It says right there on my FAQ that I don’t do book reviews. Not because I don’t like doing it, but because approximately two seconds after the review book arrives I start to get emails: “didyougetitdidyoulikeitwhensthereview” from the publishing house interns whose job it is to do things like that. Which is completely fine, except for the fact that I don’t read very quickly and I just couldn’t handle the pressure.
I will do book reviews, just as long as no one cares when I get around to it. Which brings me to this rare moment: telling you about two books I like enough to have read and now share. (Neither author, by the by, requested a review, so take heart that I really just actually wanted to share these with you.)
Both books revolve around dog safety, which with the Fourth of July coming around is very apropos.
1. 101 Essential Tips You Need to Raise a Happy, Healthy, Safe Dog by Jason Nicholas, BVetMed

Author: Dr. Jason Nicholas is better known round these parts as “The Preventive Vet“, because as a vet with a strong background in emergency medicine he strongly believes in- wait for it- preventive care. For all those people who continue to be convinced vets are all about the buck, I present to you an ER vet who is now spending his days trying to keep your pet out of the ER.
What I love: Dr. Nicholas distills a world of information into 101 easily digestible bite sized paragraphs (ha), organized by topic: digestive, toxic, traumatic, etc. The tips are written in a way that emphasizes not only what the problem is, but how to prevent it. Also: Dr. Nicholas is donating 5% of book proceeds to charity.
Who else loves it: Andrea Arden, Dr Ann Hoenhaus, Dr. Karl Jandrey.
Bottom line: If this book makes it into every new puppy pack and gift basket, I’ll be a happy camper. A perfect ‘how to’ manual to keeping your pets safe.
Where to buy: $9.95 directly from the Preventive Vet website.
2. The Safe Dog Handbook: A complete Guide to Protecting your Pooch Indoors and Out by Melanie Monteiro
Author: I met pet safety expert Melanie Monteiro last week when we were working on a piece for Sleepypod about car harness safety (and boy, talk about scary stuff there!) I asked her how she ended up in that line of work, and she told me after trip after trip to the ER while working as a puppy raiser for Canine Companions for Independence, she was inspired to learn more on the topic. Now that she’s mastered the field she teaches pet first aid and disaster response to pet owners.
What I love: Melanie talked to some of the best veterinarians in the field to research this book, and it shows. There’s not a page that doesn’t provide excellent, accurate information on how to recognize an emergency, and easy to follow first aid instructions. Also: easy to use index, beautiful color photographs, and spiral binding so it can lie flat while you’re looking up the well diagrammed safe restraint techniques. Oh, and the Boston on the cover doesn’t hurt either.
Who else loves it: VPI, Ellen Degeneres, Dean Koontz.
Bottom line: A thorough, easy to use, and beautiful book that provides life saving information as well as very helpful graphs, diagrams, and photos. I’ve never seen a reference book this usable.
Where to buy: Currently on sale at Amazon for $8.00.
Though the topics are the same, the approaches are very different and complement each other well. I debated offering them as a giveaway but after reading them I decided you will have to pry them out of my cold dead hands. Better yet, come to my house where they live side by side in harmony on my bookshelf, flip through them, and go buy your own. 🙂
If you have other must read summer books, please do let me know in the comments.
I think everybody should definitely read Speaking for Spot.
Dr. Kay is amazing. I love that book- what a great manual for how to effectively advocate for your pet.
Love that book too! Dr. Kay is fabulous!
Agreed @janarade:disqus. That is another wonderful book, and so important for people to learn how to best advocate for their pets.
Love the idea of a inclusion in a puppy welcome basket. Know a new puppy parent that it’s perfect for.
Will check these out.
Dr. Nicholas just told me he’s planning to offer a substantial wholesale discount for groups like rescues, clinics, and businesses. I think it’s a great fit for this book.
Thanks @7949ba8f019f856cc84fc1ff228d7ec2:disqus for considering my book for your friend. Even if they only read and implement one tip – they’ll thank you many times over 🙂 Have a great day!
Thanks so much for these suggestions. I have a veterinary medical book but it’s not very owner friendly in that much of it requires you to differentiate between “diagnosis” and being a lay person, that can be tricky! This preventative approach is MUCH more my style, fixing a problem is fine, NOT making one is BETTER!
Great post and timing. Loving the structure and the personal aspect of your reviews. Thanks for posting.