There were so many wonderful responses to my post today about grief, and how you process it. It was amazing to see how many people came forward to share stories about the pets who were your heart- Blade, Chase, Mickey Mouse, Soldier, Bailey, Miles, Joe, Tony, Murphy, Ziggy, Baby, Hurley, Tina, Willow, Mary...Each one so important, a tiny pawprint who has left an indelible impression on your lives. I read each and every comment and could feel the strength of each and every person's love. Thank ... Read more »
I get by with a little help from my friends
When most people euthanize a pet, they cry. Some a tiny bit, some sob hysterically, and most get choked up and quietly let the tears roll down their face as they bid a shaky goodbye. Then they pull themselves sort of together and go home, where they really let go. At least, that's what I did. I assume most others do as well. Then you have the next day. If you're lucky, you have people around you who love you, who loved your pet, who understand and help you through your genuine grief. Life ... Read more »
Sunday Shout Out: Project Beatrice
Many of you have asked for an update on my post about Project Beatrice from the Humane Society of Tijuana. I am so happy to share with you the Friends of HSTJ website with the latest update: The house has made incredible progress and is already being drywalled and they are moving in soon! The website also has several updates with lots of fantastic pictures from earlier in the month. If you really want to have a good Sunday, check out the post featuring San Diego photographer Bryan ... Read more »
Spay’s Anatomy (featuring Pet Doctor Barbie and a special guest star)
Voiceover: Diagnosing a pet is like fighting a battle in the fog. Without their ability to tell you what's wrong, you don't know your enemy. Sometimes the fog is a mere hazy gauze, easily penetrated with our exam and our instincts, and other times it sits over the field like a big hairy blindfold. Well hello there, Miss Blake! What brings you and Lulu here today? Doctor, Lulu just isn't herself. I don't know what is wrong, but something is wrong. Any changes in appetite or drinking ... Read more »
You all were right
This morning, my daughter was following me through the house as I stumbled around in a half-asleep stupor. "I'm having peanut butter for lunch!" Brush teeth. "Uh huh." "Today I think I want to wear my pink shoes." Wash face. "Uh huh." "I had a dream about Spongebob last night." Pull on socks. "Uh huh." "I haven't seen Callie for a long time." Brush hair. "Uh huh." Then a screeching put on the brakes noise in my head. I sat down on the side of the tub next to my daughter, and ... Read more »
Where the wild things are
Brody must be going through a growth spurt. He's always liked food, but this past week he eyes it with a mania reserved for teenage boys eyeing the paper-wrapped magazines at the convenience store. When he sees me with the bowl, he starts to wag his tail, then his tail starts to wag him, then he starts jumping and spinning and salivating all over the floor. Only when he collapses in a hypoglycemic pile on the floor do I place the bowl next to him, where the food is inhaled in under 10 ... Read more »
Seeking shelter
As you can imagine, this job has its share of emotional stress. Everyone copes with it differently, with the frustration and the anxiety at not being able to do what you want to do. And you never can do ALL that you want to do. If you were to meet me now, after these years of practice, you might not think that I care. When I tell you in a neutral voice that I think your pet has cancer, or that your cat is blocked, or that your dog has a pyometra, it isn't that I don't care. I promise you, the ... Read more »
Um, about that 3 pets thing…
My husband asked me the other day if the kids knew Callie was gone. To be honest, I haven't brought it up. If this had been our first lost pet this year things might have been different, but after three confirmed deaths in a 7 month period, I think they need a bit of a break. Yesterday, someone asked my daughter how many pets we had. "Two cats, and one dog," she said. My husband and I looked at each other. "The black cat is Apollo, and the gray one with black stripes is Callie, and our dog is ... Read more »
I’m sure the neighbors love me
The puppy got in trouble chasing Cat around the house. so off we went to take a walk to let the kitty grouse. With collar on and leash attached full time for him to drag With lesson learned I set aside my stylish new poop bag. We stole a drink-or two- or three- from sprinklers on the corner; A busybody lady glared at me but we ignored her. And for the coup de grace we stopped at Old Man Johnson's yard; His pride and joy and us'lly manned with full time armored ... Read more »
Thursday Thank Yous
Here are three things that I love: 1. Dog bone collar charms. I have a weakness for beautiful handmade lampwork beads to begin with- my coworkers will attest to this, as I risk my earlobes every Christmas wearing big gingerbread glass earrings to work because I LOVE THEM SO. So if you take a glass bead, then make it something adorable like a dog bone- or a dog face- or the chickens- I am in love. Seriously, check out the chickens! I've never seen such cute poultry. *love* She made me love ... Read more »