I loved your Snooki! You did a super pawsome job!