A randomly timed post! We're wacky like that! Up for grabs is another of the yummy treat bags from Biscuits By Lambchop. Special Blogathon offer: 10% of any biscuit sale between now and midnight Sunday will be donated to my charity! I will count that as a donation for prize purposes. :D Just use the code "blogathon". To win, simply tell me what is the number 2 ingredient on the list of "Starlet" biscuits. ... Read more »
Hour 13: SuperBrode
In honor of the halfway mark, how about a Brody picture post? He revealed his superpowers to me (he has more than one! More on that later!) last week. (If you like what you see, please donate! And to those who have already, thank you so much! This is already way beyond my expectations!!!!!!) Meet Brody, mild-mannered Goldenbeast by day. Until he sees the beast-signal up in the sky! The Evil Boy Blunder has chucked a defenseless little puppy into the lake! He's in desperate ... Read more »
Housekeeping/Prize Patrol
Reminder: The amazing Becky at Casa Caudill has donated a one hour family photoshoot to the first Bay Area reader who donates $50. For more details and examples of her work, click here. Is there anyone I missed who has donated a prize I have yet to mention on the blogathon? (Still remember you, Lisa) I would hate to miss out on any fantastic-ness for the readers. Mid-hour post to catch up on the prizes that were given out overnight. Sleep deprivation fog and all of that. These are the ... Read more »
Hour 12: Cake or death
Dr. Janet asked me what sort of crafty stuff I like to do in my spare time. My first answer is, what spare time? And my second answer is, I find some spare time, and do stuff with my hands. I like doing stuff with my hands. My mother always thought I would be a surgeon for that reason. But as it turns out, I like doing things with my hands that don't involve a lot of bleeding and potential dying and stuff. There are two main types of docs, and if you watch Scrubs you will know exactly what ... Read more »
Hour 11: ER Dos and Don’ts, Part Deux
In Part 2 of the ER guest post, Dr. Baebler divides some of the most common emergency complaints into three categories based on degree of urgency. PART 2: DO I NEED TO GO INTO THE EMERGENCY ROOM OR NOT? Onto the meat of this post. Below are a list of signs/disease conditions and the urgency with which they should be attended: Get thee to the ER doctor ASAP (remember to call us to let us know you're on your way!): - Trouble breathing or choking - Trauma - obvious broken bones, open ... Read more »
Hour 10: The worst day ever
I think all of us can come up with a story about the worst day of our professional lives. I decided to get mine over with quickly. The worst day of my career was my very first one. It was the summer between my sophomore and junior year, and I decided to brave a rotation on the small animal internal medicine service. I had not done any rotations at the hospital at this point, and everyone else in my group was one year ahead of me in their training. While my rotation-mates ... Read more »
Hour 9: Emergency First Aid Kit
I had a request for a post detailing items one should maintain in a pet first aid kit. That's a great question. Your regular old band aids are probably not going to cut it if you have a furry bichon, right? Fortunately for me, because I haven't thought about the topic all that much, Dr. Janet has already created a thorough and excellent article on the topic of emergency first aid kits at AboutVetMed.com, and what one should maintain in them. Here's an excerpt: A pet first aid kit is the ... Read more »
Hour 8: All nighters versus school of hard knocks
I'm trying to recall the last time I pulled an all-nighter. It was the night before an anesthesia test, if I recall correctly. I was sitting on the couch with a stack of cards trying desperately to remember the effects on the respiratory system of propofol versus ket-val.I remembered it for a while, kind of. We spend a ridiculous amount of time in vet school memorizing facts, but there is nothing- and I do mean nothing- like experience to drive that point home. For ... Read more »
Hour seven: Giveaway!
Oh no! It's midnight. Good God, what was I thinking? So much more to go. In the depths of the night, I resort to haiku. I need more coffee If I am to have a shot At staying awake. I have a bag of treats from Biscuits By Lambchop for the first comment in haiku. (If you donated. :) ) About Biscuits by Lambchop: Biscuits by Lambchop hand-craft sensible treats for the sensitive dog. A healthy treat for most any dog but formulated with special dietary needs in mind. They are ... Read more »
Hour Six: The weirdest job ever
The thrill of live tv, as it were. I had this post written in its entirety, and then published an old autosave that lost the entire second half. This was supposed to be my hour 5 story. One of my requests was for me to continue the background story about going to veterinary school, which I started, did one post, and then never got around to finishing. I'm sure doing it in this context won't do the story much justice- I could write for quite some time on this one- but it will do. ... Read more »