It’s National Dog Day, a day to celebrate the love and bond we share with our canine companions.
It’s hard to top. What could possibly be better than National Dog Day?
Having your birthday fall on National Dog Day. Especially if you’ve always proclaimed that dogs are pretty much the best thing ever. It is also, in a strange twist of fate that I cannot tell if it is coincidental or not, is also National hot dog day, which is a fact I’m not as excited about so I will choose to ignore.
But it’s my birthday! And the fact that it’s National Dog Day is a welcome distraction from the fact that I am now old enough that birthdays are officially depressing, so Brody and I are going to have a great walk and have some treats and I may, in a fit of generosity, even give him a bit of hot dog, even though I won’t partake myself because I watched that episode of “How It’s Made” and eew.
In another wonderful coincidence, just yesterday GoPro released their new Fetch dog harness. I’ve been waiting for this for years. Some of you may remember my failed attempts at Brody cam, when I actually commissioned a person on Etsy back when you still could do that to make me a helmet harness for the dog. He looked like a Spaceball. It didn’t work. So we waited, and finally, our patience has been rewarded.
Heck yes I have one. To make things even scarier my husband bought himself a drone for his birthday so we have all the tech. Brody cam is COMING. Be warned.
ETA: Have also just been informed that today is also Women’s Equality Day, a celebration of the 19th Amendment ratification on 8/26/1920. The day just keeps getting better and better!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Dog Day to Brody and OMG—that is the funniest video I think I have EVER seen!!!
Happy birthday! And yeah for Brody-cam! So excite, much wow 😀
Happy Birthday!!!
Brody does not look as excited as you sound. LOL Happy Birthday!
I know! He should be less apprehensive. It’s gonna be great. LOL!
Happy Birthday, Dr. V!
Happy Birthday! Lots of things to celebrate 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope your day was fabulous! And can’t wait until the Brodycam is up and running (no pun intended).
Happy Birthday and here’s to many more!!!! Can’t wait to see the Brody cam, he always seem to have such adventures, and to see them at his level oh what fun.
Happy Birthday for yesterday! Daisy and I didn’t find out about NDD until 7 p.m. last night. She feels cheated – missing out on a whole day of treats. So we are celebrating NDD today too!