OK, so first things first- yes, we surfed in our first competition and no, we didn’t win (the well deserved honors went to the always amazing Surf Dog Ricochet, as it should.) I will be posting about it when I get back later this week and I have the rest of the pictures. I always had a ton of respect for the So Cal Surf Dog group, but after seeing them in action in competition I love them all even more. As busy as everyone was with their own dogs, many of whom were in multiple heats, I saw Peter Noll taking the time to help out novices and getting out in the waves with them so they would have a good time.Β That’s the kind of people I was with today, who raised thousands of dollars for Helen Woodward and had a wonderful time with their dogs. Win, lose, who cares.
Iams was kind enough to not only sponsor me but provide me with my very own surfing assistant- and trust me, it would have been impossible without his help. That’s Surf Instructor Phil, but I like to think of him as Secret Surfice Agent Phil because as you can tell, he took his job way seriously. We owe all our success to him. Without the pressure of actually thinking we needed to be competitive, Brody and I went out there and had a great time. We looked better going in than coming out- the waves were pretty choppy- but nonetheless, we persevered. But anyway, more on that this week.
Speaking of things I get really passionate about: As you probably surmised, I’m really, incredibly excited about the work World Vets is doing. Last week, I officially joined up with them as the World Vets Media Spokesperson. The press release is here, but to sum up: HOORAY. I love this group and I can’t wait to get even more opportunities to get the word out about the amazing accomplishments of this organization.
I am so excited to be a part of World Vets in this capacity. Thank you Cathy!
And with that in the back of my mind, I’m heading out today to SuperZoo, one of the big pet retail trade shows in Las Vegas. It’s a great opportunity to see what’s up and coming in the pet industry for the holidays, and I’m looking forward to finding some gems to show to you all when I get back. Thank you Tagg for your help getting out there!
If you all can think of anything you want me to keep an eye out for while I’m there (the latest trends in skijoring equipment, perhaps, or what’s new in wall mounted cat beds) let me know and I will do my best to track it down.
Sounds like your dream job. Congratulations!
I hope to meet you on a future World Vets trip!
Wow, congratulations!!!
So happy to hear your affiliation with World Vets is official! They do amazing things, and you have a wonderful way of sharing their stories with all of us. Sounds like the perfect partnership π
Request for Super Zoo- varieties of cat food mazes/puzzles and companies that make them. I saw photos of some great ones at AVMA, but can’t find the really cool ones anywhere. (And I don’t mean the treat dispensers, I mean the ones where you put the daily ration of dry food in them.) Thanks! π
Love the “scenery” in the pic with you and Super Brode! And huge congrats on the World Vets gig!
As far as the SuperZoo, if you can find something that will help me to stop Oscar from barking without shocking the crap out of him, we’d both be eternally grateful…