Brody got his first Valentine today! Thanks Ashley and Pru! I hope you all are having a great day as well! I've spent most of it chasing the kids around making them put their chocolate up high. :) ... Read more »
Sonnet XVII
When I was in high school, I loved to write poetry. Sonnets, limericks, haiku, you name it, I did it. Something about the juxtaposition of the rigidity of the writing structure with the creative challenge of expressionistic thought was very appealing to me. I never said it was good poetry, though. That is why I majored in biology. These days, I limit my poetry to once or twice a year, and I present it with the clear disclaimer that it is bad poetry, which doesn't make it any better but at ... Read more »
C’est l’amour
Ah, Valentine's Day. A day for lovers and candies and cheesy Vermont Teddy Bears. A day for teenagers flush with first love to nervously make reservations at Olive Garden, grade-schoolers to anxiously choose the least mushy classroom Valentines exchange cards, and men the world over to grumble at the price gouging at the florist while simultaneously knowing they have no choice in the matter unless they want to sleep on the couch for a month. It's the lack of sincerity that makes it so ... Read more »
Product Review: Sleepypod Air and Crater Dot
Our product reviews have been heavily skewed towards the dog type items lately. When Sleepypod asked if I was interested in reviewing a couple of their cat items, Apollo started kneading and drooling all over the keyboard. 1. Sleepypod Air The Sleepypod Air is a carrier geared towards those who fly with a pet in-cabin, though it's obviously usable as a regular day-to-day carrier as well. Its claim to fame is the ability to compress length-wise from 22 to 16 inches, which would allow you to fit ... Read more »
A quick clarification
See, here's the problem with being a person who occasionally- just sometimes, mind you- engages in a wee bit of hyperbole, or perhaps an "original interpretation" of things to make a point: When you're being dead serious people still think you're kidding. In regards to the last post, I had several people comment in passing to the effect of "ha ha, you wacky vet you, that is a really silly Barbie trashy waitress outfit that you turned into a pretend actual Mattel product. Good job!" I could ... Read more »
The Trouble With Barbie 2
Most Barbies only come out once or twice: NASCAR Barbie, Astronaut Barbie, Spongebob Barbie, etc. But there are some that, for obvious reasons, keep coming back in multiple incarnations for each new generation of starry eyed little girls. This is why I have 5 versions of Pet Vet Barbie. The old ones weren't so bad. Why each successive one has been stranger and stranger is open to postulation, but even I couldn't explain what the heck Mattel was thinking with their latest offering of Pet Vet ... Read more »
2010 Brody Awards Ceremony
It's going to be low-key. I'm sure you all are hung over from your Super Bowl celebrating or whatnot anyway, so no gowns necessary. I tried to get Fergie to perform, but all I could get on this short notice was Pauly Shore so I figured we could do without the celebrities. ;) Thank you SO much to everyone who voted! Despite the many people who voted, some of the winners were only TWO votes ahead of the second place blog out of over 100 votes. Take that as a measure of the quality of all the ... Read more »
Meep meep
Brody's been a monster when it comes to counter surfing. At first it was annoying, then it became really annoying, but now it's gotten to Category 5. I actually had just consulted my trainer on Wednesday to see what she would suggest to stop this behavior. Obviously not leaving food on the counter would be the most easy solution, but I don't want to feel like I can't put a sandwich down, run to answer the door, and have it disappear. The final straw came this morning, when he got into a bunch ... Read more »
Posting Under the Influence
I had an allergic reaction to *something* today. I have no idea what. All I know is that at 4 pm, I broke out in hives and started to itch so badly it was physically painful. I looked in the mirror and was greeted with a rather horrific sight. The last time I looked like this, I had eaten an entire orange as a dare. I know I'm allergic to oranges, so it wasn't an entirely unexpected outcome and in fact I probably deserved it, but I hadn't eaten a single item of fruit today. After ruling ... Read more »
We’re all humans here
Part of being a professional is the expectation that we are to act, well, professionally. They don't teach a course on professionalism in vet school- it's one of those absorbed-by-osmosis things, I think. As far as I can tell, the best way to be a good professional is to pretend you are a Vulcan at all times. If anyone has a better trick please let me know. I'm at a loss for a better definition. It means not getting into fistfights in the parking lot. It means not wearing platform flip ... Read more »