I actually have an Ask Dr V segment I did yesterday that covered my favorite travel items I’m packing. I filmed it. Did I edit it? No. Am I out of time? Yes.
So, I guess I can just tell you, though that lacks a certain visual impact, that I refuse to leave without having my buff (of course), my quick dry undies (some places in Africa won’t launder women’s undergarments), my Steri Pen to kill any garbage in the water, and jelly bellies. A long time ago when I was running a lot and was lamenting that I thought Gu was disgusting, a friend told me to try jelly bellies instead for long endurance runs. I took them with me on a 8 mile hike in Hawaii and never looked back. It’s like a teensy popcorn flavored glucose injection. Viva la Jelly Belly!
Of course, I had to pack the jelly bellies last week because if either the kids or the dogs found them, I would no longer have jelly bellies.
Because I’m being random, here is a video of two dudes at a pizza joint in Utah knocking a cover of Toto’s Africa out of the park:
I fear some of you may not know this song. Don’t tell me, it will make me feel old.
My flight leaves at 8. Pray I don’t get a repeat of this:
So I can relax and enjoy this:
See you in two weeks! I will post if I can. Enjoy the Seven Deadly Sins while I’m gone, and keep the light on for me, ok?
Safe travels! Please take many pictures and no worries, I also know the song!
safari njema!!
that video was excellent! yes – I know that song.
It’s on my “car mix” CD. You’ll be happy to know my four-year-old just said, “Hey Mom! I know that song! That’s my song!” So, you see, Africa is for all generations. 🙂
wow! these guys are good! i love that their playing toto and one of them is wearing a rush t-shirt while the other has a jimmy buffett look to him. fits what i grew up with so don’t feel old 🙂
they’re not their, really should remember to proof my comments ~before~ posting.